• 通过装箱堆场不同结构设计方案进行优化分析提出一般情况下的堆场结构可选择型式的建议。

    Based on the analysis of alternative structural design schemes of container yard, this paper puts forward Suggestions on feasible structural types of container yard under general condition.


  • 通过装箱堆场消防系统设计分析,结合工程实例装箱堆场消防设计优化提出建议

    This paper puts forward some suggestions on fire fighting of container yard based on the analysis of water fire-fighting system design of container yard combining with some engineering cases.


  • 介绍大连港403装箱堆场工程地层结构特性以及地基处理所采取措施

    The stratigraphic structural characteristics of soft foundation of Dalian Port 403 Container Yard Project and measures taken for foundation treatment are introduced.


  • 寻求能够自动生成装箱堆场作业计划方法使得堆场使用作业更为合理有序

    The research is to find a method to make operation plans for container yards automatically, which makes the use of container yards and operations more rational and well ordered.


  • 本文首期工程装箱码头结构堆场道路结构及装卸工艺设计特点简要的介绍。

    A brief introduction of the design characteristics of container wharf structure, storage yard road structure and handling technology of Sanshan Port First-phase Project is presented.


  • 介绍京唐港装箱码头堆场采用水泥稳定砂砾垫层施工过程质量检验结果

    The construction process of cement and sand - gravel cushion for the container terminal storage yard, Jingtang Harbour and the quality inspection results are introduced in the paper.


  • 喷注浆加固装箱堆场跑道具有可靠性质量,工沉降特点

    Rotary grouting method for foundation consolidation under the runway beams of container storage yard is characterized with good reliability, high quality and little sedimentation after construction.


  • 山区河流装箱码头前沿高程后方集装箱堆场高程不可能一致,集装箱码头陆域运输不但要完成集装箱水平输送而且要完成装箱在场内的垂直提升

    Elevation of wharf apron is different from that of back container yard in mountainous rivers, so, land transportation consists of both level conveyance and lift of containers.


  • 本文第1章是基于国内外前辈研究基础上港口装箱堆场进行了介绍以及港口装箱堆场未来需求进行分析

    In chapter 1, based on the researches done by the predecessors, container yard to the ports were introduced, as well as the analysis of the future port container yard needed.


  • 轨道装箱门式起重机目前国内外非常推崇的一种集装箱堆场机型我国港口铁路货场越来越多地选用这种机型。

    Rail mounted container gantry crane is very popular container stack crane, and more and more port and railway stack choose this crane.


  • 装箱后方堆场装箱重箱空箱进行交接、保管堆存场所

    Behind the container the dump site the container heavy box or hollow box carries on the place which the connection, takes care and stores up.


  • 主要内容包括:第一部分首先阐述了我国港口现状以及装箱堆场概念功能其运作程序

    The main works are: Firstly, the paper expounded China's port status and container yard concept, function, operation procedures.


  • 现有国际先进装箱码头各种装卸工艺相比能够显著提高堆场的装卸效率,大大降低运营成本

    Comparing with currently advanced automation technology in the world, it can improve greatly the yard handling efficiency and reduce remarkably the operation cost.


  • 装箱码头装卸设备选型主要包括装卸船设备水平运输设备及堆场装卸设备的选型,工艺布置主要包括码头前沿作业带、堆场分块及道路布置等。

    Selection of the handling equipment types of container terminals includes type selection of ship-handling equipments, horizontal transportation equipments and storage yard handling equipments.


  • 提供堆场装箱详细堆存信息图形显示

    It has also provided the intuitionistic graphic display of the information of the container.


  • 拥堵装箱堆场寻求最佳箱位分配理论实现方法,使得倒箱作业尽量减少。

    The research is to find the theory and method of optimal storage allocation in a jammed container yard in order to minimize re-shuffling.


  • BP神经网络预测了进出堆场未来装箱数量

    Furthermore, the number of the container in the yard in future has been predicted by BP annual network method.


  • 应用于某堆场实现了装箱高效管理

    It has been applied to the yard and implemented the effective management in the yard.


  • 经过部分功能性测试证实,解决方案可以应用冷藏装箱堆场船舶的温度监控中。

    After partial functional testing, the solution can be applied to refrigerated containers' monitoring in the yard and the ship.


  • 而且中小码头由于货源较散,操作人员经验临场指挥很难达到理想的效果导致中小码头集装箱堆场的翻箱处于一个较高水平

    Spot alone the experience of the operator command, it is difficult to achieve the desired results. Leading to medium and small sized port's shift rate at a higher level.


  • 通过自动化无人堆场,可以实现装箱多次装卸,一次拼”高效作业模式

    The efficient operation mode of "many times′ handling and one-time collection" is realized.


  • 因此,现有泊位、水平运输机械水平一定的情况下,装箱泊位通过能力装箱堆场通过能力是制约集装箱码头通过能力的瓶颈。

    This study starts with the container port through capacity, and raises the current problem by means of discussion on the queuing theory for container port through capacity.


  • 我国生产装箱世界生产量的95%以上,传统手工装箱堆场管理已经适合现状的要求。

    The quantity of Container made in China occupies 95% of manufacturing amount in the world. Traditional manual methods used for its management can't have been invalid now.


  • 铁路装箱货场龙门起重机配置问题,就是堆场配置一定数量龙门起重机,配合集卡为进场的货车提供装卸服务。

    Simulation is an effective means when planning the operations of container yard and in the process of loading and unloading.


  • 除了装箱运输装箱码头外,东方海外全球经营一些堆场仓储装箱卡车运输公司

    In addition to its containerized transportation and container terminals, OOCL also operates a number of depots, warehouses and trucking companies throughout the world.


  • 装箱码头的堆场部分可分为前方堆场和后方堆场,其主要作用为集装箱提供临时的集中堆存

    Container yard isseparated into marshalling yard and container yard, which its main effect is provided thetemporary place to store.


  • 装箱码头的堆场部分可分为前方堆场和后方堆场,其主要作用为集装箱提供临时的集中堆存

    Container yard isseparated into marshalling yard and container yard, which its main effect is provided thetemporary place to store.


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