• 目的设计种新型基于闪烁扫描人体肠道微型诊疗胶囊的实时定位跟踪系统

    Objective the new real-time location system based on Gamma scintigraphy is designed to satisfy the location research on micro-system in the gastrointestinal tract.


  • 提出一种基于光栅检测单片机闭环扫描控制系统设计方案

    A design method of microcomputer closed-loop scanning and control system based on grating check is presented.


  • 为了解决上述问题,文中提出了两种基于边界扫描技术动态链路设计方法

    To resolve them, two design methods of board level dynamic BS chain based on boundary scan technology are proposed in this paper.


  • 该文研究边界扫描体系结构TAP接口控制器基础上,在一个测试系统实现了基于JTAG规范主ta P接口设计

    On the basis of research on the bound ary-scan architecture and TAP controller, the paper implements a design for a t ap interface based on JTAG specification in a test system.


  • 计算机系统设计基于JTAG边界扫描计算机插件系统在线导通测试系统,这是一个新颖通用的系统。

    We have developed a new On-line Connecting Test System based on JTAG boundary scan for computer plug-unit or system.


  • 针对复杂型刀具设计要求结构特点研究开发了一种基于采集高精度接触式激光扫描测量系统

    Aiming at the design demand and structure character of complex surface tools, a high precision non-touching laser scanning system based on point sampling was studied and developed.


  • 采用一种基于免疫算法最小乘法的两级学习方法设计径向基函数(RBF)网络,将其应用雷达天线扫描方式识别系统

    A hybrid RBF training method based on immune algorithm and least square method is proposed and applied in radar antenna scanning-style recognition system.


  • 数字高清晰度电视信道接收芯片实现中使用了基于扫描链的可测试设计静态验证技术

    In the project of HDTV channel receiving ASIC, DFT techniques based on scan-chains, STA (Static Timing Analysis) and formal verification has been adopted.


  • 本文基于光学三角法测量原理,设计了一通过改变平面成像光轴夹角来实现对视场内被零件表面扫描的视觉测头。

    A novel noncontact scanner that scans the inspected part's surfaces by changing the Angle between laser plane and optical axis is designed based on optical triangulation.


  • 本文对目前主要设计方法进行研究的基础上,根据所设计CPU结构特点,采用了边界扫描技术基于BILBO自测试技术结合的可设计方案。

    Based on the research of primary DFT method and the structure characteristic of designed CPU, the article combines the boundary scan and Build-In Self-Test based on BILBO to test.


  • 论文给出了基于傅立叶变换中间函数图像重建算法针对该算法设计心脏扫描方案。

    This paper presents an intermediate function reconstruction algorithm based on Fourier transform, and also designs a scan method used in Cardiac scan.


  • 描述了一个基于原理的多CCD脚型测量系统,介绍了系统测量原理以及扫描控制系统的设计

    A 3d measuring system with multi-CCD based on light section principle is described. The measuring principle of the system and the design of the scanning control system are presented.


  • 介绍基于紫外波段扫描水质化学需氧量(COD)测量技术以及运用该技术设计开发在线COD测量仪器。

    A method based on all band ultraviolet scanning for measuring water chemical oxygen demand (COD) was introduced, and the method was applied to develop an on-line COD measuring instrument.


  • 基于混合信号边界扫描技术标准,提出混合信号边界扫描控制器设计方案实现硬件设计包括边界扫描控制模块、显示驱动模块等。

    On the basis of mixed-signal Boundary scan technology, a scheme of mixed-signal Boundary-scan test system is presented and the hardwares are implemented, including the controller and display unit.


  • 第一基于双频毫米波辐射计扫描要求设计基于PC计算机嵌入式系统两维伺服驱动电路,完成了扫描控制、通信协议和伺服驱动控制的软件设计

    Firstly, a two-dimensional servo-control driver circuit, which consists of PC and an embedded system, is designed based on the scanning requirement of the dual frequency millimeter wave radiometer.


  • 基于数字信号处理(dsp)方案设计了一电路板用于发光层析成像(SLT)扫描成像系统

    Based on digital signal process (DSP), this article gave the design method of an electronic board, which is used in the scanning imaging system of sonoluminescence tomography (SLT).


  • 实现了基于地形图扫描数字化航摄规划设计基本功能

    The basic functions of the flight plan of aerial photography based on scanned topographic map are achieved.


  • 满足快速扫描大面积图形需要设计基于扫描电镜高速图形检测系统

    A high speed image scanning system was designed to meet the requirement of fast scanning large images, which was based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM).


  • 基于扫描电镜成像过程有关物理概念出发,推导有关改进仪器设计功能所引用到的计算公式

    Basing on the physical concepts with the imaging process of SEM, the calculating equations used for improving the design and the function of the instrument have also been deduced.


  • 系统硬件自行设计基于2D激光雷达扫描系统台电脑构成。

    The hardware includes a computer and a set of self-developed 3D laser scanning system that is based on a 2D laser radar.


  • 基于IEEE 1149.1标准的边界扫描技术(BST)作为一种标准化可测性设计方法弥补传统测试缺陷复杂电路互连提供了测试手段

    As a standard DFT method, IEEE 1149.1 boundary-scan technique (BST) provides measures to complex interconnect test and can well make up the shortcoming of traditional test techniques.


  • 基于激光线扫描传感器原理设计可以同时测量足部负荷三维形貌的扫描

    A foot scanner was developed using laser-line scanning with mechanical sensors to simultaneously measure foot loads and 3-d foot shapes.


  • 提出一种基于结构方法全身人体扫描设计方案。

    In the design of a 3d whole body scanner based on structured light, laser stripes were projected horizontally onto the body.


  • 提出一种基于结构方法全身人体扫描设计方案。

    In the design of a 3d whole body scanner based on structured light, laser stripes were projected horizontally onto the body.


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