• 如果负责安全的话,你必须知道什么信息默认就是可见的。

    If you are responsible for domain security you need to know what information it is possible to see by default.


  • 布莱表示每年有6,000艘船只这一安全航行

    She said 6,000 ships navigate the area each year without incident.


  • DojoX Secure包含外部安全加载潜在恶意代码内容UI工件需要组件

    DojoX Secure includes components that are necessary for safely loading potentially malicious code, content, and UI artifacts from external domains.


  • 系统登录会使用诸如ID安全识别符),系统用户信息进行身份验证,因此认为是安全的。

    The system login uses information such as source ID (SID), domain and system user name for authentication, so it is considered secure.


  • 虽然可以一个静态IP地址拥有分配站点建立这种服务,但是觉得动态dns应该可以提供一些安全上的好处

    While it would have been possible for me to set up this service from a site with an assigned domain on a static IP address, I felt that a dynamic DNS would offer several security advantages.


  • 列出三个标准sca策略元素属性安全事务可靠消息传递

    It lists the standard SCA policy elements and attributes for three domains: security, transaction and reliable messaging.


  • 但是由于处理能力内存有限MIDP 1.0规范可以使用基于安全管理器。

    Due to limited processing power and memory, however, a domain-based security manager is not yet available in the MIDP 1.0 specification.


  • 如果服务器更多安全设置可能需要分别使用- W- U参数传递用户

    If your server has more security set up, you may need to pass the name of the user or the domain with the -w and -u parameters, respectively.


  • 如果尝试不同请求数据出现安全错误

    If you try to request data from a different domain, you will get a security error.


  • 因此每一个或者对象属于ProtectionDomain安全策略对这个保护授予某种访问权限

    Therefore, each class or object "belongs to" a ProtectionDomain, to which certain access permissions have been granted by the security policy.


  • DHTML传道团队的Julien Lecomte,宣布发布CrossFrame一种安全文档通信机制”。

    's DHTML Evangelist Team, has announced the release of " CrossFrame, a Safe Communication Mechanism Across Documents and Across Domains".


  • TivoliAccessManager包含一个安全策略定义了访问

    Tivoli Access Manager contains a security policy which defines access to a domain.


  • Windows服务可以本地用户帐户用户帐户LocalSystem帐户安全上下文中运行

    A Windows service can be run in the security context of a local user account, a domain user account, or the LocalSystem account.


  • 系列第1部分详细讨论了同一问题,出于安全上的考虑将XMLHttp请求限制提供原始web页面的同一台服务器上

    The same domain problem, explained in more detail in Part 1 of this series, is a security limitation that restricts XMLHttp requests to the same server that delivered the original Web page.


  • 通过创建ABB描述企业关键系统组成行为性模式可以为架构视图建模例如应用基础设施(Infrastructure)、网络安全

    You model domain architecture views, such as Applications, Infrastructure, Networks, and Security, by creating ABBs to describe enterprise-critical system composition and behavioral patterns.


  • 这个两个安全结构主导用户注册表比如LDAPLotusDominoMicrosoftActiveDirectory一个授权策略数据库

    The domain is governed by two security structures: The user registry, such as LDAP, Lotus Domino, or Microsoft Active Directory, and a master authorization policy database.


  • 例如名为geronimo -admin属性文件可以确保CommunityEdition管理控制台安全访问

    For example, access to the Community Edition admin console is secured by means of a properties file realm named geronimo-admin.


  • OAuth 1.01.0a几乎完全相同后者修复了安全漏洞——除了网址,OAuth密钥还被用来签署原始以及请求

    The 1.0 and 1.0a are almost identical, but the latter fixes a security bug which uses the OAuth key to sign the originating domain as well as the request, not just the URL.


  • HMTL5规范中postMessage()允许用户进行安全通讯

    postMessage() from HTML 5 specification will allow users to communicate across domains to allow for secure cross domain communications.


  • 一种属性文件更加可靠的安全但是为了实现需要创建相应的数据库输入数据

    This is a more robust security realm than the properties file realm, but for this you need to create tables and enter data in the database.


  • 每个安全可以具有自己用户群体以及基础存储库),此外应用程序可以与管理分离

    Each security domain can have its own user population (and underlying repository), and, additionally, the application domain can be separated from the administrative domain.


  • 一个闭包封闭这些引用所以函数调用可以安全引用这些变量即使它们已经超出了函数作用

    A closure "closes around" these references, so the function invocation can safely refer to the variables even when the variables have gone out of scope!


  • 远程文件系统其他内核服务可以使用这个服务管理密码学身份验证标记用户映射其他安全问题

    The service can be used by remote filesystems or other kernel services to manage cryptography, authentication tokens, cross-domain user mappings, and other security concerns.


  • 记住只有某人使用账号登录的时候安全策略设置才起效。

    Remember that group policy Settings are enforced only if someone logs in using a domain account.


  • 后面我们详细地讨论基于移动代码安全

    We'll discuss domain-based mobile code security in more detail in a later section.


  • 然而出于安全原因AJAX机制只限于单一获取数据

    However, for security reasons, that AJAX mechanism is limited to getting data from a single domain.


  • 安全通过发布一系列安全(用于不同信任之间代理信任关系)来形成信任的基础

    Security token services form the basis of trust by issuing a range of security tokens that can be used to broker trust relationships between different trust domains.


  • 这个安全来说一个促进。 思一直丢失美国市场中的份额而且不在日本销售

    The safety award is a boost for the Civic, which has been losing market share in the US and will no longer be sold in Japan.


  • 因为安全令牌信任作用所以需要链接信任作用范围方式

    Because a security token is useful within a trust domain, there needs to be a way to articulate the scope of a trust domain.


  • 因为安全令牌信任作用所以需要链接信任作用范围方式

    Because a security token is useful within a trust domain, there needs to be a way to articulate the scope of a trust domain.


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