• 网站基本流程似乎颇为熟悉首页提供输入文本之后网站会提供关联网页

    The site's basic approach may seem familiar: a page featuring single empty box that, when text is entered, provides a list of useful web pages in response.


  • jsp这个页面包括一些基本HTML元素比如输入列表单选按钮复选提交按钮

    The SupportForm.jsp page contains basic HTML components, such as input boxes, lists, radio buttons, a check box, and a submit button.


  • 结果对话指定项目基本属性

    In the resulting dialog, specify the project name and basic properties.


  • 这些工具最大贡献 GUI对话视图选项卡代替了命令行开关参数基本文件结构还是一样的。

    The main contribution of these tools is that GUI dialogs, tree views, and tabs replace command-line switches; but the basic file structure is the same.


  • 如果应用配置基本类型身份认证会弹出一个登录对话收集用户密码并进行认证。

    If the basic authentication type is configured in the application, a login dialog box is displayed to collect the user name and password for authentication purposes.


  • 注意对话右边变化显示基本配置接口

    You will notice that the right side of the dialog changes to show the basic configuration interface.


  • 但是编辑器许多方面都是保持基本功能,例如,在搜索对话甚至使用正则表达式

    But the editor remains basic in many ways -- not even using regular expressions in the search dialog, for example.


  • 计划调度基本就是一个时间方法定义应该完成交互需求时间范围。

    Scheduling is basically a time box method that defines the period of time for an iteration and the requirements that should be completed within that time frame.


  • 然而如果不使用这些对话可以通过选项板添加基本数据对象数据源数据对象及数据源使用Properties视图对它们进行配置

    Without the dialogs, however, you can still add basic data objects, data source data objects, and data sources from the palette, and configure them using the Properties view.


  • 下面也是简的典型,GoogleChrome选项对话非常简介并且只提供基本的选项。

    Following its minimalist approach, Google Chrome options dialog is brief and limited to the some very basic options.


  • 对话一个基于EclipseSWT基本对话,它使用SWTGridLayout定义如何屏幕上确定不同UI元素位置

    The dialog box is a basic Eclipse SWT-based dialog box that uses the SWT GridLayout to define how the different UI elements are positioned on the screen.


  • 类似于更新面板这些函数的作用基本相同,仅特定对话实例showhide和对话函数提供包装器。

    Similar to the update panel, these functions are nearly identical and do nothing more than provide wrappers around the show and hide dialog functions for the dialog-specific instances.


  • 如果你正在谷歌网站上搜索航班,那么你找到的只有结果页面顶部的基本搜索

    ITA's data can certainly bolster Google's existing flight search offerings.


  • SQLInjection攻击基本原理如下创建一个网页允许用户文本输入文本用于数据库执行查询。

    The basic idea behind a SQL injection attack is this: you create a Web page that allows the user to enter text into a textbox that will be used to execute a query against a database.


  • 对话用于蛇之某些基本编译参数

    This dialog is used to set some basic compile parameters.


  • 消息不得不停下手头的事情打开对话来看这些基本信息

    The bad news is that you have to stop what you're doing and open a dialog box to see fundamental information that should be readily available.


  • 本文全国基本单位普查资料为依托,对规模以下批发零售贸易业抽样调查抽样进行设计,设计的思路和方法对其他小企业抽样调查也具有一定的参考价值。

    According to the date of basic units census, this paper designs the sampling frame about the sampling survey of enterprises below designated size in wholesale and retail sale trades.


  • 压板之间两种式隔板依次相互间隔开聚合至少两即可构成基本单元装置

    At least two layers of polymer film separated by frame-type bulkheads between two press plates can form a basic unit.


  • 所有输入可以一些基本验证最小长度最大长度

    All input fields can validate against some basic validations, like minimum length, maximum length, etc.


  • 目前我国大型火力发电厂循环水直流供水系统中,循环水清污设备基本采用板式旋转滤网

    In the circulating water direct-flow supply systems of large thermal power plants in todays China, the circulating water cleaning devices are basically plate and frame rotary strainers.


  • 针孔相机基本所有一个小孔,一端,集中光线通过

    A pinhole camera is basically a box that keeps all light out, with a small hole on one end to let a focused bit of light through.


  • 主要介绍新型绞机生产线设计基本原理,阐述了生产线传统地轴传动绞机生产线区别

    This paper presents the principle of a new frame-type strander, indicating the difference between the new line and the traditional line using spindle drive.


  • 用户开始使用这些工具时,对话显示程序基本目标工具,告诉用户基本功能

    As the user begins to use the product, a dialog box can appear that states the basic goals and tools of the product, naming the main features.


  • 蓝宝石已经客户提供选择'建兴零售'包装-出货量一个较小显示屏基本基本电缆驱动光盘

    SAPPHIRE already offers its customers the option of 'Lite Retail' packaging - in which CARDS are shipped in a smaller display box with a basic bundle of essential cables and driver disc.


  • 东西可以打开新的大门微软策略所有通过提供服务基本已经有点开始策略。

    The cloud stuff can open up new doors and Microsoft's strategy is all about delivering services via the box, basically it has been somewhat of a cloud strategy from the beginning.


  • 东西可以打开新的大门微软策略所有通过提供服务基本已经有点开始策略。

    The cloud stuff can open up new doors and Microsoft's strategy is all about delivering services via the box, basically it has been somewhat of a cloud strategy from the beginning.


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