• 这样推杆炉体摩擦力更小,推杆在通过炉体前非常灵活

    Therefore, friction between the push rod and the furnace body front wall is less and the push rod is very flexible when running through the furnace body front wall.


  • 再次旧车可以适当选用黏度稍大点机油增加活塞密封性

    Again the old car you can choose appropriate viscosity of older oil to increase the sealing performance of the piston and cylinder wall between.


  • 岩洞距离很小灌注混凝土这样钢罐不承受任何应力岩石和混凝土承受。

    The space between the rock walls and the steel tank was narrowed and filled with concrete so that all the stresses would be absorbed by the concrete and rock as opposed to the steel tank shell.


  • 本文力矩角度出发,得出了实现物料滚落状态,可以提高物料摩擦系数,并提出了具体方法。

    It was indicated that enhancing the friction between the material and the rotary kiln wall is easy to carry out the rolling motion from the aspect of force moment.


  • 在计算中,考虑了测针孔附加摩擦力,以及测针端部凸出压板表面高度实测结果的影响分别进行了修正。

    The effects of additional friction between pin and pin-hole and of the height of pin over the press-plate surface on the practically measured values was taken into account and their corrections were


  • 漂亮,铺软软的地毯,四洁白。凯瑟琳要是那么一该多好!

    A very pretty room, with soft carpets and white walls.catherine and I would love to have a room like that!


  • 教室色彩活泼家具它们包括所有存储厨房。

    Classrooms have furniture walls in lively colors, they contain all storage and a kitchenette.


  • 她们直接走进小小的客厅,这里给人感觉像是一昏暗牢房①。

    They had stepped directly into a tiny sitting room, which had the feeling of a dark, padded cell.


  • 厨房卫生供应品一些必要规范上要求处所,应该设有扶强材的钢质或者适当处安装绝缘

    Galley, sanitary spaces, provision spaces, and spaces where required by rules shall be of steel bulkheads with stiffeners or insulation bulkhead at suitable intervals.


  • 缺损处激光射频探头处理检查神经确认减压充分。去除工具和工作套管。

    The disc wall defect is treated with a laser and radiofrequency probe. The foramen and nerves are inspected to confirm successful decompression. The instruments and sleeve are removed.


  • 着眼打量了一下环境发现这是一文艺复兴风格的豪华卧室路易十六世家具装饰有手工墙面,还有一张宽大的四柱红木

    Squinting at his surroundings he saw a plush Renaissance bedroom with Louis XVI furniture, hand-frescoed walls, and a colossal mahogany four-poster bed.


  • 着眼打量了一下环境发现这是一文艺复兴风格的豪华卧室路易十六世家俱装饰有手工墙面,还有一张宽大的四柱红木

    Squinting at his surroundings he saw a plush Renaissance bedroom with Louis XVI furniture, hand-frescoed walls, and a colossal mahogany four-poster bed.


  • 试验结果表明冷却轧制铜冷却热态性能没有区别,冷却能力好,体与埋管没有气隙热阻。

    The result shows that there is no difference in thermal properties between cast copper stave and rolled copper stave. The cooling capacity of cast one is very good.


  • 目的探讨冠心病患者静息超声心动图室运动异常状动脉造影病变血管关系。

    Objective To investigate patients with coronary heart resting echocardiogram wall motion abnormalities and coronary angiography in the relationship between vascular disease.


  • 过渡步态规划实现机器人面向自动行走的关键问题之一对于其它相交面自动行走不可缺少。

    Transit gait programming is a key problem for a multi-legged robot to climb automatically from the ground up the wall, as well as between wall intersections.


  • 苯二作用加速固化用量应该控制在合适的范围内。

    The effect of the resorcinol is accelerating the solidification of the shells, and its amount must be appropriate.


  • 利用原子相互作用以及能量等效原理,得到了基于广义连续介质模型碳纳米管的本构关系。

    Based on the established relationship between the atomic potential and the macroscopic continuum strain energy density, analytical expressions for the tangent modulus tensors are derived.


  • 纤维环外层后侧板层连接力量可以解释大部分突出、脱出发生纤维环外层。

    Weak interlamellar cohesion of the outer posterior lamellae may explain why the majority of herniations remain contained as protrusions within the outer annular wall.


  • 结果显示扣带外侧识别中央标志,若出现壁间回则更易识别中央沟;

    The results showed that marginal ramus of cingulate sulcus and posterior ascending ramus of lateral sulcus are the landmarks for recognition of central sulcus.


  • 采用图象分析仪观察二期处理固化复合树脂窝洞密合度。

    This experiment investigated the microleakages between secondarily treated inlay and tooth cavity walls or between inlay and liner by means of image analysis instrument.


  • 综合考虑烟气传导对流辐射传热建立氧化铝熟料窑内传热模型

    According to the heat transfer of conduction, convection and radiation in between gas, kiln wall and clinker bed, established a one dimensional thermal model for the alumina clinker kiln.


  • 特别用于贮藏液态气体真空容器双层为真空,接触真空表面

    An insulated container used especially to store liquefied gases, having a double wall with a vacuum between the walls and silvered surfaces facing the vacuum.


  • 种源木材密度力学强度差异显著,管胞长、宽和厚的差异均显著且高于种源间的差异。

    Meanwhile, there were not significant differences in wood air dry density, mechanical strength and cell wall percentage of intra provenance.


  • 肺气肿情形下,肺泡扩张肺泡形成超出其限度的空气

    In emphysema, the alveolar walls are enlarged, and large air Spaces have formed where the alveoli should be.


  • 研究存在滑移时刚性圆盘塑性介质的挤压流动

    Squeeze flow between two parallel disks is considered for small gaps for rigid-plastic material with partial wall slip.


  • 目的观察胸膜皮孔形态结构阐明胸膜腔内物质的吸收途径

    Objective to explain the routes of absorbing particulates in the pleural cavity by observing the morphosis structure of the mesothelial stomata.


  • 目的观察胸膜皮孔形态结构阐明胸膜腔内物质的吸收途径

    Objective to explain the routes of absorbing particulates in the pleural cavity by observing the morphosis structure of the mesothelial stomata.


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