• 今年夏天纽约大学仍举办针对高中生大学生的网络城市新闻编辑夏令营

    This summer, NYU will also offer a Hyperlocal Newsroom summer Academy for high school and college students.


  • 芝加哥城市新闻犯罪报道记者通用电气公共关系撰稿人甚至还过萨博汽车推销员

    He was a crime reporter for the Chicago City News Bureau, a PR writer for General Electric, even a Saab car salesman.


  • 城市新闻路上车上进行了电话报道——接着又赶现场这个城市另一个灾难故事

    Xuan filed a live phone report in the car on his way back to the downtown newsroom — and then it was on to the next case and another chance to tell the stories of the city's less fortunate.


  • 中国首都北京城市指南,之中包括北京历史美食概况特色照片以及北京相关城市新闻订阅

    Chinese capital of Beijing city guide, including Beijing's history, cuisine, profiles, featured photos, as well as city News subscriptions associated with Beijing.


  • 因此虽然一些参与这次伯明翰科学城市新闻调查英国人对于什么真实的什么是虚构的有着离奇的想法,但他们并不一定就是完全不可理喻

    So although a number of the Britons surveyed by Birmingham Science City have fanciful beliefs about what is real and what is fiction, they aren't necessarily completely out of touch.


  • 2008年,当地新闻媒体揭发了一个害人犯罪陷阱,工作为诱饵欺骗失业城市年轻人来到农村,然后杀害他们,将他们混充战死叛乱分子

    In 2008 local news media uncovered a macabre network that lured unemployed urban youths to the countryside with promises of jobs, only to kill them and pass them off as dead rebels.


  • 报社离职的记者许多城市创办地方新闻网站

    Journalists leaving newspapers have started online local news sites in many cities.


  • 离开报业记者们开始许多城市乡镇设立本地在线新闻网站

    Journalists leaving newspapers have started online local news sites in many cities and towns.


  • 旧金山波特兰等城市环保已不再什么新闻话题,但休斯顿实现快速绿色增长方面仍然大有可为。

    While environmental efforts are old news in cities like San Francisco and Portland, she thinks Houston has room for exponential green growth.


  • 今天旧金山的这家创业公司提供美国国内将近85个城市本地新闻讯息流,公司计划今年年底的时候将服务扩展国际上去。

    Today, the San Francisco-based venture offers up local news streams for nearly 85 cities in the U.S. and has plans to expand internationally later this year.


  • 根据许多新闻报道,“婴儿潮”一代已经做好了大规模返回城市的准备。

    The baby boom generation is poised for a large-scaleback to the city” movement, according to many news reports.


  • 城市看起来总是找到筹集资金公园并且有时需要正面新闻名字来命名,他们通常没有资金来维护它们。

    Cities seem to always find a way to raise the money to build parks and sometimes name them after someone who needs some good press, but they often fail to provide the money to maintain them.


  • 它们几乎所有都是城市里被遗弃的,”动物园两栖动物主任吴文春上海每日新闻报》

    "Almost all of them were abandoned somewhere in the city," said Wu Weichun, the director of the zoo's amphibian department, to the Shanghai Dailynewspaper.


  • 克朗凯特休斯顿邮报工作了一年后加入堪萨斯城市广播站新闻体育编辑

    Cronkite worked at the Houston Post for a year, then joined the staff of a Kansas City radio station, where he worked as news and sports editor.


  • 肯定伊拉克看到这个装置,在城市环境下”,爱德华·格拉汉姆上尉告诉新闻论坛报》。

    "I definitely see the application in Iraq, in an urban environment," Capt. Edward Graham tells the News-Tribune.


  • 洛杉矶高中毕业,布可维斯基在洛杉矶城市学院学习学习艺术新闻文学课程。

    After graduating from Los Angeles High School, Bukowski attended Los Angeles City College for two years, taking courses in art, journalism and literature.


  • 尽管国家电视台在年级较长的俄罗斯人力影响巨大年轻人、居住在城市以及受过教育的人则通过互联网获得新闻观点这些基本不受克里姆林宫宣传的控制。

    Although state television has enormous sway over older Russians, the young, urban and educated get their news and views from the Internet, which remains largely free of Kremlin propaganda.


  • 竞技新闻一直这座城市电视电台中保持活力

    Competitive journalism is kept alive among the city's television and radio stations.


  • 双方起用驿马快信[制]传送其他城市新闻并用快艇迎接进港,好提前小时获得国外新闻

    Both started to use pony expresses to deliver news from other cities, and fast boats to meet incoming vessels and get foreign news a few hours early.


  • 如若有意评论新闻(包括纸质在线),请注明城市真实姓名

    If you want to comment in The news-both in print and online-you'll have to give us your real name and hometown.


  • 旅程曼谷东方酒店(The Oriental Bangkok)开始早上醒来的时候听见新闻整个城市已经进入紧急状态

    My trip had begun at the Oriental, Bangkok, where I woke up to the news that the city was in a state of emergency.


  • 实际上到‘这个城市种误导Pizza精神病学新闻》的会谈中表示。

    Even to speak of ‘the cityis misleading, ” said Piazza, in an interview with Psychiatric News.


  • 独家新闻我们上次高曼谈话9个月,简单介绍了高曼;面包店魅力城市蛋糕他的食物网络电视真人连续剧王牌蛋糕》,当时一定很忙

    The scoop: When we last spoke with Goldman nine months ago for a profile piece on him; his bakery, Charm City Cakes; and his Food Network reality-TV series, Ace of Cakes, he was definitely busy.


  • Vasilyeva夫人审判过程中,Danilkin先生不得不更高一级别的莫斯科城市法庭征求意见。她自己Danilkin法庭任新闻秘书

    Throughout the trial Mr Danilkin had to consult the higher-ranking Moscow City court, said Ms Vasilyeva, who also works as a press secretary in Mr Danilkin's court.


  • 2006年,《新闻周刊》就授予加济阿巴德活跃城市之一称号。加济阿巴德计划周边修建一座国际机场,这无疑将会使更受人们欢迎

    In 2006, Newsweek dubbed Ghaziabad as one of the top 10 most dynamic cities, and plans to build an international airport nearby will only increase its popularity.


  • 据美国有线电视新闻报道,Matadornetwork.com网站近日评出了15世界上自行车友好城市

    selected 15 of the world's most bike-friendly cities, CNN reported.


  • 据美国有线电视新闻报道,Matadornetwork.com网站近日评出了15世界上自行车友好城市

    selected 15 of the world's most bike-friendly cities, CNN reported.


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