• 现在包括言论自由在内基本人权已有了保障。

    Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.


  • 这些一项基本人权剥夺

    A fundamental human right is being withheld from these people.


  • 五十多年联合国宣布识字一项基本人权

    More than fifty years ago, the United Nations declared that literacy is a basic human right.


  • 2003年20日~23举行会议与会者宣布:信息素质终身学习一种基本人权

    Participants of the meeting that was held from 20 to 23 September 2003 declared Information Literacy is a basic human right to life long learning.


  • 鉴于超过8.5亿的人口继续严重粮食不安全状况困扰作为今年世界粮食主题,“食物强调了一个往往被忽视基本人权

    This year's World food Day theme, "the right to food," highlights a basic human right that is often ignored as severe food insecurity continues to afflict more than 850 million people.


  • 表现获得保健教育其他必要服务机会受到限制往往表现在其他基本人权遭到剥夺践踏

    It is manifested in restricted access to health, education and other essential services and, too often, by the denial or abuse of other fundamental human rights.


  • 向世界证明履行了了他建立世界和平以及北约全球维护基本人权承诺。他得上这样荣誉

    He has also demonstrated his strong commitment to help build peace and defend fundamental human rights, including through the Atlantic alliance. This honour is well deserved.


  • 寻求理解动机追求幸福的,制定了在清单需求基本人权实现最大心理健康

    In his quest to understand human motivation and the pursuit of happiness, he formulated a list of basic human needs that had to be fulfilled for maximum psychological health.


  • 欧洲承认非欧洲国家主权国家,因而理论实践上否定这些国家的人民享有基本人权

    Secondly, European countries do not admit that other countries are sovereign states, therefore they deny these countries enjoy basic human rights in the theory and practice.


  • 提出信贷穷人基本人权命题小额信贷瞄准机制及其偏差研究范式;形成并完善适于穷人的金融生成机制是重要切入点。

    The topic of "credit is the basic human right of poor people" brings out new models for studying the collimation and mechanism of small-sum loan.


  • 这种历经百年的库玛丽选拔传统不满认为,这样的女孩剥夺了基本人权作为女神期间无法常人一样生活

    Critics of the centuries-old Kumari tradition say the girl is denied basic human rights as she cannot lead a normal life during the time she serves as the "goddess."


  • 这座‘自建成项目周围自然环境密切联系,形成了清晰具有治疗效果的环境,并且也为所有人提供免费健康基本人权

    Intimately linked to surrounding nature, the 'self-build' project facilitates an environment of clarity and healing, while providing the fundamental human right of health, free of charge to all.


  • 法权一方面需要基本人权自己内容自己的正当性根据,一方面,法权的实现又受到经验领域条件的制约。

    On the one hand, the existence and extension of legal force is justified with human fights, on the other hand, use of the force is constrained by empirical elements.


  • 许多民俗学家认为,可怕的传说,更体现基本人权担忧提供了一个警示说明道德教训告诉我们如何保护自己免于危险

    Many folklorists argue that more the more gruesome legends embody basic human fears, providing a cautionary note or moral lesson telling us how to protect ourselves from danger.


  • 适当生活水准作为国际人权公约规定一项基本人权具有丰富内涵自身的特殊性

    A basic human rights that proper standard of living right stipulates as the international human rights convention, have abundant intention and its own particularity.


  • 对会见交流限制为了及时惩罚犯罪防止权利滥用,不能侵犯基本人权辩护权的有效实现

    Restricting the communication right is to protect the right for communication and prompt penalty crime, and also cannot infringe the detainees basic human rights and effective counsel realization.


  • 特遣队政策研究所所长吾尔瓦西瓦伊德认为,“三月事件使那些关心剥夺基本人权邻居正直参与其中。

    The March events, says Urvashi Vaid, director of the task force's policy institute, will involve straight people concerned about neighbors denied basic human rights.


  • 教育权现代社会重要基本人权保障实现受教育权,关键的是建立受教育权的法律救济制度

    Rights to education are fundamental in modern society. To safeguard and realize these rights, most importantly, a legal remedy institution should be established.


  • 通过研究1991年开始公布人权白皮书讨论我国如何完善公民基本人权的保障有着极其重要现实意义。

    According to studying the White paper on Human rights which was announced in 1991, the paper discusses the practical significance concerning to how our nation complete the basic citizen rights.


  • 常识、常情、常理告诉我们一切规则不能强人所难否则,不但人性践踏,而且规则也被破坏;只有体现基本人权之治的规则,才能赢得人民的拥护与尊重。

    "Common sense, common feeling, common reason" tells us that any law cannot compel people to do what they cannot do, otherwise the law will be destroyed.


  • 常识、常情、常理告诉我们一切规则不能强人所难否则,不但人性践踏,而且规则也被破坏;只有体现基本人权之治的规则,才能赢得人民的拥护与尊重。

    "Common sense, common feeling, common reason" tells us that any law cannot compel people to do what they cannot do, otherwise the law will be destroyed.


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