• 测试驱动的方法开发一个测试框架不是一点挑战没有完成基础工作后,会非常之顺利

    Developing a test framework in test-driven way isn't without its challenges, but once you have the basics working it goes surprisingly smoothly.


  • prototype社区已有工作基础JumpShip数据模型提供难以置信功能强大的数据结构,可以整个框架中起作用。

    Based on the work done in the prototype community, the JumpShip data model provides an incredibly powerful data structure that works throughout the entire framework.


  • 凭借高性能潜力MongoDB可以作为信息基础框架缓存很好的工作

    With its potential for high performance, MongoDB works well as a caching tier in an information infrastructure.


  • 诸如BEATIBCOMicrosoft这样公司提供了最少工作构建应用程序框架这些框架使用XML作为表示信息基础

    Companies such as BEA, TIBCO, and Microsoft offer frameworks for building applications, with a minimum of effort, that use XML as the basis for expressing information.


  • 对于岗位体系基础较差组织,在引进ECDS体系需要进行系统的组织岗位体系梳理工作才能保证体系框架合理性有效性

    In order to ensure that the framework of the system is reasonable and effective, it is necessary to organize the system of posts before the introduction of the ECDS system.


  • 介绍清华大学图书馆关于电子图书数据研究工作内容包括工作基础、元数据框架元数据模块分析、元数据的操作问题等。

    This paper presents some research work about ebook metadata at Tsinghua Library, including the groundwork, ebook metadata framework, analysis of the main metadata modules and their interoperability.


  • 精益建造理论基础,从减少施工质量管理工作浪费的角度出发,提出了一个新的质量控制概念框架

    Abstract: In this paper, a new conceptual framework is put forward based on lean construction theoretics and reducing wastes in construction quality control.


  • 基础上,结合基于CORBA功能封装代理技术,建立适应性工作系统框架

    Based on the model and agent technology and the function encapsulation of CORBA technology, an adaptive workflow framework was built.


  • 介绍了主动式协同平台框架及其工作原理,并框架基础,实现了一个主动式协同平台原型系统

    A framework of active collaboration platform and its work principle are introduced, on the basis of which a prototype of active collaboration service platform is constructed.


  • 通过现有工具基础研究分析系统需求分析,得出评估引导系统整体框架工作流程

    By studying and analyzing the present tool bases as well as the needs of the evaluation guide system, the thesis makes clear of the whole frame of the evaluation guide system and the working process.


  • 课题研究任务做好拟人足球机器人基础研究工作构建起拟人机器人总体研究框架后续研究工作奠定基础

    My task is to do the basic research work on the humanoid soccer robot and construct the whole study frame in order to build the foundations for the future work.


  • 框架实现工作驱动机制基础信息系统能够快速开发整合

    The framework can achieve the workflow driving mechanism, and based on which the information system can be developed and integrated quickly.


  • 基础建立了柔性工作的系统框架

    Based on the model, a flexible workflow framework was built.


  • 框架网格资源管理基础进行改进,全局、局部资源管理分别与工作引擎技术相结合

    The frame has been improved on the basis of grid resource management. It can merge global or local resource managements and layer workflow engine into an integrated system.


  • 城市基础测绘多用方法不但能够提高工作效益经济效益同时可加快地理空间基础框架架设

    The method of a map for multi-purpose of urban basic surveying and mapping will not only im- prove work efficiency and economic benefits, but also accelerate the erection of geo-spatial framework.


  • 阐述气动凿岩机虚拟样机设计的框架结构工作流程模型构建方法,并在基础进行了参数化设计与运动仿真的研究。

    The frame construction, the work flow and the three dimensional modelling method of pneumatic rock drill based on virtual prototype technology were elaborated.


  • 研究部分充分回顾总结前人工作基础上,本文提出一种尺度融合特征检测算法框架适应不同应用场景。

    In the methodology part, after a comprehensive literature review, we present an algorithm framework of multi-scale feature detection and fusion for different applications.


  • 公司各级管理者法律法规框架,维护公司利益维持正常工作秩序作为工作基础

    Under the frame of laws and regulations, administrative supervisors in different levels should regard keeping the interest and normal work order of the company as the basic of their work.


  • 总结国内外应急救援标准工作基础上,本文提出了我国安全生产应急救援标准体系框架以及标准制定的原则和重点。

    On the bases of emergency standards of domestic and foreign countries, this paper discussed the framework of the emergency standards and the principle...


  • 这些组件核心一个基于MVC模式框架其他功能组件以此框架基础进行协调工作

    The core of these components is a framework extended from the MVC model on which the other function blocks are based.


  • 本文主要工作就是在HMM框架基础上,推导适用线弹性问题多尺度计算方法HMM-FEM。

    The heterogeneous multi-scale method with finite element method in each multi-scale, or HMM-FEM, was derived using the philosophy essence of HMM and can be used in linear elastic problems.


  • 本文主要工作就是在HMM框架基础上,推导适用线弹性问题多尺度计算方法HMM-FEM。

    The heterogeneous multi-scale method with finite element method in each multi-scale, or HMM-FEM, was derived using the philosophy essence of HMM and can be used in linear elastic problems.


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