• 城市桥梁片景观带来了结构层次指向

    The urban bridge brings structure, hierarchy and orientation to the landscape.


  • 目前,景观桥梁设计现代城市桥梁设计关键环。

    Recenfly, the design of bridge landscape has been a far-reaching part of modem city's bridge design.


  • 至于路基路面结构、城市桥梁、隧道规划只作简单介绍

    It briefly introduces roadbed and road pavement stricture, bridge engineering and municipal-service tunnel.


  • 南昌生米大桥南昌市快速路跨赣江重要城市桥梁

    The Shengmi bridge is an important city bridge over Ganjiang River, on the Rapid Outer Ring Road of Nanchang.


  • 本文着重叙述人工桩的工艺城市桥梁工程中的应用

    This paper put great emphasis to describe the craftwork digging peg hole manpower in the city bridge engineering application.


  • 如果使用融雪剂道路隧道立交桥之下的城市桥梁

    If the steel is used for a low urban-area bridge or overpass that creates a tunnel-like configuration over a road on which deicing salt is used.


  • 城市桥梁处位置特殊功能需要受力特性不同其它交通桥梁

    The urban Bridges has the different forced characteristics to other traffic Bridges due to the special location and function demand.


  • 城市桥梁一般比较宽因此横向分布系数跟一般公路桥区别

    The urban bridge is usually wider than the highway bridge, so its transverse distribution coefficient is different from the later.


  • 造型美观施工简便众多优点使城市桥梁上得到广泛应用

    It has numerous advantages, such as the simpleness of construction and handsome of appearance, so it was used widely in the urban bridge construction.


  • 桥型跨越能力较大施工较为方便交通影响适宜城市桥梁应用

    This bridge type has greater capacity for spanning, easy construction and little influence on traffic, so it is suitable for the application in urban bridges.


  • 城市桥梁造型美学城市景观特色也是城市道路交通安全重要影响因素

    The aesthetics of urban bridge types is a feature of an urban landscape, it also is an important factor that influences on an urban road traffic safety.


  • 研究结果对城市桥梁现行承台设计方法的改进具有一定的指导意义。

    The test results provided us with guidelines for proper design of single columns supported by four pile cap used in bridge construction.


  • 本文城市桥梁设计中的桥梁上、下部结构桥面系结构设计中的几个问题进行讨论

    This paper discusses some problems about bridge superstructure, bridge substructure and bridge decking of city bridge design.


  • 本文着重叙述人工桩的工艺城市桥梁工程中的应用阐明了优越性

    This paper put great emphasis to describe the craftwork digging peg hole manpower in the city bridge engineering application. It states the advantage to dig hole peg.


  • 本文讨论车道荷载来源功能模式及其特征,并城市桥梁采用车道荷载背景作了说明。

    In this paper, the cause, function, model and characteristics of the lane loading are treated. The back-ground of selection lane loading in city bridge is also discussed.


  • 本文对其进行简要分析并常见城市桥梁病害现象整治病因对策设计角度提出建议意见

    The paper puts forward the Suggestions and opinions for the common diseases of the urban Bridges and the countermeasures for Fielding the disease causes from the design Angle.


  • 近年来,随着我国城市化进程加快城市桥梁建设迎来了一个黄金时期,其结构形式日趋多样化

    In recent years, with the accelerated process of urbanization, urban bridge construction in China is entering in a period of prosperity, the type of bridge structure is also becoming more diversified.


  • 针对城市建设越来越广泛遇到基坑问题,本文初步探讨了超深基坑开挖城市桥梁安全保护区域影响

    Many excavations appear in city construction, and effect of excavation on safety protective region of Bridges has become a very important problem.


  • 城市桥梁信息管理系统(2.0)城市桥梁信息管理系统(1.0版)基础进行开发研究建立的。

    The urban bridge information management system (2.0 edition) based on the urban bridge information management system (1.0 edition) is once more studied and developed.


  • 该文根据广州市城市桥梁现状提出了广州市城市桥梁管理信息系统研究开发总体思路,对研究开发中的几个关键问题进行了探讨。

    According to the current state of the municipal Bridges in Guangzhou, the total scheme of study and development of GZMBMS is presented, and the several key problems are discussed in this paper.


  • 通过分析城市道路车流分布特点,分别建立小轿车大型客车重型三类车辆模型,然后依据拥堵情况拟定针对城市桥梁拥堵的车辆荷载模型

    Through analyzing the distribution of car flow in urban road, vehicle models of car, bus and heavy vehicle are set up separately. Based on the state of jam, vehicle loading model is established.


  • 城市地区密集人类建筑房屋商业建筑道路桥梁

    Urban areas have a density of human structures such as houses, commercial buildings, roads and bridges.


  • 们在城市的高楼和桥梁上筑巢。

    They nest on tall buildings and bridges in cities.


  • 他们认为承包商达成了不可告人交易;承包商私下贿赂得到修建城市道路桥梁合约

    They think he's cut some shady deals with contractors who paid him bribes under the table to get contracts to repair city roads and Bridges.


  • 只有冬天可能达到米尔内,原因河流阻隔两个城市河流之上却没有桥梁

    It's impossible to get to Mirny in any other season except winter because there is no bridge across the river between the two cities.


  • 设计新的公路收费系统热潮正在全世界兴起已不只包括高速公路桥梁隧道,甚至包括整个城市中心国家公路网络

    Elaborate new toll systems are popping up all over the world. And it is no longer just highways, Bridges or tunnels that get tolled, but entire city centres or national road networks.


  • 未来城市桥梁可以工程师沟通道路掌控车辆泊车主动找

    In the city of the future, Bridges will talk to engineers, roads will control cars, and parking spots will find you.


  • 未来城市桥梁可以工程师沟通道路掌控车辆泊车主动找

    In the city of the future, Bridges will talk to engineers, roads will control cars, and parking spots will find you.


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