• 不过对于递归函数使用人们关心一个问题空间增长

    However, one concern people have with the use of recursive functions is the growth of stack space.


  • 从前看到所生成任务复杂性组成任务的阶段数量,在使用具有柱状测试或者函数规则时会增长

    Previously, you saw that the complexity of the generated job, and thus the number of stages composing the job, increases when you use columnar tests or functions with a rule.


  • 真正的收入劳动力增长工时生产力函数

    Real incomes were a function of things like growth of the labor force and productivity per work hour.


  • 函数增长式说明。

    Implicit declaration of function increment.


  • 是因为推测函数通常被多次调用,所以CLR允许内联函数可以增长原始调用大小5大。

    Because the function will presumably be called a lot more often, the CLR is allowed to inline functions that are up to 5 times larger than the original call site.


  • 例如,前面描述的 print_report_i函数GCC 3.4 中使用-O2 进行尾部调用优化编译因此运行时使用的的大小固定的而不是线性增长的。

    For example, the print_report_i function described earlier compiled with tail-call optimization using -O2 on GCC 3.4 and therefore runs with a stack-size that is constant, not growing linearly.


  • 专家研究者中,一般假定直接函数训练增长经历丰富见识增长,专家成绩得到提升

    Among investigators of expertise, it has generally been assumed that the performance of experts improved as a direct function of increases in their knowledge through training and extended experience.


  • 我们低估影响改变能力因为我们低估了指数函数增长

    We underestimate our capacity to effect "change", because we underestimate the growth of exponential function.


  • 文中使用一个全局准则函数控制决策增长

    A global criterion function is used to control the growth of the decision tree.


  • 虽然每一个数据结构conj 函数反应稍稍不同list头部增长vectors 在尾部增长,等等),但是它们支持相同API

    Each data structure behaves slightly differently in response to the conj function (lists grow at the front, vectors grow at the end, and so on), but they all support the same API.


  • 通过增长理论框架内对-道格拉斯生产函数略作修改本文构造了一个FDI内生技术进步模型

    An FDI-induced endogenous technological progress model is constructed by making slight changes to the Cobb-Douglas production function in the context of the endogenous growth theory.


  • 这里三次样条函数参数几何意义沿曲线路径单调增长距离

    The geometric meaning of the parameter is the mono increasing distance along the curve path.


  • 损失函数研究了增长曲线模型误差方差非齐次二次型估计的可容许性问题。

    The admissibility of non-homogeneous quadratic form estimate of variance on the growth curve model was studied under quadratic loss function.


  • 新古典经济学理论依据完全可替代生产函数基础上构建了基于区域消费波动经济增长分析模型

    With neo-classical economic theory as basis, an analysis model of regional consumption instability and regional economic growth is constructed based on complete substitutable production function.


  • 构建总量生产函数建立经济增长模型关键

    The constructing of aggregate production function is the key of establishing economic growth models.


  • 社会经济发动机模型SEEM基础上提出了经济主体对于经济增长速度经济剩余效用函数

    On the basis of Social Economic Engine Model (SEEM), this paper proposes the utility function of economic unit regarding to the speed of economic increase and surplus first.


  • 本文研究了一个含公共开支的部门内生经济增长模型,其生产函数具有一般形式

    The paper develops a two sector endogenous economic growth model with the most general function forms for physical and human capital accumulation involving government services.


  • 本文利用包含人力资本生产函数农业经济增长影响因素进行了实证分析。

    Using production function incorporating human capital, this paper makes empirical investigation to the factors influencing agricultural economic growth.


  • 给出了所有系列强度应变动态增长因数应变之间函数关系,求出各自的应变率临界值

    Moreover, the functions between all ranges of strength, dynamic strain increase factor and strain rate are gained, and respective strain rate critical values are concluded.


  • 算例给出扰动幅值增长形状函数演化曲线机翼机身边界层稳定性进行了分析和研究。

    In the examples we get some evolution curves, such as the growth rates and shape functions, which are used to analyze the stability problems for the boundary layers of the fuselage and the wing.


  • 随着增加,不同构件的数量均具有线性生长规律,不同构件的生物量均具有函数增长规律。

    With the increase of tuft size, the number of different modules was in a linear isogony growth, while their biomass was in an power allometry growth.


  • 如何科技进步进行定量测度目前测量科技进步模型很多如柯布-道格拉斯生产函数模型、增长速度方程

    How to make a quantitative measure for the progress of science and technology? Now, there are many model for this problem, Cobb Douglas production function model, the growth rate equation and so on.


  • 内联非常成员访问函数减少代码内联一个非常函数代码戏剧性增长

    Inlining a very small accessor function will usually decrease code size while inlining a very large function can dramatically increase code size.


  • 本文根据教育知识经济中的作用教育引入生产函数探讨了教育经济增长贡献

    The paper discusses the function of education in Knowledge Economy and brings educational inputs into the production function to discuss the contribution of education to economic growth.


  • 本文交换经济考虑使某种总体效用函数尽快增长单调轨线存在性

    This paper considers the existence of monotone trajectory for a pure exchange economy, in which one requires that some total utility function should rapidly grow.


  • 得到了超越函数超越亚纯函数复合增长两个结果

    In this paper, we obtained two results of composition growth of transcendental entire function and transcendental meromorphic function.


  • 索罗模型进行了较为深入的研究:由中性技术进步生产函数出发,推导索罗增长速度方程

    Delves into the Solow model in three aspects: Deriving the Solow Growth Equation from production function of neutral technology development;


  • 采用改进科布·道格拉斯生产函数模型,定量分析了人力资本湖南经济增长之间关系

    This paper focused on the relationship between human capital and Hunan economic growth by utilizing modified Cobb-Douglas production function.


  • 采用改进科布·道格拉斯生产函数模型,定量分析了人力资本湖南经济增长之间关系

    This paper focused on the relationship between human capital and Hunan economic growth by utilizing modified Cobb-Douglas production function.


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