• 切实做好基层党建工作,增强党的阶级基础扩大党的群众基础

    Build the Party well at the primary level, reinforce its class foundation and expand its mass base.


  • LeeStaples建议使用这种方式挨家挨户筹款的时候,该方式的关于基础组织中有所提及,《基层力量》。

    Lee Staples recommends this approach for door-to-door fundraising in his book on grassroots organizing, roots to Power.


  • 信号首先视网膜传输基础的(基层的)处理区域那个区域细胞则唤醒下一个区域的其他细胞,并依次进行下去

    Signals from the retina flow to the most basic processing area first; the cells in that area fire up others in the next area; and so on.


  • 基层拥护有力的抵制玻利维亚以及秘鲁这些国家谣言这些国家贫苦基础设施非洲某些国家。

    Grassroots advocacy has also been a powerful counter force to rumour in countries such as Bolivia and Peru, which are as poverty-stricken and with infrastructure as poor as some in Africa.


  • 结论认为方法缩短手术时间减少中出血,适宜基层医院推广,该方法解剖学基础优点进行了讨论。

    Conclusion We conclude that the method can shorten the operation time and decrease the bleeding and it is practical and advisable in basic level basis and advantage of the method.


  • 高校基层教务管理整个高等学校内部管理基础

    College's primary teaching management is the foundation of the whole college's inner administration.


  • 农村基层党组织农村全部工作基础

    The countryside basic Party organization is the foundation of all Party work in the countryside.


  • 此外叙述作家基层生活经历基础上,得出孙春平对小人物命运精神状态关注和探索。

    In addition, on the base of recounting writer's grass-roots life experience, states Sun Chunping's grope for the fate and spirit of zilch.


  • 主要原因他们代表基层老百姓力量所以广泛大众基础

    Many reasons accounting for this are as follows: first, they represent the power of "grassroots" people, so that there is broad public basis for them.


  • 目的探索乡镇基层医院集约办医基础推进社区卫生服务模式

    OBJECTIVE Research about the grass roots hospitals in villages and towns promoting community health care service mode, based on intensive operating hospital.


  • 尿失禁防治加强基层卫生保健工作,重视慢性基础疾病治疗

    Primary health care should be strengthened, diagnosis and treatment to chronicity disease should be thought highly of .


  • 结合室内研究试验路研究基础,推荐了适合牧区道路粒料基层材料选择参数配合比设计

    Combining the indoor study with the test-road study, this paper has recommended the parameter of choosing material and mixture design, which suit to the pasturing area road gravel base.


  • 基础建立森严地方基层体系

    On this basis, established a strict system of local grass-roots level.


  • 上述文件列出一些阅读资料,对本课程来说并非必要基层卫生照护社会行为基础议题兴趣而言应该有用

    The document above is a list of readings that, while not required for the course, individuals interested in Social and Behavioral Foundations of Primary Health Care may find useful.


  • 关于乡镇基层法律服务所应否继续存在争论很多多缺乏有效的实证研究作为其立论基础

    There are a lot of arguments about whether the legal service offices in small towns should exist in the future, but most of those arguments are not based on serious investigations.


  • 分析目前基层普查工作面临困难问题基础提出搞好基层普查工作的若干有效措施

    This paper analyzes the difficulties and problems existing in the basic-level general survey, and based on this, puts forward some effective measures for doing well the basic-level general survey.


  • 基础上,探讨如何提高基层实施者项目运作效果,促使慈善资源效用最大化

    Based on this, the author tries to explore how to enhance the effects, so to achieve maximum effectiveness of commonweal resources.


  • 基础上提出碎石基层施工质量控制要点具体工程进行实践检验二灰碎石施工提供了一定理论实践依据

    On the base of this, Put forward the main quality points of macadam with lime and ash in the construction, and test in the actual project. And provide definite academic and practical gist.


  • 基础提出适合地区公路路面基层结构形式基层类型

    On the basis, the author raises the suitable basic level structure forms and types of highway road surface in the area.


  • 文章定义高校基层学术组织基础上,提出了高校基层学术组织的微观表现形式理论依据

    This paper defined the basic academic organization and pointed out its micro behavior modes and its theory.


  • 农村基层党组织农村全部工作战斗力基础

    The party organization at basic level in rural areas is the most vigorous and vital organ of the party's body.


  • 对全国32个先进人民法庭实证分析基层司法深入研究提供基础

    The positive analysis of the 32 advanced people 's tribunals can provide a basis for further research on courts of first instance.


  • 铁路列车调度指挥系统简称TDCS。其基层维护TDCS系统维护基础

    The maintenance of the base level network of train dispatch command system, for short, TDCS, is the foundation of the maintenance of the system.


  • 网站基层电大开展远程教育技术基础也是开展研究性学习的技术支持

    The website is not only the technical basis of distance education in local RTVUs, but also the technical support of researchable study.


  • 该科具有人群特殊性,就多年带教经验得以总结,提高学生实习质量培养基层临床医生打好基础

    In short , purpose of this thesis is that promoting the quality of internship of the medical students and laying a substantial foundation for training the clinic doctors in ground floor.


  • 本文国内外已有研究成果基础,根据国内普遍采用半刚性基层沥青路面一结构特点研究利用水泥为稳定剂的旧沥青路面的现场再生技术

    Based on the research results from home and abroad, and the characteristic of the widely-adopted semi-rigid pavement, the thesis studies the cold in-place recycling technology stabilized by cement.


  • 粒径透水性沥青混合料(LSPM)基层路面内部排水结构及时排走滞留在路面内部水分基础上,能有效地减少反射裂缝的发生。

    Large stone porous asphalt mixes (LSPM) base is a kind of pavement internal draining water structure. It can promptly detain pavement interior water, and can effectively reduce the reflection crack.


  • 在此基础上揭示出农村基督教发展壮大根源及其发展趋势农村基层工作打开了解农村精神文化生活的窗子。

    What's more, it also reveals the source and trend of rural Protestantism development so as to open a window to learn rural spiritual and cultural life.


  • 基层网点商业银行基础,也是银行管理重心

    Outlets are the basis of commercial bank and the focus of bank management.


  • 基础本文设计整套基层海关关员绩效考核模式

    In this part, the author designs the complete model of the Customs officers' performance appraisal.


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