• 城市环境乡村的完全不一样。

    The environment of city is a far cry form that of the countryside.


  • 这个城市环境让人放松和舒服。 。

    It that a very inviting and relaxing environment in the city.


  • 城市环境它们祖先生存环境不同

    The urban environment is very different from the one in which their ancestors were born and fledged.


  • 如果我们改善我们城市环境,我们将无法生存

    If we don't improve our environment of the city, we will be unable to survive.


  • 现如今地球正处于一个转折点,城市环境正变得越来越糟。

    Today, the planet is a tipping point, the environment of cities is becoming worse and worse.


  • 我们必须我们最大的努力保护我们国家我们生活城市环境

    We must try our best to protect the environment of our country and the city where we are living .


  • 2008年,北京环境质量可以发达国家主要城市环境质量相媲美。

    By 2008, the environmental quality in Beijing will be comparable to that of major cities in developed countries.


  • 水土流失我国北方大规模荒漠化问题城市环境破坏污染控制问题等等

    Some other problems such as soil and water loss, the large-scale desert belt in north, environmental destruction and pollution control in city, and so on.


  • 尽管无论每个城市环境有多么特殊活力很大程度会受到技术变革的影响。

    [color=#000000]Whatever the particular circumstances of a city, though, its vigour was likely to be affected by technological change.


  • 城市环境建筑灵感,我的目标是抓住他们的主要形式高度视觉速度

    I also find inspiration in urban environments and architecture and I aim to capture their essential form, stature, and visual speed.


  • 由于规模,再加上密集活动,几十年来,城市环境影响已经不再局部的问题。

    Due to their size, coupled with their intense activity, cities no longer impact the environment on just a local level.


  • 噪音屏蔽环境噪音有帮助(城市的环境噪音普遍),只要音量调得太高,非常安全了。

    White noise is helpful to block out ambient noises (particularly prevalent in a big city) — and it's perfectly safe to listen as long as the volume isn't cranked up too loudly.


  • 不错噪音屏蔽环境噪音有帮助(城市的环境噪音普遍),只要音量调得太高,非常安全了。

    Not bad! White noise is helpful to block out ambient noises (particularly prevalent in a big city) — and it's perfectly safe to listen as long as the volume isn't cranked up too loudly.


  • 马尔默座安静城市这个城市环境非常优美便利交通有利地理位置,是这座城市称为有着良好发展前景城市

    Malmo is a quiet city, the city's environment is very elegant, convenient transportation, favorable geographical location, is called the city has a good prospects for development of cities.


  • 克里斯蒂娜对此表示:“小巴很清楚,他喜欢主教练喜欢曼城他并不喜欢这座城市的环境因为想念布雷西亚,那是家乡

    He said he’s happy with the coach and the team at Manchester City, but he doesn’t like the city of Manchester because he misses Brescia, his home, not Milan,” Cristina said.


  • 顽强动物能极好地适应城市郊区环境

    The hardy animals tolerate urban and suburban environments quite well.


  • 然而纽曼认为这项研究表明,“依赖于汽车城市模式低效的,经济环境方面都严重不足”。

    Newman, however, believes the study demonstrates that "the auto-dependent city model is inefficient and grossly inadequate in economic as well as environmental terms".


  • 的确随着发展国家人们农村城市这种转移可能减少土地压力反过来可能有利于环境

    It's true that as people in developing nations move from the countryside to the city, the shift may reduce the pressure on land, which could, in turn, be good for the environment.


  • 乡下孩子新鲜空气可以呼吸生活环境不那么拥挤有更多机会参加体育锻炼,所以他们通常城市中的孩子健康

    With fresh air to breathe, less crowded living conditions, and more chances to take part in physical exercise, children in the country are usually healthier than those in the city.


  • 人们获得足够食物充分享受生活城市中的安全和舒适当然是一好事——确实会带来环境代价

    Getting enough to eat and enjoying the safety and comfort of living fully on the grid is certainly a good thingbut it does carry an environmental price.


  • 城市周边乡村环境之间最大温差叫做地区热岛效应强度

    The maximum differences in temperature between neighboring urban and rural environments is called the heat-island intensity for that region.


  • 如果我们采取正确方法可以减少城市环境影响

    If we do it the right way, we can reduce urbanization's impacts on the environment.


  • 根据环境保护全国338个城市调查,2016年,只有四分之一中国城市达到国家空气质量标准

    In 2016, only one fourth of Chinese cities met the country's air quality standards, according to a survey of 338 cities nationwide from the Ministry of Environmental Protection.


  • 个青年俱乐部是为那些想要参与在线项目的青少年准备的,比如让更多的人了解城市污染以及它是如何影响环境的。

    This youth club is for teens who want to take part in online projects such as making more people know about pollution in cities and how it is influencing the environment.


  • 城市可以为人们提供最新的技术,以收集信息和管理资源,而且应该有一个清洁和可持续的环境

    A smart city can provide the latest technology for people to collect information and manage resources and should have a clean and sustainable environment.


  • ISTP主任彼得·纽曼教授指出这些高效城市能够利用这种差异吸引产业扩大就业创造一个更好生活环境

    Professor Peter Newman, ISTP Director, pointed out that these more efficient cities were able to put the difference into attracting industry and jobs or creating a better place to live.


  • ISTP主任彼得·纽曼教授指出这些高效城市能够利用这种差异吸引产业扩大就业创造一个更好生活环境

    Professor Peter Newman, ISTP Director, pointed out that these more efficient cities were able to put the difference into attracting industry and jobs or creating a better place to live.


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