• 无需基础固定

    No foundation seat and fixed.


  • 知识想象房子需要一个坚实基础建造的房子。

    Think of knowledge as a house, you need a solid foundation on which to build your house.


  • 关于这项工作行业客户积极反应基础波音公司开发1982年767飞机第一玻璃

    As for this work, based on a positive response from industry customers, the Boeing Co. developed the first glass cockpit for its 767 aircraft of 1982.


  • 因为英国作家杰姆斯·希尔顿1933年出版小说,在所写的“消失的”香格里拉山谷基础使用香巴拉这个概念,这片与世隔绝山区却是文化智慧宝库

    For his 1933 novel, British writer James Hilton used the concept of Shambhala as the basis for his "lost" valley of Shangri-La, an isolated mountain community that was a storehouse of cultural wisdom.


  • 关于这项工作,行业客户的积极反应基础上,波音公司开发1982年767飞机第一玻璃

    Based on that work and a positive response from industry customers, the Boeing Co. developed the first glass cockpit for its 767 aircraft in 1982.


  • 一个看起来越来越管理时代城市不是国家将成为统治岛屿未来世界秩序建立在城市基础

    In an age that appears increasingly unmanageable, cities rather than states are becoming the islands of governance on which the future world order will be built.


  • 因此狮子处女和谐共处完全建立相互妥协基础之上的。

    Therefore, the compatibility of Leo and Virgo is completely based on compromise.


  • 要想持续性地重新打造城市必须拥有持续增长的人口稳定不断扩大就业基础合理有效的管理机制。

    To reshape a city in a sustainable way, you need to have a growing population, a solid and expanding job base and a relatively efficient city administration.


  • 然而,印度的基础建设水平偏低很多酒店业管理人员都抱怨说,印度酒店经过繁琐的程序花费很长的时间

    But infrastructure there remains poor, and industry executives complain about the dozens of permits and time needed to set up a hotel.


  • 好像刚给摩天大楼做了一个奠基基础,”VolkerBromm,他是德克萨斯大学天文系副教授,也是一篇合作文章作者

    It is like laying the foundation of a skyscraper," said Volker Bromm, Assistant Professor of Astronomy at the University of Texas, Austin and the author of a companion article.


  • McCollough查找了整个目录基于鲸鱼们各自截然不同形状颜色斑纹基础上,她培养出了辨别技能

    McCollough scoured the catalogue and developed an expertise for identifying humpbacks based on their distinct shape, color and markings.


  • 位负责“狄更斯世界”工作人员他们将英国东南部的特郡建造以英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯生平作品基础主题公园

    A theme park based on the life and work of author Charles Dickens is to be built in Kent, one of the men behind "Dickensworld" says.


  • 金牛希望她们发动爱情攻势不是真的无怨无悔地付出没有事业、没有经济基础男人,她们一眼愿。

    Tauruss wants to be loved. They will launch love offensive, but not without really paying. No career, no economic basis of men, they even look at all not.


  • 住宅工作室基础只用砂浆简单的处理了一下,能使基础热量冷凝系统加热地板得到最大利用

    The foundation of the two living houses was finished simply with mortar to most efficiently use the floor heating by foundation heat condensing system as well as the atelier.


  • 巨蟹天蝎双鱼今天可能会收到延迟到来金钱某个文件,成为改善收入基础

    For Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces people - today you may receive money which has been delayed or a document that will be the foundation of your improved income.


  • 本文现场实际经验为基础重点介绍了轴承锥套和衬三个轴承中关键件清洗检修技术

    Based on worksite practice, the paper introduces Cleaning and Overhaul Technology of the chock, bushing, sleeve which are the key parts in the oil film bearing.


  • 卧式床身基础构件用来支承床头箱、拖板

    The horizontal bed is the foundation member which supports the headstock, tailstock, and carriage.


  • 原来光具测量透镜焦距装置基础CCD代替人眼接收器时,正确判定焦面实验的关键。

    Linear CCD is used as receiver on behalf of eyes on the basis of originally experimental equipment measuring the focal length of lens.


  • 理想国主要目的,建立和谐城邦,其基础概念正义也可以说是要协调个人社会,及陈述达成目的的方法。

    The aim of the Republic is to establish a harmonious city, based on a conception of justice that, so to speak, harmonizes the individual and society, how to achieve that.


  • 在对微小型体零件结构分析基础,制定了基于车铣加工技术、以实现完整加工为目标的详细加工工艺路线

    Based on the analysis of structure of micro-base-parts, drew up a detailed route of the complete machining process.


  • 国内20焦炉热工测试原始数据基础整理、归纳、分析,并采用二种方法,即线性回归法和程序回归分析法,首次获得了适合我国煤源的成测算

    The reckoning diagram of coke yield for domestic coal resource is obtained on basis of first-hand date of thermal test and analysis fo r20 coke ovens by almost ten years' work.


  • 应有合适的、含地脚螺栓基础业主另外书面认可除外。?

    Skirts shall be provided with a proper base ring which shall include anchor bolt chairs except when OWNER approves otherwise in writing.


  • 认识文化基础,对一城市而言,有针对性地研究城市文化和城市主题文化。

    On the basis of culture understanding, it is necessary to pertinently investigate the city culture and city theme culture.


  • 建立博物馆功能分析基础目标资源方法规划博物馆管理是否成功的第一要件。

    Based on the examination of museum functions, planning of goals, methods and resources is considered one of the most important factors for a well-managed museum.


  • 结构位于混凝土基础之上主体带有横梁天花板的壁骨建筑

    The structure rests on a concrete base, and the main building is a studwork house with beamed ceilings.


  • 今年初以来,奥莱利一直中国商飞公司就生产所谓C919拉伸机型(将174基础配置改为199)进行谈判

    Since early this year he has been in talks with Comac about production of a so-called stretch version of the C919 with 199 seats instead of the basic 174-seat configuration.


  • 基础置于地基,其作用是扩散基础上面垂直荷载承受水平荷载的底一般称为

    Foundations are bases placed on the ground so as to spread a vertical load over it. Bases which carry horizontal load are usually called abutments.


  • 现在很多产品一个用户的基础提供的,生产力工具也是这样

    Many products are now offered on a per seat basis, the same way productivity tools are.


  • 现在很多产品一个用户的基础提供的,生产力工具也是这样

    Many products are now offered on a per seat basis, the same way productivity tools are.


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