• 使疫情在中国已经基本得到控制,对于许多人来说,面对面的交流仍然不能实现。这种情况下,她认为直播课程可以满足更多中国结爱好者学习这种手工艺的需求。

    As face-to-face interaction is still impractical for many, even as the outbreak has been largely brought under control in China, she thinks livestreaming classes can meet more Chinese knot lovers' needs to learn the handicraft.


  • 大连市本地人口麻疹发病基本得到控制外地人口麻疹发病仍然较多。

    The incidence of measles in Dalian native had been controlled basically, but it was still high in the outlanders.


  • 危机早期阶段,先前关于次级贷款抵押问题基本得到控制公告困扰着。

    He was haunted by his announcement, early in the crisis, that the subprime-mortgage problem was "largely contained".


  • 到1990年代末卖血已经基本得到控制各地重大采供血安全事件时有发生

    By the late 1990s, blood has been basically brought under control, but around the blood collection and supply of major security incidents still occur from time to time.


  • 目前银行体系内的流动性基本得到控制物价涨幅处于高位通胀压力仍然很大

    At present the banking system liquidity is basically under control, but price rising is still in high, and inflationary pressure remains highly.


  • 多年来为稳定河势, 镇 扬河段实施一、整治工程,使剧烈变化河势已基本得到控制

    To stabilize the river regime, the phase I and phase II regulation works have been implemented for years on this reach, resulting in the substantial control of severe change of regime.


  • 目前湖北各项救助政策日渐完善采供血感染艾滋病途径基本得到控制感染者病人生活质量得到改善

    At present, Hubei gradually improve the policy of relief, HIV blood collection and supply channels have been basically brought under control, the infected patients and to improve the quality of life.


  • 奥格专家们正在研究如何控制这种害虫危害防止蔓延直到现在,这种情况基本还没有得到控制

    Ogbeh says experts are investigating how to control the pest's damage and prevent its spread, which has gone largely unchecked until now.


  • 然后你们需要研究一旦设计基本的,能量分布,你就必须确保得到反应控制

    Then you have to figure out, once you design basic power distribution you have to make sure you have what's called reactivity control.


  • 目前局势基本得到控制乌鲁木齐市社会秩序正在得到恢复。

    At present, the situation has been basically brought under control, and social order in Urumqi City is returning to normal.


  • 介绍PLC控制变频调速供水系统基本原理,给出了系统的电气线路和PLC程序设计,实际得到了应用。

    This article introduces the frequency speed constant pressure water supply system controlled by PLC, presenting its hardware structure, the design of PLC program and its application.


  • 软件开发两大基本问题--系统成本效益质量已经得到好的控制了。

    The two primary problems in software development that have yet to be solved satisfactorily are making systems cost effective and of higher quality.


  • 实测值计算基本吻合说明结构应力变形施工过程中得到良好控制

    The measured value basically agrees well with calculated value, which indicates that structure stress and deformation are well controlled during construction.


  • 本文首先介绍异步电动机直接控制基本原理异步电动机的数学模型入手,逐步分析,从而得到转矩。

    The thesis introduces the basic principle of Direct Torque Control on asynchronous motor. In the beginning, stator flux and torque can be got through a typical mathematics model of asynchronous motor.


  • 基本思想是从初始状态(初始出发,对其进行搜索,在禁忌控制,确定移动的方向直至得到满意解为止。

    TS is to start from certain initial state-initial solution, search its adjacent territory and delimit shift direction under the control of Tabu list until satisfactory solution is obtained.


  • 发达国家点源污染基本得到有效控制城市面源污染成为水体污染主要因素。

    In developed countries, point source pollution has been efficiently controlled and urban non-point source pollution caused by rainfall has become the main causation of water pollution.


  • 本文线性最优控制设计关于矩阵选取问题作了大量试验仿真分析得到了关于权矩阵选取的一些基本规律。

    With a lot of tests and simulation analyses from the weight matrix selection of quadratic optimum control design, the principles of selecting weight matrix are summed up.


  • 本文首先介绍异步电机直接控制基本原理异步电机的数学模型入手,逐步分析,从而得到磁链转矩。

    This thesis introduces the basic principle of direct torque control on asynchronous motor. Through mathematics model of asynchronous motor, stator flux and torque can be got.


  • 控制经过现场长时间运行测试基本满足圆头锁眼系统各种指标得到好的实际应用

    After a long run test, the controller basic met system indicators of the eyelet buttonhole sewing machine, and has a very good practical application.


  • 渤海环境保护保全初期目标达到生态环境破坏得到基本控制环境质量得到明显好转。

    The initial target of the protection and the preservation of the Bohai environment are that damage to the ecological environment is under control and improvements in environmental quality.


  • 目前车辆智能控制研究基本通过建立其数学模型,然后利用MATLAB软件仿真,得到设计控制器的最终减振效果

    Up to now, the study of intelligent absorbed-shock control of vehicle is almost based on math-model, and then get the effects of the designed shock-absorber by MATLAB software.


  • 结果 采用压缩雾化治疗患儿雾化吸入哮喘症状得到明显控制基本消失呼吸困难症状逐渐缓解或消失。

    Results: Children with nebulized inhalation treatment group after controlling asthma symptoms are apparent or disappeared, breathing difficulties or symptoms and signs disappeared.


  • 介绍变速恒频风力发电基本原理,并采用定子磁链定向的矢量控制方法得到了双馈发电机的矢量控制系统模型

    The thesis presents the principle of VSCF wind Power. In this thesis, we adopt the vector control strategy of stator field-orient and gain a vector control system model of double-feedback generator.


  • 情况目前似乎基本得到控制

    The problem now appears to be largely under control.


  • 情况目前似乎基本得到控制

    The problem now appears to be largely under control.


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