• 最后分别分析了材料性质截面长宽比、管长壁厚最终变形模式影响

    Moreover, the influences of material property, section properties, tube length and thickness to ultimate deformation modes are studied respectively.


  • 进而分析管道裂纹止裂长度初始裂纹速度裂纹驱动力(也即裂纹扩展)的影响

    Meanwhile, the influences of pipeline internal pressure, wall thickness, crack arrest length and initial crack velocity on the crack driving force (crack propagation) are further studied.


  • 探讨了影响注射成型塑料制品收缩变形一些因素,提出了对实际生产有指导作用的建议

    Several factors affecting on contraction deformation of thick section injection moulding articles were investigated. Some practical proposals were given.


  • 利用模型,研究腐蚀速率缺陷深度管道壁厚工作压力等因素管线可靠性影响

    The effects of corrosion rate, defect depth, thickness of pipe and operation pressure on pipeline reliability were investigated with this model.


  • 因此弯槽钢焊接组合截面构件而言,确定稳定承载力考虑焊接残余应力冷弯残余应力共同影响

    So for thick-walled double channels with welding composite section, the combined effects of the cold-formed and welding residual stresses shall be considered to assure the stability bearing capacity.


  • 采用实验研究数值模拟方法,分析工件预加工孔径和孔型参数对筒体翻工艺的影响

    Influence of the workpieces pre-hole diameters and passes on thick-wall cylinders hole flanging is investigated by experiment and numerical simulation.


  • 实践证明,不圆度壁厚不均套管挤强度的影响是相当可观的。

    Practice shows that both ovality and eccentricity affect the casing collapse resistance obviously.


  • 采用有限元分析不均缺陷膨胀套管性能影响

    The influence of wall thickness nonuniformity on the property of the expandable casing is analyzed by the finite element analysis.


  • 本文介绍了压力容器再热裂纹产生机理分类特点探测方法影响因素预防措施等。

    The mechanism of the reheat cracking in thick-walled pressure vessels, its classification, features, detection methods, influencing factors and precautions are described.


  • 分析影响中小直径电焊钢管质量因素提出了相应解决措施

    This paper analyses the factors that affect the welded thick- wall steel tubes with middle or small diameters, and provides with corresponding solutions.


  • 通过实验影响变化的主要因素作数学回归,建立简便实用壁厚回归模型对于现场生产有着重要指导作用使用价值。

    Practical wall thickness model has been established by regression on major effect factors, and it plays an important and practical role in actual production process.


  • 研究表明石油套管生产过程中产生的误差一定程度上影响套管强度

    Researches show that the pipe wall thickness deflection occurred during the pipe manufacturing could influence the intensity of the casings to some extent.


  • 最后利用所得研究了材料中间应力效应拉压强度差效应圆筒安定极限压力影响

    Finally, the influences of the intermediate principal stress and the strength-difference on the shakedown limit pressure of the thick-walled cylinder are investigated by the present solution.


  • 摩托车曲轴箱体加强直接影响结构强度

    The wall thickness and strengthen muscle of motorcycle crankcase box influences its structure intensity directly.


  • 分析了缩、缩径凹半锥摩擦系数、缩径管坯初始管端翘曲向伸长率的影响规律

    In addition, this paper presents how the diameter reducing rate, the die semicone angle, the friction coefficient and the original wall thickness influence the buckling and the axial elongation rate.


  • 充分固情况下不同对时效影响不大

    In the case of solution treatment adequately, the variation of wall thickness almost haven't any effect on aging.


  • 通过实际生产弯头调研,分别考察热推、冷工艺对弯头壁厚改变影响

    In the investigation of wall-thickness formed in the actual manufacture process, the variation of thickness in hot-bending and cold-bending were compared.


  • 最后分析了材料性能相对壁厚旋压性能影响

    Finally influence of material properties and relative thickness of roller is analyzed.


  • 试验表明,树脂体系初始黏度制品最终影响较大,体系凝胶速率对制品壁厚均匀影响较大。

    It was suggested that in the rotational molding, the initial viscosity controlled the wall thickness of the product and the gel rate controlled the uniformity of the wall thickness.


  • 通过分析影响产品毛坯质量诸多因素确认毛坯超差主要影响因素

    It is confirmed that the excess of semi-finished product wall thickness difference is the main influence factor through the analysis of the factors that affect the semi-finished product quality.


  • 结果表明间歇性淹水对池杉木材形态的径向变异规律影响,即不论有无间歇性淹水,池杉木材管长度直径,皆是自心向增加趋势

    The results showed: from pith outward, the tracheid length and diameter and cell wall thickness of Taxodium ascendens wood with or without intermittent flood all increased.


  • 利用有限元证实了高压成形三通可行性给出不同轴速度下零件的应变分布,并就向进给速度成形影响进行了分析。

    The feasibility of hydroforming tri-branch tube is proved by FEM. The corresponding thickness and strain distribution of different axial feed velocity on the simulation is analyzed.


  • 依据实验结果回归方程影响空心变化主要因素做了分析讨论。

    According to the experimental results and the regressive equation, analysis for the main factors how to influences the wall thickness of hollow workpiece rolled by cross wedge rolling is presented.


  • 探讨了单裂缝与均布裂缝情况下,裂缝深度、裂缝形状、裂缝数目等特性参量裂缝尖端附近奇异影响

    The effect of crack depth, crack shape, wall thickness ratio, the number of cracks etc. on singular stress field near the crack tip is investigated.


  • 第三第四讨论波浪影响壁厚对薄构件稳定性影响

    The third chapter and the forth chapter discuss two problems, the first is the analysis of infection under the shape wave, the second is the stability of the thin-wall structure.


  • 反向成形过程中板料先接触模具部位对零件的壁厚影响较大

    The thickness effect of the part is greater while the sheet contacts the die earlier.


  • 文章简要介绍了作为哈龙替代品SQ灭火剂的特点,实验方法研究反应器形状、反应器及导流SQ灭火剂速的影响规律,并分析了产生这种影响的原因。

    Effects of wall thickness of duct and reactor as well as reactor's shape on combustion rate of SQ fire extinguishing agent are studied by experiments.


  • 通过仿真分析正交优化设计可知保险杠构件壁厚影响吸能能力主要因素

    Simulation analysis and orthogonal optimal design indicated that thickness of the bumper 's components is the main factors affecting the energy-absorbing ability of the bumper.


  • 在内荷载作用计算了含半椭圆裂纹弯管塑性极限荷载研究了其影响参数变化规律

    Under just one loads of internal pressure, this article calculates plastic limit load and studies the law of changes with influential factors.


  • 在内荷载作用计算了含半椭圆裂纹弯管塑性极限荷载研究了其影响参数变化规律

    Under just one loads of internal pressure, this article calculates plastic limit load and studies the law of changes with influential factors.


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