• 上周一系列骤发洪水泥流巴西里约热内卢附近拉纳山地区爆发,建筑道路被破坏

    Last week, a series of flash floods and mudslides struck the Serrana mountain region near Rio DE Janeiro, Brazil, destroying buildings roads and more.


  • 作为该片执行制片人,蒂代表辛纳特拉遗产授权斯科影片中使用父亲所有著名歌曲,因此她的意见有着巨大的影响力

    As the executive producer who has granted permission on behalf of the Sinatra estate for Scorsese to use all of her father's famous songs, it is Tina's opinion that could hold sway.


  • 他们居住纳拉甘湾沿岸地区,也就是现今沃里克金斯区域居住片区域的大批土著部落最大的一支。

    They inhabited the area along Narragansett Bay from present-day Warwick to South Kingstown and were the largest of a number of native tribes living in the area.


  • 帕诺亚格其他部落欧洲持续领土扩张进行抵抗1675年,殖民者们之前保持中立的纳拉甘特人发起进攻

    The Wampanoag and other tribes made a stand against the Europeans' continuing territorial expansion, and in December 1675 the settlers launched an attack on the previously neutral Narragansetts.


  • 鉴于艾伦.拉姆杰克.威尔谢尔潜力,温格考虑萨米尔.纳斯里离开阿森纳

    The potential of Aaron Ramsey and Jack Wilshere gave Arsène Wenger the confidence to let Samir Nasri leave Arsenal.


  • 对于他自己来说威廉姆斯学会了阿尔冈琴代表罗德其他殖民地特和其他部落进行协调而建立了声望。

    For his part, Williams learned the Algonquian language and became renowned for his role as a peacemaker with the Narragansett and other tribes on behalf of Rhode Island and other colonies.


  • 马西米拉诺·阿莱格里(米兰主帅)现在带领米兰意甲联赛中场比赛本周六他们迎战

    Massimiliano Allegri's side, however, remain without a win in Serie a after three matches and they play host to Cesena this Saturday.


  • 花上一天时间游览佩鲁贾戈迪博尔华丽大学城。

    Take day trips to the gorgeous university town of Perugia and the Lago di Bolsena.


  • 阿根廷足协的国家队秘书路易斯·古拉称,迭戈·马拉多纳已确认下周二出任阿根廷主教练

    Diego Maradona will be confirmed as the new Argentina coach next Tuesday, according to the Argentine Football Association national team secretary Luis Segura.


  • 古希腊地理学家斯特拉波曾公元前25年到过埃及。 他提到马格纳城所举行有可能是祭祀西斯盛大的公众庆典

    The geographer Strabo, who was in Egypt in 25 B.C., mentioned that Taposiris staged a great public festival, most likely in honor of the god Osiris.


  • 无关小事如何将我们吸入深渊》,作者是佛罗里达大学安纳•宾夕法尼亚大学乔纳伯杰

    I recently stumbled upon a working paper, “Decision Quicksand: When Trivial Choices Suck Us In,” by Aner Sela (University of Florida) and Jonah Berger (Penn).


  • 签约发布会上,拉姆预测他们将全取以及焕然一新的阿森纳会重回胜利

    And with a host of new signings in contention to make their debuts, Ramsey anticipates three points and a return to winning ways for a new-look Arsenal.


  • 巴萨罗纳维利亚曾经是社会党的强力支持者,然而社会党在此次选举失去两座城市控制权,同时还是去了两座城市:拉曼查和亚拉贡

    The Socialists lost control of traditional strongholds like the town halls of Barcelona and Seville, and the regional governments of Castilla La Mancha and Aragon.


  • 考古证据显示纳拉甘特印第安所在地区三万多年以前就成为殖民地得岛

    Archaeological evidence places Narragansett peoples in the region that later became the colony and state of Rhode Island more than 30, 000 years ago.


  • 人目前正在进行第四合作影片禁闭》(Shutter Island)的收尾工作,明年斯科会投入辛纳特拉传记片的制作中。

    The two are putting the finishing touches to Shutter Island, their fourth film together, before Scorsese turns his attention to making Sinatra next year.


  • 咨询的首席执行官纳塔拉詹•钱德拉·卡兰(Natarajan Chandrasekaran)过去三个月里访问了遍布世界各地的100多个客户表示他们坚决果断。

    Natarajan Chandrasekaran, TCS's chief executive, has visited more than 100 customers worldwide in the past three months and says they are resolute.


  • 到1676年4月殖民者已经击败了纳拉甘特人,杀死了Canonchet

    By April 1676, however, the settlers had defeated the Narrangansett and killed Canonchet.


  • 苹果发言人纳塔利-奎拉(Natalie Sequeira)表示:“这些传言不是真实的。”

    "These rumours aren't true," said Apple spokeswoman Natalie Sequeira.


  • 由于纳留斯的诞生翡翠梦境产生了一阵波动,伊瑟拉马上就注意到了

    When Cenarius' birth sent a ripple through the Emerald Dream, Ysera took an immediate interest in him.


  • 影片一开始·维托·莱昂责备朋友梅里戈·博纳没有早一点寻求帮助,向那些伤害阿梅里戈女儿混混们讨回公道

    In the opening scene, Don Vito Corleone admonishes his friend, Amerigo Bonasera, for taking so long to ask for help in seeking justice against the hoods who harmed Amerigo's daughter.


  • 阿美里格·伯纳·跟着根,走房子角落那个房间里面去,发现教父正坐在一张桌子后面

    Amerigo Bonasera followed Hagen into the corner room of the house and found Don Corleone sitting behind a huge desk.


  • 我们两个认识已经很多年了,”伯纳,“但是直到今天从来没有这里咨询什么事情,或者是请求帮助

    "We have known each other many years, you and I, " he said to the undertaker, "but until this day you never came to me for counsel or help.


  • 阿隆·拉姆身着红白战袍重整旗鼓回到阿森纳一个关心兵工厂人感到由衷的高兴。

    Aaron Ramsey back in an Arsenal shirt was a welcome sight for everyone associated with the Club.


  • 等待的伯纳·耐心点,然后了迈克尔·科里昂女朋友那里去了。

    He told the waiting Bonasera to be patient and went over to Michael Corleone and his girl friend.


  • 如果有人成为这种诚实敌人那么就是的敌人。”老爷子举起胳膊指着伯纳拉,“相信他们害怕的。”

    If by some misfortune an honest man like yourself made enemies they would become my enemies"--- the Don raised his arm, finger pointing at Bonasera--- "and then, believe me, they would fear you.


  • 知道佐纳科特让希姆拉深感恐惧

    He knew Zonama Sekot was something Shimrra deeply feared.


  • 得到了一回快乐听觉开始拉古纳卡摩托车转速月球几年的比赛,皮肤后爬20分钟

    I got the pleasure of hearing one start up and rev to the moon at the Laguna Seca MotoGP race a few years back, and my skin crawled for like 20 minutes afterwards.


  • 拉姆定律”是与英超球员阿隆拉姆相关一系列巧合只要这位阿森纳优秀的年轻球员一进球,紧接着一天内就会有知名人物死亡

    Aaron Ramsey's Celebrity Death Goal Curse refers to a series of coincidences linked to League team Arsenal's Aaron Ramsey that when Ramsey scores a goal, someone famous dies.


  • 拉姆定律”是与英超球员阿隆拉姆相关一系列巧合只要这位阿森纳优秀的年轻球员一进球,紧接着一天内就会有知名人物死亡

    Aaron Ramsey's Celebrity Death Goal Curse refers to a series of coincidences linked to League team Arsenal's Aaron Ramsey that when Ramsey scores a goal, someone famous dies.


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