• 伊哥波塔米战役,斯巴达海军开赴他们所向披靡地方

    After the Battle of Aegospotami, the Spartan navy sailed where it pleased unopposed.


  • 但是不会因此而忽视诸如哈维伊涅斯塔之类的其他选手他们好的球员能够以一己之力改变比赛的进程。

    But I would not underestimate the other players they have like Xavi and Andres Iniesta, they're really good players who can produce good performances in the vital games.


  • 上赛季仅仅踢了正式比赛,随着梅克斯塔伊沃到来,赛季格里留给这位边后卫的空间进一步压缩。

    He started just three games last term, and with the arrivals of Philippe Mexes and Taye Taiwo, space in Massimiliano Allegri's side had become further limited this season.


  • 上赛季仅仅踢了场正式比赛,而随着梅克斯塔伊沃到来,赛季格里留给这位边后卫的空间进一步压缩。

    He started just three games last term and with the arrivals of Philippe Mexes and Taye Taiwo space in Massimiliano Allegri's side had become further limited this season.


  • 而且哈维伊涅斯塔法布雷加斯阿隆索这些人为这位射手输送炮弹,肯定得到理论上跟多机会

    And with players like Xavi, Iniesta, Fabregas and Alonso delivering the killer passes, he's sure to get more than his fair share of chances.


  • 几个其它名字出现,包括阿施塔特斯塔神。

    She was also known by several other names, including Astarte and Istar.


  • 西班牙巴塞罗那队中,极富想象力伊涅斯塔实用主义者哈维中场进攻多个位置上相得益彰,成为球队中场一前一后黄金搭档。

    So multifunctional as to be capable of slotting into just about any midfield or attacking job, Iniesta is the creative counterpart to Xavi's pragmatism in Barcelona's and Spain's golden tandem.


  • 特别是荷兰西班牙的阵型其实并不平衡—西班牙经常让伊涅斯塔侧翼中场球员位置持平,同时比利亚则在另一边伺机同进攻队员做配合。

    Spain and Holland, in particular, played lopsided systems - Spain often had Andres Iniesta on one flank, level with the midfielders, and David Villa on the other, looking to connect with the strikers.


  • 伊涅斯塔曾小罗替补如今加泰罗尼亚甚至整个西班牙一刻也离不开伊涅斯塔。

    Coming up as Ronaldinho's understudy, Catalunya and all of Spain now shudder at the thought of life without Iniesta.


  • 哈维伊涅斯塔一对中场搭档,构建俱乐部国家队的中场发动机连接周围的短传配合。

    Along with Andres Iniesta he makes up the superb engine room for club and country, connecting the dots between those around him with his infallible short passes.


  • 当然,还有斯内德欺骗性创造力一点也不逊色于西班牙猛将哈维伊涅斯塔

    And, of course, the guile and creativity of Sneijder who is every bit a peer to the Spanish supremos Xavi and Iniesta.


  • 位于伊斯塔帕拉帕的警察总部已经装备了直升机以及快速反应小组以应对各种状况。

    Across the city in Ixtapalapa, the police’s main operating base in the capital is now equipped with helicopters and rapid-response teams.


  • 事实上伊利诺伊州伊塔斯加声学,这家2003年起制造MEMS麦克风的公司,在去年成为一家出货量突破十亿大关制造商

    Indeed, last year, Knowles Acoustics of Itasca, Illinois, which has been making MEMS microphones since 2003, became the first manufacturer to have shipped a billion of the devices.


  • 他们故事交杂马利克的哥哥阿里故事,阿里正在沿海邦特兰自治区寻找离家出走继子塔克斯里伊尔。

    Their story alternates with that of Malik’s brother, Ahl, who is searching in the autonomous coastal region of Puntland for his runaway stepson, Taxliil.


  • 伊涅斯塔、法布雷加斯一样托雷斯也是带伤参加本次世界杯,而如果换作其它的赛季,他肯定是迫不及待地要求休息调整了。

    Torres, like Iniesta and like Cesc Fàbregas, were carefully nursed toward this tournament after injuries that in any other summer would cry for rest and recuperation.


  • 曾经就此发表过观点。来说,哈维伊涅斯塔梅西,他们来自另一个星球球员。”穆里尼奥在接受媒体AS的采访时说。

    "I have already spoken on this issue. For me, Xavi, Iniesta and Messi are players from another planet," the los Blancos mastermind told AS.


  • 巴萨代表通过流畅传接配合发挥强大的团队精神这点很好地体现哈维·赫尔南德斯最近伤愈归队的安德列斯·伊涅斯塔的身上。

    What Barcelona stands for, the collective spirit of sharing the ball through fluent, rhythmic passing and movement, is embodied in Xavi Hernández and the suddenly rejuvenated Andrés Iniesta.


  • 当然,巴塞名出色的前锋佩德罗大卫.维拉中场哈维.埃尔南德斯伊涅斯塔塞尔吉奥.布斯克兹和阿尔维斯能轻易比赛出色表现。

    In Pedro and David Villa, Barcelona has two top strikers, and midfielders Xavi Hernandez, Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets and Dani Alves are easily the top midfield in the game.


  • 这位教练谈话时,巴萨年轻球员们正在打一场比赛他们比赛对手被击得落花流水,他们的父母欣喜和殷切的眼光看着他们,希望他们能成为一个梅西伊涅斯塔

    The Barca youngsters playing in front of him as he speaks are, however, demolishing their opponents, to the delight of admiring parents who hope their sons are the next Messi or Iniesta.


  • 斯塔夫罗金和伊万•卡拉玛·佐夫实际生活中检验荒谬的种种真实

    Stavrogin and Ivan Karamazov try out the absurd truths in practical life.


  • 截止中场休息哈维凯塔布斯克特伊涅斯塔就已经完成了153脚传球而国米中场大将只完成50次

    By the break, Xavi, Keita, Busquets and Iniesta had played 153 passes; Inter's midfield four had barely made 50.


  • 这场黄牌充斥,比赛双方饱受犯规困扰世界杯决赛当中,伊涅斯塔西班牙队英雄

    In a foul-plagued World Cup final, Andres Iniesta was the big hero for Spain.


  • 这样基里洛夫斯塔夫罗金和伊万失败了。

    Thus Kirilov, Stavrogin, and Ivan are defeated.


  • 一般而言,住巴塞罗那以外孩子14岁搬到那里伊涅斯塔这样球员以前患了思乡病,好在很快就安定下来

    Typically, boys from outside Barcelona will move there at 14. Players like Iniesta recall being homesick. Thankfully, he soon settled.


  • 喀布尔北部伊斯塔立夫(Istalif)买了一些地。

    He bought some land at Istalif, north of Kabul.


  • 儿子、萨尔瓦铁拉公爵卡耶·塔诺·马丁内斯·德·伊鲁霍周前称,见了母亲追求者3。他认为母亲不该嫁人因为承担着历史责任。

    Her son Cayetano Martinez DE Irujo, the Duke of Salvatierra, said just a few weeks ago he had only met his mother's suitor three times and she shouldn't marry because of her historic responsibility.


  • 如今Ruiz已届73岁,西班牙北部管理自己的教练学校在评价梅西、哈维伊涅斯塔获得2010金球奖提名时说:“巴萨能占据金球奖前三有两个原因。”

    Now 73 and in charge of his own coaching academy in northern Spain, Ruiz said: "There are two reasons why Barca had three Ballon d'Or nominees" in 2010 in Messi, Xavi and Iniesta.


  • 帕切科说:“摄影帮助冲破一切障碍不断产生各种疯狂点子。”最近刚刚才登上了伊斯·塔西·瓦特尔——墨西哥城附近座5230(17159英尺)高的火山

    "It has helped me to break barriers and to keep having crazy ideas," said Pacheco, who recently climbed to the top of Iztaccihuatl, a 17, 159-foot (5, 230-meter) volcano near Mexico City.


  • 帕切科说:“摄影帮助冲破一切障碍不断产生各种疯狂点子。”最近刚刚才登上了伊斯·塔西·瓦特尔——墨西哥城附近座5230(17159英尺)高的火山

    "It has helped me to break barriers and to keep having crazy ideas," said Pacheco, who recently climbed to the top of Iztaccihuatl, a 17, 159-foot (5, 230-meter) volcano near Mexico City.


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