• 所以不论途径背景或地域如何,都应该确保更多女性接受基因检验以及相应的防癌治疗

    It has got to be a priority to ensure that more women can access gene testing and lifesaving preventive treatment, whatever their means and background, wherever they live.


  • 凯莉费雪说到:「亲人相继因癌症去世之后,我的医师建议基因检验只是做个验血

    After losing both my parentsto cancer and two of my grandparents, my physician suggested that I go for thegene test, which is just a simple blood test.


  • 为了进一步发掘可能死因我们检验他的木乃伊,试图找出多种传染病他身上留下的基因痕迹

    To look further into possible causes of his death, we tested his mummy for genetic traces of various infectious diseases.


  • 性纤维化为不像乳腺癌,在这个领域没有获取相关基因使用权不受垄断专利权限制,因此许多相互竞争检验公司纷纷成立

    As evidence, he points to the case of cystic fibrosis: unlike breast cancer, no monopoly patent blocks access to the relevant gene, and dozens of rival testing companies flourish.


  • 于是他们吸烟者酗酒在生前饮酒又抽烟做了尸体检验研究他们大脑表达出来基因

    So they did a post-mortem analysis of gene expression in the brains of smokers, alcoholics and those who had done both during their lives.


  • 虽然基因专利已经颁发几十年,但是基因的可专利从未法庭上检验

    He said that although gene patents had been issued for decades, the patentability of genes had never been examined in court.


  • 研究人员通过检验老鼠大脑发现了一基因表达变化,其中一些以前认为与人类酒精上瘾有关

    Examining the rats' brains, the researchers found a change in the expression of a number of genes, some of which had previously been linked to alcoholism in humans.


  • 随后调查人员检验线粒体dna随着母亲谱系下来的一种DNA,发现其中包含东亚基因

    Then the researchers tested his mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down through your maternal lineage. And this fellow had east Asian genes.


  • 美国正在检验一些基因变种树

    Some transgenic trees of this kind are being tested in America.


  • 细胞杂志周五发表了一篇文章为了指导研究科学家通过一系列标准实验室检验比较基因变异小鼠正常小鼠行为

    To conduct their study, published in Friday's issue of the journal Cell, the scientists compared the performance of mice with the altered gene to normal mice in a series of standard lab tests.


  • 接受检验口吃患者之中,几乎每十个中就个出现三种基因变异的情况。

    Nearly one in ten of the sufferers examined were found to have a mutation in one of three genes.


  • 研究试图通过假设检验建构基因偏见理论

    In this paper, the author wants to construct a theory on gene prejudice through hypothesis- testing.


  • 目的探索利用乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)作为基因治疗载体可能性检验表达反义rnahbv作用

    Objective to explore the possibility of using HBV as a gene delivery vector, and to test the anti-HBV effects by intracellular expression of antisense RNA.


  • 目的探索H BV作为基因治疗载体可能性检验HBV突变表达显性阴性突变体抗hbv的作用

    Objective to explore the possibility of using HBV as a gene delivery vector, and to test the anti-HBV effects by intracellular expression of dominant negative mutants of core protein.


  • 有关序列、结构通路基因基因产物网络一系列广泛的数据生物学和生物医学研究中的假设检验和发现有用的。

    A wide range of data on sequences, structures, pathways, and networks of genes and gene products is available for hypothesis testing and discovery in biological and biomedical research.


  • 为了检验sun基因是不是导致长条形状研究小组把SUN基因活性复本注入野生西红柿植株DNA中。

    To test if the SUN gene were responsible for the elongated shape, the team inserted active copies of the SUN gene into the DNA of wild tomato plants.


  • 急性缺血性卒中这种基因方法显示了其现场即时检验潜力

    This multigene approach shows potential for a point-of-care test in acute ischemic stroke.


  • 目的应用碘化钠牦牛快速提取基因DNA检验效果

    Objective: Apply NaI to extract genomic DNA quickly from yak whole blood and check out the effect.


  • 应用图像分析系统IL2基因转移前后小鼠肥大细胞瘤细胞系P815细胞人红白血病细胞系K562细胞进行了形态计量学测定及组间显著性检验

    The morphometric study of P815 mouse mastocytoma cells and human erythroleukemia cell line K562 was performed before and after IL2 gene transduction by means of image analysis system.


  • 结果表明C1166基因频率0.034,所检验群体遗传平衡群体。

    The results show that the frequency of allele gene C1166 is 0.034, the population is not genetic equilibrium.


  • 位于亚利桑那州翻译基因研究院检验伊利诺斯州,佛罗里达,加加利福尼亚亚利桑那华盛顿26食品商店取得的136个样品

    The study by the Arizona-based Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen, or TGRI) examined 136 meat samples from 26 grocery stores in Illinois, Florida, California, Arizona and Washington D. c.


  • 这种DNA放大技术用于多种疾病检验诊断基因序列测定。

    The DNA amplification technique is used in genome sequencing, forensics and the diagnosis of various diseases.


  • 我们基因导入用于加强单倍同一性干细胞移植受者免疫重建供体T细胞,以此对该安全开关活性进行了检验

    We tested the activity of our safety switch by introducing the gene into donor t cells given to enhance immune reconstitution in recipients of haploidentical stem-cell transplants.


  • 简便、快速地检测细菌、真菌、衣原体原体的基因尤其联合检验临床早期诊断治疗鉴定耐药菌株及亚型具有一定价值。

    Particularly, combined detection of drug resistance may help obtain early diagnosis and more directed antibiotic therapy and strain identification of resistant organisms.


  • 简便、快速地检测细菌、真菌、衣原体原体的基因尤其联合检验临床早期诊断治疗鉴定耐药菌株及亚型具有一定价值。

    Particularly, combined detection of drug resistance may help obtain early diagnosis and more directed antibiotic therapy and strain identification of resistant organisms.


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