• 极端贫困不同,中度贫困一般基本需求勉强得到满足的生活条件

    Unlike extreme poverty, moderate poverty generally refers to conditions of life in which basic needs are met, but barely.


  • 这种回应除了表达非常基本想法一般缺乏实质内容

    The response generally lacks substance beyond expression of very basic ideas.


  • 卫组织建议,献血人数至少达到国家人口的1%,一般足以满足国家安全血液基本要求。

    WHO recommends that blood donation by at least 1% a country's population is generally sufficient to meet a country's basic requirements for safe blood.


  • 这些资源可以提供基本商业原则案例可以提供一般咨询建议比如撰写商业计划书直接邮递广告营销等

    These resources are helpful in conveying basic business principles and examples as well as providing general advice in areas such as writing a business plan or marketing by direct mail.


  • 意味着他们控制用户密码创建以及系统资产一般访问基本功能制定规则过程

    This means sitting on top of the creation of user passwords and the formulation of rules and procedures for such fundamental functionality as general access to the system assets.


  • 1说明了一般基本适配器解决方案包含使用现有HTTPEAI中间件基础架构支持新的集成

    Figure 1 illustrates the generic Basic Adaptor solution, including the use of existing HTTP and EAI middleware infrastructure to support new integrations.


  • 天文学家一般太阳半径为基本单位表征恒星大小

    Astronomers generally measure the size of stars in terms of the radius of our sun.


  • 基本我们一般我们大脑外包

    Basically, we are outsourcing our brains to the cloud.


  • 一般来说,必须可能行为UML软件开发基本概念

    Must and may behavior is a fundamental concept of UML and of software development in general.


  • 本文的目的在于列出基本问题常用策略模式以及有关使用锁定策略时机和方法的一般建议

    The purpose of this article is to lay out the basic issues, common strategies and patterns, and some recommendations as to when and how to use locking strategies.


  • 研究确定基础设施人力资源基本供给可用和进行外伤产科一般外科处置能力

    Important deficits were identified in infrastructure, human resources, availability of essential supplies and ability to perform trauma, obstetric and general surgical procedures.


  • 一般视为天经地义的职场基本规则,如按时上班、午餐时间控制小时内以及开会期间关闭手机等,对新千年一代的许多人来说都不算理所当然的事情。

    It may seem obvious that employees should show up on time, limit lunchtime to an hour and turn off cellphones during meetings. But those basics aren't necessarily apparent to many millennials.


  • LFS系统另一个可能出现一般用户工具箱中的部件基本lfs系统组合在一起之后引导系统所需引导脚本

    Another part of the LFS system that is unlikely to be in the toolkit of the average power user is the boot script needed to boot the system after the basic LFS system has been pieced together.


  • 本文讨论ProbeVue基本概念包括ProbeVue脚本的一般形式VUE编程语言一个简单意义的示例脚本。

    This article discussed the basic concepts of ProbeVue, including general format of a ProbeVue script, the VUE programming language, and a simple yet powerful sample program.


  • 如果我们忘记了这些基本关于恩赐真理我们教会里就会陷入麻烦一般出现的两个问题就是“恩赐嫉妒”“恩赐反射”。

    Whenever we forget these basic truths about gifts, it always causes trouble in the church. Two common problems are "gift-envy" and "gift-projection."


  • 工具包提供特殊应用程序设计接口(application programming interface,API),建立能够提供众多mda转换一般特性基本模型访问API之上

    The toolkit provides a special application programming interface (API), layered on top of the base model access API that provides many commonly used features in MDA transformations.


  • 本文假设至少基本了解Atom 1.0syndicationformat内容联合一般知识。

    This article assumes that you have at least a basic understanding of the Atom 1.0 syndication format and of content syndication in general.


  • 没有否认这一基本事实对于一般工人来讲轻松掌握这些技术不可能的。

    No one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for average workers to master those high-technology skills easily.


  • 美国Vonage公司用户可以通过一般电话拨打VOIP电话-尽管需要固定电话进行基本通话转接。

    Vonage, a us company, offers a service in which customers have standard phones but make calls through VOIP - though they still need a landline for the basic telephone connection.


  • 智商一般5以后基本定型了,但微笑积极社交态度有效的社交技能可以通过努力得到提高的。

    Unlike IQ, which seems to be fixed after age five, all of us can work on skills like smiling or a positive attitude, traits commonly found in individuals with high social skills.


  • 这种模型需要双方坚持一个可能软件基本功能无关编程约定而且一般情况下,这个编程约定可能使代码更加不可重用

    This model requires both parties to stick to a programming convention that may not be relevant to the software's basic functionality and, in general, can make the code less reusable.


  • 没有遭到那种严重疾病孩子可以那个数目半数糊口——不是那样食物,只是一般基本的、维持生命的食物

    Children not suffering from such a grave disease could be fed with half that amount - not on a diet like ours, but on plain, basic, life-sustaining food.


  • 一般来说建模一次非正式的会话开始,期间可以收集模型基本定义简单关系

    Typically, modeling starts with an informal session in which you collect the basic definitions and the most simple relationships in the model.


  • 说到现代网络搜索一般是电脑程序在搜索中处于主导地位,通过辅助提高搜索结果质量尝试基本失败了

    When it comes to modern web searching algorithms rule the roost, and attempts to improve results with an assist from the people who use them have generally failed.


  • 这里基本方法运行时,以可以一般代码使用方式构建一个自定义,其中包装目标访问(以前通过反射达到的)。

    The basic approach here is to construct a custom class at runtime that will wrap access to the target classes (previously reached by reflection) in a way that can be used by your general-purpose code.


  • 大家一般都会认为保证飞机的发动机恰当地机身连接在一起,这是养护客机基本要素之一

    ENSURING that the engines stay properly attached to the fuselage is, one might think, a fairly fundamental part of maintaining a passenger aircraft.


  • 基本上来说安全型情感亲密自在一般热情忠实

    Basically, secure people feel comfortable with intimacy and are usually warm and loving.


  • 具有独特需求使用者有时候愿意企业级服务一般基本功能元素提供资金投入。

    New consumers, who have their own unique requirements, are sometimes reluctant to fund general and underlying foundation elements of an enterprise-wide service.


  • 研究人员发现一般而言,第一个孩子将总数45%分配同伴,这个比例在不同的年龄组性别基本保持稳定

    On average, researchers found, the dictator gave 45% of the money to the partner, a proportion that remained constant across age-groups and gender.


  • 研究人员发现一般而言,第一个孩子将总数45%分配同伴,这个比例在不同的年龄组性别基本保持稳定

    On average, researchers found, the dictator gave 45% of the money to the partner, a proportion that remained constant across age-groups and gender.


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