• 这位法国后卫因为巴布罗·萨巴莱发生冲突,他周六开始为期三场的停赛。

    The France defender begins a three-match suspension on Saturday because of an altercation with Pablo Zabaleta.


  • 曼城主帅承认想不到有哪支队伍在第一轮2:0落败后还能翻盘,而且基辅经验老到,在过去的7场欧罗巴联赛中未尝败绩。 特维兹不会首发,萨巴莱也因私事离队。

    The City boss admitted he cannot recall ever turning around a 2-0 first-leg defeat, and


  • 萨巴莱周一回到训练场尽管飞机当天早上到达曼彻斯特

    Zabaleta returned to training on Monday despite his flight only arriving in Manchester in the morning.


  • 许多人认为巴莱同伴不过是傀儡

    Many see Mr Zabaleta and his PALS as puppets of gunmen.


  • 因为对阵曼城的比赛中因为巴布罗·萨巴莱的冲突,这位法国后卫周六开始为期三场的停赛。

    The France defender begins a three-match suspension on Saturday after being sent off against Manchester City in midweek following an altercation with Pablo Zabaleta.


  • 整整一个星期,街道到处是打鼓摇旗贝西克球迷,这个球队赢得土耳其超级联赛击败来自伊斯坦布尔的对手内巴切加拉萨雷

    All week the streets have been full of drum-banging, flag-waving fans of Besiktas, who have just won the Turkish football league, beating their big rivals from the city, Fenerbahce and Galatasaray.


  • 不过现在父亲已经脱离重症监护,今天萨巴莱已经回归训练场并且能够周日面对桑德兰的比赛中出场。

    But, with his father now out of intensive care, Zabaleta returns to training today and should be fit to face Sunderland on Sunday.


  • 巴萨代表通过流畅传接配合发挥强大的团队精神这点很好地体现哈维·赫尔南德斯最近伤愈归队的安德列斯·伊涅斯的身上。

    What Barcelona stands for, the collective spirit of sharing the ball through fluent, rhythmic passing and movement, is embodied in Xavi Hernández and the suddenly rejuvenated Andrés Iniesta.


  • 父亲经历了车祸,萨巴莱立马回家陪伴在其床边。不过现在已经回归,帮助曼城教练曼奇尼缓解现在的后卫荒。

    PABLO ZABALETA aims to solve Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini's defensive crisis – after returning from a mercy dash to his sick father's bedside.


  • 这位教练谈话时,巴萨年轻球员们正在打一场比赛他们比赛对手被击得落花流水,他们的父母欣喜和殷切的眼光看着他们,希望他们能成为一个梅西伊涅斯

    The Barca youngsters playing in front of him as he speaks are, however, demolishing their opponents, to the delight of admiring parents who hope their sons are the next Messi or Iniesta.


  • 弗格森承认因为梅西,因涅斯哈维的存在让巴萨长一段时间难以被撼动

    Ferguson admitted that Barcelona would be difficult to beat so long as their star players Messi, Andres Iniesta and Xavi Hernandez remained in their ranks.


  • 巴博罗·萨巴雷哈维尔·加里多两名边后卫不是助攻型,但在他们却没有可以传球的对象,因为埃弗顿球员站位都非常好,截断了他们向前传球的路线。

    Pablo Zabaletta and Javier Garrido, passive full-backs, were deprived of passing options when in possession with Everton's players positioned expertly to deny them a get-out forward ball.


  • 如今Ruiz已届73岁,西班牙北部管理自己的教练学校在评价梅西、哈维伊涅斯获得2010金球奖提名时说:“巴萨能占据金球奖前三有两个原因。”

    Now 73 and in charge of his own coaching academy in northern Spain, Ruiz said: "There are two reasons why Barca had three Ballon d'Or nominees" in 2010 in Messi, Xavi and Iniesta.


  • 听证会上曼城认为下扎巴莱是一次错判,而监管委员会同意了他们的看法。在那场比赛,扎巴莱阿森纳边后卫巴卡莱·尼亚因发生冲突双双直接罚下。

    A Regulatory Commission hearing upheld City's claim for wrongful dismissal after he and Arsenal full-back Bacary Sagna were both sent straight off.


  • 只收到了2个公司邀请,而不是20个是俄克拉荷马州尔萨附近石油提炼厂另一个路易斯安那州鲁日的Ethyl公司。

    Instead of having twenty job offers, I got two: One from an Oklahoma oil refinery near Tulsa and another from the Ethyl Corp. in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


  • 巴普蒂斯赞赏巴萨比赛风格以及同胞罗纳尔迪尼奥技术

    Baptista is an admirer of Barca's style of play and the skills of compatriot Ronaldinho.


  • 西班牙预审法官巴尔萨伽宗提出越权的指控,后者是一名好斗法官

    An investigating magistrate in Spain ordered Baltasar garzon, a campaigning judge, to face trial for overstepping his powers.


  • 由于伊涅斯卡特私交好,因此巴萨相信切尔西有可能打出张人情牌引进这名中场球员。

    Because of this Iniesta is understood to be very close to Ten Cate - who Barcelona believe could use their relationship to tempt him away.


  • 自从2014年来到北京之后,每年春节萨巴·阿里·埃尔·布就会买一个毛绒动物玩具。

    Since arriving in Beijing to study in 2014, every Chinese New Year Sabaa Ali El-Tayeb has bought a stuffed toy animal.


  • 即使赞布罗意大利明星巴萨并没有太多的上场机会,反而是贝雷适合西甲

    Zambrotta does not always have a chance to play at Barcelona. Even if he is considered a star in Italy, Juliano Belletti is more suited to the Spanish game.


  • 西班牙媒体巴萨担心英超巨人切尔西将会将他们核心球员之一伊涅斯带到斯坦福桥。

    Reports in Spain suggest that Barca fear an approach from the London giants for one of their prized assets.


  • 蓝军一度由于莫的乌龙球而取得领先但是特里的乌龙埃托奥头球巴萨2:1取得第一回合比赛的胜利。

    The Blues still managed to take the lead thanks to a Thiago Motta own goal, but a John terry own goal and Samuek Eto 'o header gave Barca a 2-1 victory after the first leg.


  • 阿雅据说是出生于公元476年,一个今天喀拉拉邦(印度西南部)阿萨·玛卡的印度市镇上出生。

    Aryabhatta is said to have been born in 476 a. D. at a town called Ashmaka in today \ s Indian state of Kerala.


  • 当地电台报道暗示拉波尔萨维奥拉回到巴萨提供次机会,前提是兔子必须降薪。

    Local radio reports suggest that Laporta has offered Saviola the chance to resurrect his Barca career, if he accepts a reduced contract.


  • 已经加盟了佛罗伦萨同时图拉姆赞布罗加入巴萨了。

    Adrian Mutu has joined Fiorentina, while Barcelona have netted both Lilian Thuram and Gianluca Zambrotta.


  • 巴尔德斯的出场数(411)今天超越了传奇门将苏比萨雷,也超越了巴萨历史

    Victor Valdes today exceeds goalkeeper Andoni Zubizarreta and more competitive games (411) in the history of Barcelona.


  • 伊涅斯承认如果马斯加入巴萨众将们很欣喜。

    Andres Iniesta admits Barcelona players would love for Liverpool midfielder Javier Mascherano to join them.


  • 接着还试阴谋利用一个人类法师罗宁以及同伴来接近那些兽人以把阿莱克斯出格瑞姆巴托。

    He then tried to maneuver a human mage, Rhonin, and some of his companions in a complicated plot to get the orcs to move Alexstrasza and her eggs out of Grim Batol.


  • 接着还试阴谋利用一个人类法师罗宁以及同伴来接近那些兽人以把阿莱克斯出格瑞姆巴托。

    He then tried to maneuver a human mage, Rhonin, and some of his companions in a complicated plot to get the orcs to move Alexstrasza and her eggs out of Grim Batol.


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