• 希望获奖者能将有趣日本漫画带到自己国家让更多人喜欢,同时增进我们的友谊,”小泽征尔说道

    "I hope those who received awards today will convey to others in their home countries what is interesting about manga, and will also look to expand the circle of friendship," he said.


  • 目的就是祝贺生意成功增进我们之间友谊增进我们两个公司之间的合作友谊

    My purpose is that congratulates business 'success, promote the friendship between us, even the friendship and cooperation between two companies.


  • 希望本次论坛能够就我们盼望已久文化交流旅游卫生环境教育领域的合作达成共识,增进我们人民之间的友谊

    It is hoped we will make consensus on the cooperation on culture, tourism, health, environment and education. And the friendship will be enhanced for people of the two nations.


  • 增进人民友谊,密切两领域合作我们共同愿望,符合两两国人民的根本利益

    To enhance the friendship between the two peoples and promote bilateral cooperation in all fields is our common aspiration and in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples.


  • 我们热忱欢迎五大洲朋友们共襄一盛举共同谱写增进相互了解友谊新篇章

    We warmly welcome friends from all around the world to participate in this great event, and to compose a new chapter of promoting understanding and friendship with us.


  • 友谊增进快乐减轻痛苦因为倍增我们喜悦分担我们的烦恼

    Friendship can improve happiness, relieve the pain, because it can multiply our joy, share our troubles.


  • 友谊增进快乐减轻痛苦因为倍增我们喜悦分担我们的烦忧

    Friendship can increase happiness, relieve the pain; because it can multiply our joy, sharing our worries.


  • 希望这次晚会可以使我们机会无所拘束了解彼此增进个人之间的友谊

    I hope this party will give us an opportunity to get to know each other better in a less formal way and to increase personal friendships.


  • 友谊增进快乐,减轻痛苦因为能倍增我们喜悦分担我们的烦忧。

    Friendship can improve happiness, pain relief; Because it can multiply our joy, share our CARES.


  • 我们贵国访问必将增进国人民友谊

    Our visit to your country will certainly further the friendship between our two peoples.


  • 我们一直寻求增进两国友谊,加强文化商业联系巩固重要战略伙伴关系我们贵国访问正是秉持信念的体现。

    Our visit to your country is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build up the strength of our friendship, our cultural and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship.


  • 我们真诚地希望通过本届论坛成功举办使与会各方进一步增进友谊增强信心凝聚共识、加强合作

    We sincerely hope that the success of this high-level forum will enable us to enhance friendship, strengthen confidence, build consensus and consolidate cooperation.


  • 我们这个地球村”,国之间需要更多增进交流了解城市与城市之间需要搭建起更沟通、交流和友谊桥梁。

    In this global village, countries need greater exchanges and understanding and cities should have more Bridges of communication and friendship.


  • 茫茫人海中我们相识相逢又分离。我们友谊超越时空,不断增进

    In the vast sea of people we are acquainted but have to bid farewell for the time being. May our ever-increasing friendship transcend time and space.


  • 通过相互学习、相互交流我们加深了解增进彼此友谊

    It is mutual study and communications that have enhanced understanding and promoted friendship between us.


  • 目的就是祝贺生意成功增进我们之间友谊增进我们两个公司之间的合作友谊

    My purpose is that congratulates business' success, promote the friendship between us, even the friendship and cooperation between two companies.


  • 5希望这次晚会可以使我们机会无拘无束的了解彼此增进个人之间友谊

    I hope this party will give us an opportunity to get to know each other better in a less formal way and to increase personal friendship.


  • 通过教育担负的共同责任希望我们之间增进彼此友谊

    And I look forward to strengthening the friendship between our countries through our Shared commitment to education.


  • 此外来访增进我们友谊

    Besides, his visit strengthened our friendship.


  • 希望这次晚会可以我们极好的机会可以无所拘束了解彼此的情况,增进个人之间友谊

    I hope this party will give us an excellent opportunity to get to know each other better in a more informal way and develop personal friendships.


  • 现在至超同队员身着T恤短裤骑行海南,这样不仅能够减掉秋季学期囤积体重,还能增进彼此间的友谊。南至超说:“我们现在比以前更加了解彼此,甚至比共同生活几个月还要好。”

    Now in Hainan, nan's team is pedaling around in T-shirts and shorts, shedding some of the weight they gained during the fall semester, and strengthening the bond of their friendships.


  • 我们平时忙于各自的工作几乎没有时间下来交谈希望这次晚会可以我们无所拘束地相互沟通,增进友谊

    We are so busily engaged in our work that we have virtually little time sitting down and talking to each other.


  • 我们希望通过此次参与世博会美国,让我们努力能成为增进美中两人民之间友谊纽带

    Through our participation in the USA National Pavilion and the Expo, we hope to help strengthen the bonds between the people of the United States and the people of China.


  • 我们希望通过此次参与世博会美国,让我们努力能成为增进美中两人民之间友谊纽带

    Through our participation in the USA National Pavilion and the Expo, we hope to help strengthen the bonds between the people of the United States and the people of China.


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