• 有关城堡的故事进了那导游书中。

    The castle has been written about in the book for tourists.


  • 有关城堡故事写进了那导游书中。

    On the Distinction of the Language and Narrative Structure of The Castle;


  • 许多故事一样,此书也是很久很久以前城堡讲起。

    Like many stories, this one starts long, long ago, with a castle.


  • 许多城堡散发悲剧爱情故事描述那种氛围

    Many castles are surrounded with atmosphere described in magical stories of love that can often be tragic.


  • 年轻的科学怪人完全沉浸故事,看怪物爬上城堡高墙

    While watching Young Frankenstein, I totally lost it when the monster was climbing the castle wall at the end.


  • 有时人们听说被掳走会充当生者善意守护神,我闹鬼池塘来的这个故事也是一例,它讲述了哈克特城堡约翰?

    Sometimes one hears of stolen people acting as good genii to the living, as in this tale, heard also close by the haunted pond, of John Kirwan of Castle Hacket.


  • 我们今天所要讲述故事有关航运、探险、海盗侵扰及战争,一个古老军事基地故事----卡斯特罗..马科斯堡 (以下简称圣马科斯堡),城堡建于美国最早欧洲永久殖民地----圣奥古斯丁,它位于美国南部佛罗里达州

    It is the story of an old military base, the Castillo de San Marcos. It was built in the oldest permanent European settlement in the United States -- Saint Augustine, in the southern state of Florida.


  • 曾经听说过这座魔法控制下城堡神秘故事,天气晴朗的时候,他可以看到城堡的高塔耸立在纠结缠绕的树木之中

    He had once heard mysterious stories of the enchanted castle whose tower he could see high above a forest of tangled trees on a clear day.


  • 听说有个叫做睡美人漂亮女孩城堡里的故事

    He had also heard the story about the beautiful young lady called Sleeping Beauty asleep within the castle.


  • 灵梦红色城堡不是真的城堡。这本故事赤城山传说,红色城堡

    Reimu: And the "Red castle" is not a real castle. The story of your book is the legend of the Mount Akagi. the "Red castle Mountain".


  • 他们发现特殊利益童话因为空间时代设置在一座城堡设置的故事他们情况较近

    T. they find a fairy tale with a special interest because it is set in the space age, which is closer to their situation than a story set in an old castle.


  • 长久以来都流传着关于爱丁堡城堡闹鬼故事其中就有“女巫”。

    The Edinburgh Castle has a long haunting past, one of which involves the Witches Well.


  • 将你带回古老城堡传奇故事

    CastleStone recalls the story of legendary Old Castle.


  • 父子并肩走过超市公寓果园老家垃圾海岛冰箱城堡奇幻世界留下一串串妙趣横生的故事

    Together they traveled Supermarket Apartment, Orchid Town, Junk Island, Refrigerator Castle and many more fantastic places, leaving a series of hilarious stories.


  • 听说过一个废弃城堡年轻德国贵族故事吗?

    Have you heard of the story about a young German aristocrat who lives in an abandoned castle?


  • 故事本身只是童话实际上城堡峭壁上确实一口深井,人们都爱情”。

    The story is just a fairy tale, but truth is that there is a deep well in the castle cliff. Nobody calls her by other name than "Well of love".


  • 提起斯洛文尼亚让人想起童话故事场景情节:片被高高的圣诞树包围着、山顶矗立着城堡神秘土地

    Visually, Slovenia is reminiscent of fairy tales: a little-known land of castles on hilltops and tallChristmas trees.


  • 哥特小说主要一些描写神秘恐怖小说,主要描写发生一些闹鬼破烂不堪中世纪城堡里的故事

    Gothic novels are mostly stories of mystery and horror which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles - were turned out profusely by both male and female writers.


  • 故事大都发生奇怪地方--倾圮的僧院,莱茵河城堡--笼罩着微妙、朦胧恐怖人的气氛。

    Indeed all his stories have the special poe flavour. many of them are set in strange places-a ruined abbey, a castle on the rhine-with elaborate and dimly or luridly lit decors .


  • 詹妮特讲这个故事时间1634年,当时9因被指控女巫而被关押开斯特城堡监狱里

    Zhan Niespecially told this story the time is in 1634, at that time her onlythen 9 years old, because are actually accused to imprison for thesorceress in the Lancaster castle jail.


  • 年纪时候,你相信童话故事关于自己将来幸福生活的梦想触手及,梦想着自己穿着白色的婚纱,迷人白马王子山坡城堡

    You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales, that fantasy of what your life would be, white dress, prince charming who would carry you away to a castle on a hill.


  • 城堡》其实就是卡夫卡讲述个有关“城堡”的故事或者说是他精心设计的一个有关“城堡”的谜语,谜语的谜底早已失落或者说根本就不存在

    The Castle is a story which Kafka told, or a riddle that Kafka designed delicately, but the answer to which has been lost or there has never been any answer at all.


  • 城堡》其实就是卡夫卡讲述个有关“城堡”的故事或者说是他精心设计的一个有关“城堡”的谜语,谜语的谜底早已失落或者说根本就不存在

    The Castle is a story which Kafka told, or a riddle that Kafka designed delicately, but the answer to which has been lost or there has never been any answer at all.


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