• 这个研究浮现出来网络就是我们熟知Internet基础期间开发出来协议就是TCP/IP协议

    The networks which emerged from this research became the basis for what we know as the Internet, and the protocols developed during this time became known as the TCP/IP Protocol Suite.


  • 诺贝尔大会表示这些研究帮助奠定今天网络社会基础。”

    The Nobel assembly said the research "helped to shape the foundations of today's networked societies."


  • 一项研究,一半以上发电厂其他关键基础设施经营者他们电脑网络手段高超的对手渗透

    More than half of the operators of power plants and other "critical infrastructure" say in a new study that their computer networks have been infiltrated by sophisticated adversaries.


  • 斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡学院宣布奖项获得者时,诺贝尔委员会这些研究工作有助于奠定今日网络社会基础”。

    Announcing the prize at the Karolinksa Institute in Stockholm, the Nobel assembly said the researchers' work "helped to shape the foundations of today's networked societies".


  • 故障注入系统作为舰载计算机网络系统仿真平台一个功能模块待测系统的可信性测试分析提供研究基础

    Fault injection system is a function module of the shipboard network system simulation platform, and it offers the studying foundation for dependability assessment of the tested system.


  • DICOM医学影像系统领域中的标准,DICOM也是研究开发具有网络连接功能,实现信息资源共享新型医疗仪器技术基础

    DICOM is a standard in the field of medical image system, and also is a technological foundation of developing new model medical equipment with inter-connection and sharing information resource.


  • 反馈神经网络进行研究,在分析现有混沌神经网络工作原理基础上,提出一种新的混沌神经网络模型

    The study of the feedback neural network, the analysis of the work principle of Hopfield neural network lead to a neural network model with chaotic character .


  • 本文主要研究内容网络信息探测技术建立在信息探测基础上的安全评估方法

    The main research content of this paper is network information detection technology and network security evaluation method.


  • 其次介绍常用入侵手段网络入侵检测系统研究现状基础讨论当前入侵检测技术面临的挑战和发展趋势展望。

    Secondly, on the basis of introduction to the normal intrusion methods and state of art of network IDS, contemporary challenges and trends are discussed about IDS.


  • 基础对三地大学生在网络广告引起态度认知行为等方面进行了比较研究

    On this basis, we did comparative study on their attitude, cognition and behavior caused by internet advertisement.


  • 论文分析各类神经网络基础着重研究RBFNN删除冗余属性方面的研究

    The paper have studied RBFNN research in deleting redundant attribute emphatically on the basis of analyzing all kinds of neural networks in thesis.


  • 本文研究智能家居系统结构工作原理介绍X10电力线载波技术关键部分基础设计网络控制器

    This paper presents the structure and principle of intelligent home system. It introduces the pivotal parts of X10 communication technology, and give the design of controller based on it.


  • 课题工作进一步深入策略驱动的网络管理研究提供了良好的基础

    Work in this thesis sets up the foundation for further research on policy-based network management.


  • 移动代理在入侵检测中的应用”国家基础研究项目网络攻防技术子课题内容之一

    Mobile Agent Based Intrusion Detection System (MABIDS) is one sub-subject of "Network Attack and Defense Technology", a national fundamental research project.


  • 本文研究目标就是现有网络设施计算机设备基础建立纯软件系统解决这一问题。

    This paper aims to build such a software system on existing network and computer equipment to find a solution to it.


  • 论文首先网络环境下企业技术创新过程组织理论基础进行研究

    Firstly, this paper analyzes the theoretical bases of enterprises' technological innovation process organization.


  • 第二部分理论上讨论了动力大地测量网络数据库系统基础知识数据模型研究网络数据库系统的特点工作模式以及主要技术

    The second part discussed the theoretical knowledge and data models of DGNDBS; studied the feature, work model and main technique of the network database system.


  • 调控植物器官形态大小遗传网络及其生化基础研究

    Genetic network and biochemical basis in the control of organ shape and size.


  • 基础提出了今后输电网络优化规划研究方向。

    The trends of research in transmission network expansion planning are also proposed.


  • 本文在分析传统整合模式缺陷基础研究模块化网络整合各个子系统模块组织整合模式。

    Base on the analysis of the disadvantages of traditional organization, the paper try to propose that modular network is the most efficient organization for these modular systems.


  • 研究结果青少年网络成瘾行为体育干预的进一步深入研究提供基础,也将为探索青少年网络成瘾行为干预方法提供视角

    This research can be the base for the further investigation on teenagers' IAD and offer a new visual Angle for find new methods of intervention on teenagers' addiction behavior in the Internet.


  • 作为网络安全研究基础计算机系统脆弱性发现应对等相关工作始终网络安全研究焦点之一

    As the foundation of the study on network security, how to discover and handle computer system vulnerabilities have always been one of the focuses of the field.


  • 将人工神经网络理论算法应用双辉离子研究对人工神经网络训练基础上,建立了离子碳工艺与渗层性能预报数学模型

    On the basis of the training of network, the mathematics model on the relationship between double glow plasma carbonizing and prediction of properties is built.


  • 公路功能通过公路网来体现所以论文公路功能的研究建立对公路网络系统研究基础的。

    The function of highway is present through the network of highways, so the study on the function of highway is set up on the basis of studying about the network system of highway.


  • 拓扑建模进行网络性能研究基础

    Network topology modeling is the foundation of network performance research.


  • 系统建模进行研究基础之上,通过对通信网络仿真软件OPNET层建模机制网络建模、节点建模、进程建模进行研究

    This article studies the three modeling mechanisms of the OPNET based on the research of the system modeling: the network modeling, the node modeling and the process modeling.


  • 神经网络非线性逼近能力研究神经网络成为辨识模型理论基础

    The theory of identification model based on neural networks(NN)is to research into its capability of nonlinear approximation.


  • 神经网络非线性逼近能力研究神经网络成为辨识模型理论基础

    The theory of identification model based on neural networks(NN)is to research into its capability of nonlinear approximation.


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