• 运行应用程序确保出现layout 1 .jsp验证基本应用程序工作并将问题隔离个性化部分

    Run the application and make sure that the layout1.jsp comes up to verify that the basic application is working and isolate the problem to the personalization part.


  • 管理子系统彼此隔离避免不同基本节点管理发生干扰

    Administrative subsystems are isolated from each other to prevent interference between the administration of different base nodes. To accomplish this, each administrative subsystem.


  • 一定程度我们将要描述方法业务方案开发应用一种基本原则关注点隔离耦合的解离。

    To some extent, the approach that we will be describing applies one of the fundamental principles of SOA to business and solution development: separation of concerns and loose coupling.


  • 一体化软件基本思路,软件OS隔离出来,软件操作所需支持功能(即os的一部分)和软件一起打包。

    The idea behind a software appliance is to isolate the software from the OS, wrapping it with the set of capabilities (parts of the OS) that are needed for its operation.


  • 他用了少许理论分析等式中的误差并且把不能预料到的变量的最基本来源,那些基本冲击影响隔离起来。

    Mr Sims used a dash of theory to analyse the error terms in his equations and isolate the impact of the "fundamental shock", the primary source of unanticipated variation.


  • 本文简要介绍配线自动化系统故障区段判断隔离方法基本原理,并论述了该方法的实施步骤

    The article introduces the basic principle of allocation and isolation for faulty section in automatic wiring system, illustrates the technique and its implementing procedures.


  • 研究发现不同反压下隔离中的平均马赫数平均压力隔离进口激波串波前基本保持不变

    It was observed that the average values of Mach Numbers and pressures were almost constant from the entrance of the isolator to the onset of shock train along the isolator.


  • 鉴于最初用途这个房间其他办公室隔离开来,铺设了高架地板,安装气候控制设施当今部门办公室基本设施都没有。

    Reflecting its original intent, the room was separated from other offices, equipped with raised floors and climate controls but lacking even basic amenities of a modern departmental office.


  • 为了保证基本体量隐约可见,论坛建筑的白色中性空间形成一种视觉上的内外隔离从而避免了意料之外视觉障碍物或者自然光线带来的质地变化

    To make the primary volume less visible, its neutral white space forms a visual disconnect from the outside to avoid any unwanted visual obstructions or changing quality of natural light.


  • 本文分析DC/DC变换器一些基本拓扑的结构及其特点,对隔离式DC/DC变换器原边副边拓扑进行分析和比较得出隔离低压大电流输出DC/DC变换器的优选拓扑结构。

    Secondly, this dissertation educes the promising topologies for isolated low-voltage high-current output DC/DC converters by analyzing and comparing the basic topologies of the DC/DC converters.


  • 仿真结果表明导引跟踪回路的超调量、上升时间、隔离度等性能基本满足设计要求,且具有好的抗干扰能力

    The simulation result indicates that the performance of the tracking loop of the seeker already satisfy design specification. And the seeker has the good anti-interference ability.


  • 仿真结果表明导引跟踪回路的超调量、上升时间、隔离度等性能基本满足设计要求,且具有好的抗干扰能力

    The simulation result indicates that the performance of the tracking loop of the seeker already satisfy design specification. And the seeker has the good anti-interference ability.


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