• 过程核心包含一个允许保存模型一致性同时约束细化模型的基于模式方法

    The core of this process comprises a pattern-based approach that allows you to refine class models with constraints while preserving the consistency of the models.


  • 减少部署时间提高一致性以及促进灵活性,这些都是中间件应用程序环境探索基于方法期望实现的优势

    Reducing deployment time, increasing consistency, and fostering agility are benefits you would likely expect when exploring cloud-based approaches for your middleware application environments.


  • 基于模型方法能实现更好的业务-技术一致性解决方案设计开发提供所需资产服务流程)。

    The model-based approach enables better business-technical alignment and provides assets (services and processes) for the design and development of new solutions.


  • 目前生产中得到广泛使用校正方法几乎都是基于地表一致性假设

    At present, all widely used static correction methods in industry are based on the Surface Consistency Hypothesis.


  • 系列第1部分第2部分,了解了指定业务流程模型一种方法,可实现业务流程和基于面向服务的体系结构(Service - Oriented Architecture,SOA)的目标体系结构的一致性

    In Parts 1 and 2 of this series you learned a method for specifying process models that are closely aligned to a Service-Oriented architecture (SOA) based target architecture.


  • 提出一种基于空间关系一致性图像自动方法处理具有全局仿射变换图像配准问题。

    An automatic image registration method based on spatial relation consistency is proposed to deal with the registration of images with affine geometric distortion.


  • 基于业务活动调度分析提出了时序一致性验证方法确保工作流执行活动之间时间交互安全性

    Based on analyzing the schedulability of business activities, a time consistency verification method is put forward to assure safe time interactions between activities during workflow executions.


  • 针对异地备份系统数据持续变化情况,设计并实现了一种基于累积摘要值的一致性检测方法

    Aimed at the fact that the original data of the remote backup system changes continuously, a data consistency checking method based on summation digest is proposed.


  • 该文提出了一种基于代数重写逻辑UML模型一致性检查方法

    This paper proposes a method of checking the consistency of a UML model based on the algebraic rewriting logic.


  • 基于这种统一表示本文给出简洁几何元素位置关系的判断方法以及获得一致性完备推理规则

    Based on these unified representations, this paper gives a succinct method to obtain positional relations between geometric elements, and a group of complete reasoning rules to make them consistent.


  • 针对两层面问题不同性质,面向注射模制造,提出了一种基于映射混合表结构的BOM一致性维护方法

    To resolve the problem, an effective method of maintaining BOM consistency based on the reflection table and comprehensive chained l.


  • 针对企业视图模型一致性资源驱动问题,提出了基于资源导航的虚拟企业模型化的方法体系

    In order to solve the problems of consistency and of process navigation in the enterprise view model, a kind of modeling structure based on resource navigation is designed.


  • 本文通过模型描述语言语法结构语义表达特性进行抽象分析,提出一种基于语义一致性模型映射方法

    A model mapping approach based on semantics consistency was proposed by abstractly analyzing the characteristic of syntax and semantics of modeling languages.


  • 提出了应用概率距离测量传感器信息进行一致性检验方法将此方法引入到基于多惯性测量组合的总线导弹制导控制系统中。

    The method for consistency check of multisensor data by using the probability distance measuring is presented, and it used in CAN bus missile guidance and control system based on multi-IMU.


  • 基于一致性指标提出一种判断矩阵不满意元素识别调整方法

    According to the consistency weight index, an approach of identification and revision of unsatisfied elements in comparison matrix is proposed.


  • 针对问题提出基于地表一致性反褶积、提高大炮检距地震资料分辨率的处理方法

    We presented a new data processing procedure based on surface consistent deconvolution to solve this problem.


  • 基于协议测试需求分析选择实现了穿越测试作为隧道协议一致性测试方法

    In the conformance testing, we select and implement an abstract test method based on the analysis of tunnel protocol's test requirements.


  • 利用对数意义相容性指标提出了一种基于指数度下判断矩阵一致性调整方法并通过算例表明该法是切实可行

    A method is proposed for improving the consistency of inconsistent judgment matrix based on exponential scale, by the value of compatibility index of logarithm.


  • 介绍了建立向量空间模型电池分类系统提出了一个基于模糊决策快速完成识别电池容量曲线一致性的计算方法

    A cell classify system based on vector space model was introduced and a fast fuzzy based algorithm for recognizing capacity and curve of battery was proposed.


  • 基于UIO序列测试方法已经广泛地应用协议一致性测试软件一致性测试方面,如何有效地生成更短的UIO序列一直为人们所关注

    A testing method based on UIO sequence was widely used in protocol conformance testing and software conformance testing, how to efficiently generate shorter UIO sequence is always focused.


  • 测试自动生成方法研究协议一致性测试领域中比较活跃的分支。 提出了一种基于EBE模型,集成数据流控制流测试的新的协议测试自动生成方法给出了实现TUGEN

    TUGEN integrates the features of data-flow and control-flow test and is based on a formal model called EBE, which specifies only the external behavior of a protocol.


  • 实验表明基于微循环方法测得触觉感知刺激电流之间呈现较好的一致性

    Experiments show the uniformity between the tactile sensation volume obtained by microcirculation measurement and the stimulation current.


  • 针对企业视图模型一致性和非资源驱动的问题,提出基于资源导航虚拟企业模型化的方法体系

    The information resource navigation system for chemistry education has offered a kind of web platform based on data, which can satisfy the need of the classification of chemistry resources.


  • 针对企业视图模型一致性和非资源驱动的问题,提出基于资源导航虚拟企业模型化的方法体系

    The information resource navigation system for chemistry education has offered a kind of web platform based on data, which can satisfy the need of the classification of chemistry resources.


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