• 最最基本动作不过却并不容易

    This is one of the most basic maneuvers, but not easy to fly well.


  • 3演示RailsStruts基本动作层次结构

    Figure 3 illustrates a basic action hierarchy for Rails and Struts.


  • 理解伺服系统构成学习理解基本动作原理控制特性

    Understanding of the composition of the servo system, learn to understand the basic principle of operation and control features.


  • 伺服系统入门理解伺服系统构成学习理解基本动作原理控制特性

    Servo system started. Understanding of the composition of the servo system, learn to understand the basic principle of operation and control features.


  • 太极拳目的,除了学习它基本动作外,更重要的为了提高自身的健康水平

    The aim of learning shadowboxing is to grasp the basic skills and improve the health.


  • 现在做一些基本瑜伽动作用来热身舒展,瑜伽有助于快速唤醒,还能肌肉得到轻柔地舒展

    I am using only basic Yoga exercises (asana) for warm up and stretching as they help me wake up quickly and provide a gentle stretch for the muscles.


  • 12小时内基本重复相同动作

    I am basically repeating the same motion over and over for over twelve hours a day.


  • 作为款交互式手机,“冯氏”手机可以让用过通过3独特动作操作它基本电话功能

    The Von is an interactive phone that allows users to perform three special actions that relate to basic phone functions.


  • 终端用户Internet上基本动作就是进入一个web页面”。

    The fundamental end-user action on the Internet is "going to a Web page." at a high level, this involves teamwork between a couple of applications.


  • 如果很快什么事尽全力施展大动作(基本冲刺时候)那么多数失败

    If I try to do something fast and put all my strength into one forceful move (sprinting basically) then I will fail most of the time.


  • 主干部分关于身体姿势动作能量部分吴先生解释起来没有一点困难导言部分基本是一关于形而上学的文章。

    While the main body of the book was about postures and movements of the body and energy, which Mr. Wu had no trouble interpreting, the introduction was basically a treatise about metaphysics.


  • 布赖恩兰斯顿饰演沃尔特亚伦·保罗饰演的西上升到了动作思想极端,极大地挑战观众对主角基本的同情

    Both Bryan Cranston's Walt and Aaron Paul's Jesse were pushed to extremes of thought and action that challenge the fundamental sympathy we're supposed to have for the protagonists of a weekly drama.


  • 低收入人群,一份额外收入会对幸福产生最大的而且即使那些满足生活基本需求人群中,这种额外收入的作用依然很大。

    The impact of additional income is greatest among those who have little money, but it does not stop mattering, even after someone is able to meet basic needs.


  • 挥杆——决定最终如何击球重要因素——在没有掌握基本动作不会重要

    The swingthat all important element that is the final determinant of how the ball is hit – would not be the focus until I had the fundamentals under control.


  • 这里列举动作基本HTML表单中的相似

    The actions listed here are similar to the actions you would see on a basic HTML form.


  • 第2部分说明如何使用各种控件创建基于XForms表单、如何创建数据模型以及各种不同类型基本提交动作

    Part 2 showed you how to create an XForms-based form using any of the available controls, how to create a data model, and the different types of basic submission actions that are available.


  • 本文说明如何使用各种控件创建基于XForms表单、如何建立数据模型以及不同类型基本提交动作

    This article shows you how to create an XForms-based form using any of the available controls, how to create a data model, and the different types of basic submission actions that are available.


  • 为了实现JHKL公司ESB网关WS - Proxy对象已经DataPower配置如图5所示,我们请求基本包含两个动作

    To implement the ESB gateway of JHKL Inc., a WS-Proxy object has been configured inside the DataPower and, as figure 5 shows, our request flow contains essentially two actions.


  • 关于一个动作加速减速基本法则同样可以运用音乐背景中

    This basic rule of acceleration and deceleration of an action also applies to a musical background.


  • 针对我们自己的硬件系统分别建立了机器人运动模型小球运动模型机器人推球模型,基础分析机器人小车基本行为动作

    Moreover, we build up the robot-motion model, ball-motion model and robot-pushball model based on our own hardware system and analyse the basic behaviors and actions of the robot body.


  • 这个动作基本筋斗加一个筋斗顶部横滚(通常是快)。横滚必须在筋斗的顶点做。

    This is the basic loop with a roll (usually a snap roll) at the top of the loop. The roll has to be centered at the top of the loop.


  • 层次基本东西由自己结构,向冲撞,而回来的动作

    What is fundamental at the level of each drive is the movement outwards and back in which it is structured.


  • 最大限度地发挥每个动作功效蛙泳基本要点无论12岁还是52岁

    Getting the most out of every stroke is essential in breaststroke, whether you're 12 or 52.


  • 吊环规定动作基本组成什么? ?

    What are the basic elements of a rings routine?


  • 真是聪明绝顶爸爸练习才能学会基本动作半个小时就会了。

    I am so smart! Dad said it takes at least two days to master the basics, but I did it in half an hour.


  • 音乐健美操灵魂动作组合是健美操基本内容

    Music is the soul of athletic gymnastics and the combination of movements is the basic content.


  • 音乐健美操灵魂动作组合是健美操基本内容

    Music is the soul of athletic gymnastics and the combination of movements is the basic content.


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