• 基于这项研究结果玛丽·居里获得了理学博士学位,1903年,玛丽皮埃尔贝克勒共同获得诺贝尔物理学奖,以表彰他们发现放射性物质

    Based on the results of this research, Marie Curie received her Doctorate of Science, and in 1903 Marie and Pierre shared with Becquerel the Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery of radioactivity.


  • 显而易见基于这项研究,我们建议大家还是拥抱留给家人爱人吧

    The clear recommendation to come out of this research is to save your hugs for your two-footed family members and lovers.


  • 基于这项研究结果研究人员劝告医生父母警告这些年轻女人(黑有)长皱纹危险阻止她们使用晒黑有效的办法

    Based on the results, researchers advised doctors and parents to warn young women about the risk of wrinkles as a more effective way to prevent tanning bed use.


  • 我们不能推荐基于这项研究的结果任何男性该服用睾酮”,,“我们需要随机安慰剂对照的试验来看是否是有效安全的。”

    "We cannot recommend that any man take testosterone based on these results," she said. "We need randomized, placebo-controlled trials to see if it is effective, and also if it is safe."


  • 这项发现基于对4.4万名女性研究得出的。

    The new finding is based on a study of 44,000 women.


  • 这项研究主要作者、大学医学副教授朱莉·罗宾逊说:“我们认为我们看到基于住所类型产生的差异。”

    "We thought we would see differences based on the housing types," said the lead author of the study, Julie Robinson, an associate professor of medicine at the university.


  • 令人长舒一口气这项研究基于2008年收集数据

    That's even more of a relief when you realise that the research is based on Numbers gathered in 2008.


  • 然而这项研究项目中的17个调查结果只是基于观察得出的,并没有经过实际实验哈蒙斯承认这些调查结果并不能证明家庭共餐可以减肥。

    Still, the 17 studies reviewed in the new work were based on observations, not actual experiments, and Hammons acknowledged that they don't prove Shared meals trim waistlines.


  • 这项研究不足之处电视时间基于人们自己的估计也许准确

    A drawback to the study is that it was based on people's own estimates of how much TV they were watching, which may not be accurate.


  • 这项基于美国2000名雇员反馈最新研究之前蜂王综合症影响工作相关健康状况研究提供了支持

    The latest study, which is based on responses from more than 2,000 employees in the US, backs up earlier research showing Queen Bee syndrome can affect work-related health.


  • 这项基于美国2000名雇员反馈最新研究之前蜂王综合症影响工作相关健康状况研究提供了支持

    The latest study, which is based on responses from more than 2, 000 employees in the US, backs up earlier research showing Queen Bee syndrome can affect work-related health.


  • 这项研究作者之一,马里兰大学Sandra Hofferth刚刚发布了基于2002年数据更新

    Sandra Hofferth of the University of Maryland, one of the authors of that study, has just released an update based on 2002 data.


  • 因为这项研究主要基于选择的部分并不能代表所有的闭锁症患者而且调查时,患者身旁均护理人员家人在场影响到患者对问题解答。

    Patients also answered the survey with a caregiver or family member present, which may have influenced answers.


  • 科学家认为当前必须通过分析进食辣椒血压之间流行病学联系,对这项基于老鼠研究加以确认。

    The scientists said the study on the rats now needs to be confirmed by analysing any epidemiological association between eating chilli peppers and blood pressure.


  • 尽管这项研究处在非常初级阶段,但是如果能改进完善基于纳米管的电池将可以提供一种有效方法转化为电能

    Though still in the very early stages of development, if perfected, carbon nanotube-based cells could provide a more efficient method of converting light to electricity.


  • 这项发现基于超过100,000遗传信息统计的基础上,故研究能够鉴定出心脏健康有潜在影响的极微小变异

    Because the findings were based on genetic information gathered from more than 100,000 people, researchers were able to identify subtle variations that could potentially affect heart health.


  • 如果这项基于啮齿动物研究同样适用人类也就是说,人类的早期教育童年期虐待产生的影响代代相传。

    If applicable to humans, the research, done on rodents, suggests that the impact of both childhood education and early abuse could span generations.


  • 这项内科医学年鉴》上发表最新研究成果主要基于1791年冬季维也纳官方死亡登记簿上的信息莫扎特之置于一个更大背景下进行研究

    Their new study, reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine, was based on information from official death registers for Vienna in the winter of 1791 that places Mozart's death in a wider context.


  • 表示这项研究揭示基于大脑学习方式更好教学方法。

    He says research has shown better ways to teach based on evidence about how the brain learns.


  • 这项研究基于群体样本并且考察分析了其他可能影响的因素,忧郁季节身体活动水平

    The study is based on a large population sample and took into account other possible factors, such as depression, season and levels of physical activity.


  • 现代生物学期刊发表这项研究揭示了新生儿啼哭声调明显差异一差异正基于他们母语

    Their analysis, published in journal Current Biology, revealed clear differences in the shape of the newborns’ cry melodies, based on their mother tongue.


  • 这项发现基于目前为止关于两种治疗方法最大样本量对照研究

    The finding surfaced from the biggest comparison of the two treatment strategies ever carried out.


  • 这项基于卫星测量研究首次北极冰盖厚度的评估作为研究对象,不是像以往研究一样,只是对冰盖的表面积进行研究

    The study, based on satellite measurements, is among the first to estimate the thickness of the Arctic ice, rather than just its surface area.


  • 这项研究范围没有超出封装软件而覆盖服务软件基于大型机软件的范围。

    The study's scope did not extend beyond packaged software, to cover server - or mainframe-based software.


  • 这项技术基于同位素研究

    The technique depends upon studying isotopes.


  • 这项研究基于以下假设进行员工每年会有不超过5%的加薪研究没有深入调查各种职业的收入

    This was based on the assumption that workers were given annual pay rises of up to five per cent although the research did not explore career earnings.


  • 这项研究发起人是多伦多大学心理学家辛西娅·d·麦德罗斯(CynthiadeMedeiros)他的四个同事研究基于88只小白鼠的观察—从它们出生开始。

    The authors of the new study - psychologist Cynthia DE Medeiros of the University of Toronto and four colleagues - followed a group of 88 rats after they were born.


  • 这项决定基于这样事实许多研究统计局肠内营养报告问题。

    This decision was based on the fact that many studies dealing with enteral nutrition report on both ONS and tube feeding.


  • 这项决定基于这样事实许多研究统计局肠内营养报告问题。

    This decision was based on the fact that many studies dealing with enteral nutrition report on both ONS and tube feeding.


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