• 公司坐落风景秀丽的江北水城- - - - -城市开发区

    The company is located in the beautiful Liaocheng City Development Zone, Jiangbei Shuicheng —.


  • 反映城市开发区电子政务存在类型差异城市等级差异、地区差异、体制差异。

    This will reflect the city development area e-government existing the style difference, city grade difference, region difference, system difference.


  • 然后网站内容、网站功能、网站自身建设情况城市开发区电子政务进行简单评价

    Then carry on a simple evaluation to thee-government of those cities from the website's content, website's function, the website's construction circumstance.


  • 大连计划这个城市开发区建造条距离短一些速度低一些的公里长的线路,具体的路线目前还没有确定。

    Dalian's plans are for a shorter, slower, three-kilometer line along a yet-to-be-determined route in the city's development zone.


  • 绿色仪征经济开发区主体色调它象征着园区城市脉、人脉与文脉和谐共存

    Green, the main color of Yizheng Economic Development Zone, represents the harmonious coexistence between park and city, between water, human and culture.


  • 张家港彩虹进出口有限公司位于张家港工业城市一个新的海港沿岸开发区中国

    Is located in ZhangJiaGang which is a industrial city and a new harbour in littoral development zone of China.


  • 设计一个公共交通网络,用以连接滨海经济技术开发区区域相邻以及联接现有整个城市基础设施

    A public transport network has been designed that will link the waterfront with adjacent land USES of the new ETDZ and the existing city wide infrastructure.


  • 研究城市城市土地市场运行机制进行分析之后城市经济开发区例对城市土地市场运行机制作了案例分析。

    The study take Yancheng City as an example, and then based on the case study of Yancheng City economic development zone to analyze the urban land market operation mechanism.


  • 城市定为开发区

    The town has been designated a development area.


  • 公司坐落美丽海滨城市大丰经济技术开发区占地80多亩

    The company is located in the beautiful coastal city of Dafeng of economic and technological development zone, an area of 80 mu.


  • 采用树形节点显示直观方便操作快捷提高滨海经济开发区城市管理力度工作效率

    Using tree nodes display, intuitive and convenient, quick operation, coastal economic development zone will increase the strength and efficiency of urban management.


  • 城市总体规划总体规划确定建设用地范围以外不得设立各类开发区城市新区

    Beyond the scope of the land used for construction as determined in the overall plan of a city or town, no development zones or new urban zones of any description may be established.


  • 建立飞地城市开发区公路网规划体系,成功应用于西安市杨凌开发区规划实践

    Then it built the independent-city-type development zone's highway network planning, and proved with the practice of Yangling highway network planning successfully.


  • 城市一部分划为重新开发区

    This part of the city has been zoned for redevelopment.


  • 营口奥鹏金属机械有限公司座落美丽海滨城市辽宁营口市河口开发区站前工业园

    Yingkou Aopeng Machinery co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful coastal city of Yingkou city, Liaoning Estuary Development Zone Industrial Park Station.


  • 沧州经济开发区融入中心城市理念引导招商引资基础设施建设为“两翼”,取得骄人业绩

    Cangzhou Economic Development Zone in order to "integrate into the center city" concept as the guide to investment and infrastructure construction as "two wings", has made remarkable achievements.


  • 开发区作为城市特殊经济区域,为地方经济的增长发挥重要作用,但开发区土地利用存在一些问题

    As a special economic region in a city, development zones have played great role in local economic growth, but there are still some problems in land use.


  • 广州南沙开发区建设意味着所有基础设施提前投入城市供水其中一重要项目

    The building of Nansha development zone in Guangzhou means that all the infrastructural facilities will be input ahead of time, the municipal water supply is one of the important projects among them.


  • 开发区建成区再开发促进我国城市空间集约利用建设低碳城市一条重要途径

    The re-development of built-up area in the development zone is an important path for promoting the intensive use of urban space and low-carbon city construction.


  • 文章最后通过类型河谷型城市的横向对比,揭示出开发区主导下的兰州城市空间结构演进特征模式动力机制

    At last, comparing with other valley-cities, this thesis indicated the model, characteristics and dynamical mechanism of development zone and urban spatial structure evolvement of Lanzhou city.


  • 其次分析不同时期天津开发区定位,表明天津开发区强烈城市愿望解释了体制产业空间等问题产生原因

    The second part analyses the orientations of different development stages. It explains the strong desire of urbanization of TEDA and all the reasons that induced the system, industry and space issues.


  • 成立以来,先后我国三十多个城市区域主持视觉系统设计,大连三亚博鳌绍兴广州经济开发区北京海淀区、西单商业街、江苏宜兴兴化溧阳

    Since founded it has offered service for more than thirty cities or districts such as Dalian, Sanya, Boao, Shaoxing, Yixing, Xinghua, Liyang, Guangzhou, Haidian District, Xidan Street, etc.


  • 可以很好的解决开发区经济职能社会管理职能互相冲突问题,中国城市化进程需要

    It can solve the conflict between economic function and social management function of ETDZ, which reflects the need of urbanization in China.


  • 最后教授与同学们分享自己各个城市做的项目新城开发旧城改造、开发区规划设计楼盘规划等等。

    At last, Professor HO shares some of his projects in different cities, which range from new town planning, urban revitalization, new districts planning to real estate planning and etc.


  • 地块位于开发区振兴路仁德路口北侧开发区成熟工业区块,南侧是城市建成区。

    It is located at the crossing of Zhenxing Road and Rende Road in JXEDZ. In its north there is the developed industrial area, and in its south lies the city proper.


  • 研究目的:对城市化进程中的开发区土地集约利用水平进行评价根据评价结果分析影响因素原因开发区土地利用提供决策依据

    The purpose of the paper is to evaluate on the degree of intensive land use of development zone, and analyze its influence factors and causes in order to offer reference for decision-making.


  • 地块位于嘉兴城市北大门,北侧开发区成熟工业区块南侧城市建成区

    It is located in the north of Jiaxing city. In its north there is the developed industrial area, and in its south lies the city proper.


  • 地块位于嘉兴城市北大门,北侧开发区成熟工业区块南侧城市建成区

    It is located in the north of Jiaxing city. In its north there is the developed industrial area, and in its south lies the city proper.


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