• 国情院的报告称,成本削减已经影响到摩尔曼斯克州原料供应基地,同时空军部队也被要求限制训练演习计划航班

    The NIS reported that the cutbacks have affected raw material supplies to bases in the Murmansk region, with air units being requested to limit flights in training and exercise programs.


  • 一个小型小队,并要求潜入一个基地人,干掉敌人直升机然后辆偷来车辆离开

    It's a level where you have a small squad and are required to infiltrate a base, kill some dudes, knock out an enemy helicopter, and then escape in a stolen vehicle.


  • 美国希望建立长期军事基地但阿富汗这些要求使美阿两国的战略合作协议无法达成

    Afghan demands are holding up the conclusion of a strategic-partnership deal in which the United States hopes to secure long-term bases.


  • 明确地伊拉克人民表示,我们寻求基地领土资源没有要求

    And I have made it clear to the Iraqi people — (applause) — I have made it clear to the Iraqi people that we pursue no bases, and no claim on their territory or resources.


  • 此次阿尔巴尼亚的任务雇用意大利GioiadelColle空军基地的欧洲“台风”战斗机,“台风”最初正是以满足德国、意大利、西班牙个英国空军多操作性要求以及其他异常空中效能而设计的多用途/回旋作用的战机平台,可以完美满足国际领空保卫的使命要求

    The mission over Albania will see Italy employ its Eurofighter Typhoon jets from the 36th Wing operating from the Gioia del Colle air base.


  • 基地外面,许多旗子写着要求美国说出他们使用橙剂这类有毒化学物补偿受害者有关真相

    Outside the base, banners call on the United States to tell the truth about the use of toxic chemicals such as Agent Orange and to compensate victims for damages.


  • 就在胡诌关于他的基地阴谋时要求转头过去,正要打开保险箱

    As Self launches into his speech about Al Qaeda operatives, Oren asks him to turn his head while he opens a safe.


  • 晋级潜艇进驻小平岛潜艇基地提出了个明显问题就是晋级潜艇运作能力是否已经达到了设计要求-----发射远距离弹道核导弹

    The arrival raises the obvious question if the Jin-class is finally reaching a point of operational readiness where it can do what it was designed for: launching nuclear long-range ballistic missiles.


  • 美国北部一个空军基地但是没有收到要求出兵干涉的邀请。

    The United States also has an air base in the north, but has not been invited to intervene with its military forces.


  • 本月早些时候,美国国防部下属机构要求游戏连锁店GameStop不在陆军空军基地销售荣誉勋章》游戏。

    Earlier this month, a Defense Department agency asked GameStop, a chain of video-game stores, not to sell Medal of Honor on Army and Air Force bases.


  • 现在还未必需要考虑中国一地区发生冲突但是应该要求北京解释三亚大型海军基地具体情况建造目的

    While conflict with China over this region need not be preordained, there is a clear need to request that Beijing explain the content and purpose of its new large naval base at Sanya.


  • 英属印度洋领地还包括迭戈加西亚上世纪70年代为了美军基地腾出地方而全都被逐出家园的该岛居民,去年一场要求重返家园的法律诉讼案中败诉。

    It includes Diego Garcia, whose people, all removed in the 1970s so that the island could be used as an American base, last year lost a legal appeal to be allowed home.


  • 数字显示增长高度从事SecondLife基地用户正在增强虚拟世界兴趣甚至Second Life呼吁要求用户减少

    The Numbers suggest that a smaller, highly engaged base of Second Life users is intensifying its interest in the virtual world even as Second Life's appeal to new users fades.


  • 明确地伊拉克人民表示,我们寻求基地领土资源没有要求

    And I have made it clear to the Iraqi people - (applause) - I have made it clear to the Iraqi people that we pursue no bases, and no claim on their territory or resources.


  • 总部基地全球选择合作伙伴都有哪些要求

    Steven Kennard:What are the requirements for ABP choosing international partners?


  • 但曼齐宁要求特为兹去俱乐部的卡训练基地其他落选的球员一同参加训练。

    He wants the player in at the club's Carrington training base with the other players who have been left behind.


  • 回过头巴基斯坦要求中国接管达尔港口业务建立一个海军基地

    Closer to home you see the Pakistanis asked the Chinese to take over operations of a port and to build a naval base at Gwadar.


  • 未来社会大学生的综合素质要求愈来愈高校图书馆大学生素质教育重要基地

    The coming society advances more and more higher requests to undergraduates. The university libraries are an important base for students' qualities education.


  • 定位精准质量近乎严苛的要求彩韵短短年间就成长深圳乃至珠三角颇具规模的典雅女性服饰基地

    The precise position on consumers and demanding requirements to quality makes CYL grow into the most scaled base for fashion female clothing in a few years.


  • 基地256MB内存可以扩展16GB更快性能开发的64位处理能力要求大型数据库应用

    The base 256MB of main memory can be expanded to 16GB for faster performance and exploitation of 64-bit addressing capability required by large database applications.


  • 实习基地河北省北京市内三甲医院充分满足实习要求

    The practice-bases are the Three-A hospitals of Hebei province and Beijing which can satisfy the demands well.


  • 设计要求自行车停车位安排基地北边外绿带上

    The required parking spaces for bicycles are accommodated on the surrounding green belt at the northern front.


  • 上海IBM芯片封装生产基地厂房防水防潮要求很高

    The IBM (Shanghai) chip coating workshop 'requirement for waterproofing and damp-proofing is very high.


  • 贵阳市中药农业产业已具有一定规模基本没有严格按《中药材生产质量管理规范》(GAP要求进行基地建设。

    The results show that the traditional Chinese medicine agricultural industry is of a considerable scale, but the raw material bases of traditional Chinese medicine do not meet the standard of GAP.


  • 事后,组织声称将发动更多袭击要求德国空军停止使用乌兹别克泰尔梅兹基地

    The group later promised more attacks, and demanded that the German air force stop using a base at Termez in Uzbekistan.


  • 产生主要针对国家课程开发的弊端,要求学校基地进行课程开发。

    Aiming at the drawbacks of the current curriculums offered by the government, the school-based curriculum advocates to develop curriculums based on the features of each school.


  • 记得军事基地一天我们要求礼堂加入会议听取一些战术简报

    I remember that day in the military base when we were asked to head for an auditorium to attend a meeting and a presentation for some new tactics briefing.


  • 平面形状梯形的,并且建筑最大化利用基地的可使用面积,这也是客户要求

    The plot is trapezoidal, and the building adapts to it using the maximum surface area allowed, as it was required by the client.


  • 平面形状梯形的,并且建筑最大化利用基地的可使用面积,这也是客户要求

    The plot is trapezoidal, and the building adapts to it using the maximum surface area allowed, as it was required by the client.


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