• 可以编写脚本来扫描这些日志,基于它们内容自动执行某些功能

    You can also write scripts that scan through logs and perform automatic functions based on the contents.


  • 例中网关执行某些基于内容路由记录功能

    In this case, the gateway could perform some content-based routing or logging functionality.


  • 交付适当功能基于服务请求上下文内容契约使用者提供服务。

    Deliver the appropriate functionality to service consumers based on the context, content and contract of the service request.


  • 现在一个定义良好位置(网关中介)添加中介功能服务器端的记录基于内容路由等。

    There is now a well-defined place (gateway mediations) to add intermediate functionality like logging or content-based routing on the server side.


  • 可以使用功能执行某种形式基于内容路由

    You can use this feature perform some forms of content-based routing.


  • 可以使用设备基于内容路由功能支持公共内部XML消息格式进行版本管理

    You can use the content-based routing capabilities of the appliance to support versioning of the common internal XML message format.


  • 总线可提供许多功能其中包括协议转换数据转换基于内容上下文路由核心功能

    The bus provides many functions, including the core functions of protocol transformation, data transformation, and content - and context-based routing.


  • 分配器提供基本基于内容路由功能

    The dispatcher also provides basic content-based routing functionality.


  • 应用程序不能允许用户使用功能内容之前要求用户注册此类用户注册必须可选的,而且只用于基于账户的功能

    Applications cannot require user registration prior to allowing access to app features and content; such user registration must be optional and tied to account-based functionality.


  • 除了这些”的内容之外,我们必须认识到,Ajax一种新的功能强大复杂技术尽管基于思想进行构建,但实际使用过程中,可能引入新的漏洞

    Beyond the "old", we must recognize that AJAX is a new powerful and complex technology that, while built on old ideas, when used in practice, has the potential to introduce new vulnerabilities.


  • 通过个性化功能,可以针对用户角色界面进行定制,从而通过基于浏览器点登录环境为用户提供相关内容

    Its personalization capabilities let us tailor the interface to the user's role, providing the user with relevant content through a single sign-on browser-based environment.


  • ProcessServer可以通过JMS主题执行消息发布MessageBroker具有高级功能基于内容订阅)。

    Process Server can perform message publication through JMS topics, whereas Message Broker has more advanced functionality, such as content-based subscriptions.


  • 很多网站内容功能作为基于REST服务提供以便包含其他Web应用程序中。

    Many web sites make their content and functionality available as RESTful services so that they can be incorporated into other web applications.


  • 基于DSig协议有个很主要的优势——断定身份的同时还创建消息内容篡改信封两个功能通常要求同时出现。

    One of the key advantages of DSig-based protocols is the ability to both assert identity and create a tamper-proof envelope of the content of the message which are often both required together.


  • 正在采购硬件图像取证设备具有实时系统基于内容图像获取数据功能

    Hardware forensic imaging devices with the capability to acquire data from live systems and content-based images are being procured.


  • MPEG4除了具有MPEG1MPEG2标准的基于”的功能以外,主要特点是数据采用基于内容操作、存取传输

    Besides those functions based on frames in MPEG 1 and MPEG 2, MPEG 4 is characterized by content based operation, access and transmission for data.


  • 该系统能够实现常规基于内容视频检索功能同时针对实时视频流数据,实现特定视频的流式检索。

    It can carry out conventional content-based video retrieval, and can also search special video clip in real-time video stream.


  • 本文试图图书馆空间信息内容出发研究基于GIS图书馆空间信息管理系统结构功能

    This paper attempts to start from the content of library spatial information and research the structure and function of library management system of spatial information based on GIS.


  • 风险管理一门学科主要包括风险评价、风险控制功能监测基于风险检测属于风险控制的重要内容

    Risk management is a new subject, including risk assessment, risk control, and performance monitoring. The risk-based inspection is a important part of risk control.


  • 并行数字图书馆系统除了提供目前数字图书馆提供的简单查询复杂查询一般查询功能之外,提供了基于结构内容查询。

    In addition to general query such as single query, complex query, etc, our system also provide a query based structure and content.


  • 主要涉及监控系统硬软件、抗干扰、接地方面的内容,并进行工业标准化可靠性设计研究,完成了基于功能特点的产品化设计。

    The production-forming design, based on the functional features of the monitor system, is completed, after researches have been done on the industrial standardization and the liability of the system.


  • 介绍了核电站系统基于RS-485串口通讯就地显示的研制,并重点就地显示箱通讯协议、通讯内容和主要功能的约定进行了阐述。

    The design of boron meter system local display box in nuclear power plant on the base of RS-485 serial port communication is introduced in the article.


  • MPEG -4视频编码标准中,为了实现基于视频内容交互功能,其视频序列每一由视频对象(VOP)来表示。

    In order to support content based functions in the visual standard of MPEG 4, each frame of video sequences should be represented in terms of video object planes (VOP's).


  • 依据当前对图象查询要求本文设计了一套完整的基于内容图象信息检索系统系统较以往的各种系统功能更加全面。

    Based on the requirement of image query, the paper designs a framework of Content-Based image Retrieval system (CBIR), which possesses more functions than all kinds of existing CBIR systems.


  • 本文ASP模式服务内容、服务模式及其特点进行了分析提出CRM系统功能模块基于三层架构的系统体系结构

    This paper analyzes the service contents, service model and particularities of ASP model, bring forward the functional module of CRM system and three-layer-based system architecture.


  • 基于门户内容管理系统RSS搜索引擎主要针对企业网站信息实现用户订阅RSS信息的检索功能

    RSS search engine which based on portal contents management system is mainly aimed to the users of enterprise information website to accomplish search function which subscribe RSS information source.


  • 本文内容旨在研制一种基于高速硬件处理功能专用数字信号处理(dsp)芯片实现图像快速无损压缩系统

    The major idea of this paper is to develop a system of images fast lossless compression, which realized on the special digital signal processing (DSP) chip of the high speed hardware.


  • 可以使用功能确保基于控件内容正确格式保存文件

    You can use this feature to ensure that the file is saved in the proper format based on the contents of the control.


  • 可以使用功能确保基于控件内容正确格式保存文件

    You can use this feature to ensure that the file is saved in the proper format based on the contents of the control.


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