• 埃克森石油公司就是好的例子

    Exxon is a good example.


  • 伯恩斯坦埃克森石油公司乍得输油管道例子

    Ms Bernstein cites the example of a pipeline that Exxon built in Chad.


  • 例如埃克森石油公司Exxon)的董事会在确定CEO薪酬没有参考其他跨国能源公司的薪酬设置

    Exxon's (XOM) board, for example, doesn't use other global energy firms when setting their CEO's pay.


  • 现在对于辆汽油汽车然后基本上订购某个石油公司的产品——埃克森石油公司雪佛龙公司,或其它公司

    Today with a gasoline car, you buy your car and then you basically have a subscription with an oil companyExxon, Chevron, whoever.


  • 即使今天仍有一半社区居民表示愤怒沮丧感到受到埃克森石油公司欺骗——漫长的法律诉讼程序法庭系统也得出了相同结论。

    Even today, about half of those in the community report feeling angry, frustrated, or cheated by Exxon - and by the court system, after drawn-out litigation.


  • 即使是以资金运作要求高而著称的埃克森石油公司也也已冒着更大的风险俄罗斯罗斯纳尔福德公司签订了大西洋黑海的开采合同

    Even Exxon, renowned for its capital discipline, has struck riskier-than-usual deals in the Arctic and the Black Sea with Russia’s state oil firm, Rosneft.


  • 受到这些激励方案以及涌现出石油峰值理论的刺激,壳牌埃克森石油公司以及阿莫科公司成为太阳能技术上最大投资者

    Motivated by these incentives and the emergence of "peak oil" theory, companies like Shell, Exxon, and Amoco became some of the largest investors in solar technology.


  • 尽管这场灾难贴上的是埃克森石油公司名字,但却是由阿里·耶斯卡石油财团BP的作业人员帮忙进行清理,他们也是指定的事故一应对方。

    Though the disaster came to be tagged with Exxon's name, Alyeska, and the BP operatives who helped run it, were the designated first responders.


  • 然而上周这种局面一次显得十分的遥遥无期:8月30日埃克森石油公司Rosneft公司达成了协议。Rosneft公司俄罗斯石油公司

    Last week, however, it became obvious once more how unlikely such scenario is: on 30th August, Exxon announced a deal with Rosneft, the Russian state oil company.


  • 共和党人再次英国石油公司埃克森石油公司其他石油公司为营,而不是美国纳税人大多数需要帮助贫苦美国人站一起。”马基份声明中

    "Republicans once again sided with BP, Exxon and the oil companies, not with the American taxpayer and the poorest Americans most in need of help," Markey said in a statement.


  • 但是人们明白许多国家机构英国墨西哥,从花旗银行到埃克森石油公司实际上已经成为石油输出国组织非正式成员,它们竭力试图保持价格稳定

    What was clear was that many countries and institutions, from Britain to Mexico, from Citibank to Exxon, had virtually become unofficial members of OPEC, trying hard to keep the price steady.


  • 埃克森美孚雪佛龙大陆石油公司首席执行官以及壳牌高层出席了

    The chief executives of Exxon, Chevron and Conoco, along with a senior executive from Shell, are all appearing.


  • 但是埃克森美孚大型石油公司保守派典型代表,拆分对于公司来说无异于天方夜谭

    But ExxonMobil is known as the most conservative member of Big Oil, making any split hard to imagine.


  • 汤姆森表示:“埃克森美孚石油公司一直是典型综合性石油公司。”

    "ExxonMobil has always been the quintessentially integrated company," Thomson says.


  • 美国石油公司另外一码事了:正如埃克森表现的,只要庞大的石油资源他们就会一直乐意同你做生意

    But American oil firms are a different matter: as Exxon has shown, so long as you sit on colossal oil reserves, they will always be happy to do business.


  • 埃克森美孚雪佛龙家美国最大石油公司股价今年分别下跌了17%和18%。

    Shares of Exxon and Chevron, the two largest U.S.-based oil companies, are down 17% and 18%, respectively, this year.


  • 2003年,埃克森考虑大量购买俄罗斯当时最大石油公司-尤科斯-的股份

    In 2003 Exxon considered buying a large stake in Yukos, then Russia's largest oil firm.


  • 埃克森美孚英国石油公司利润下滑一半壳牌利润暴跌了70%。

    Exxon Mobil and BP saw profit fall by around half; at Shell it was down by 70%.


  • 由于远离象埃克森美孚公司这样跨国公司新的油田最有可能国有石油公司领土发现,因为这些地方没有完全开发。

    New oil is most likely to be found in the NOCs' territory, precisely because it is largely out of bounds to multinationals such as Exxon and BP, and so has not yet been thoroughly raked over.


  • 星期二白宫发言人佩里诺在谈到其它没有解决的官司时说,委内瑞拉埃克森美孚石油公司之间问题属于民事纠纷。

    Tuesday, White House press secretary Dana Perino said the issue between Venezuela and ExxonMobil is a civil matter, referring to other pending lawsuits.


  • 事实上像是康菲石油公司埃克森美孚公司波兰的页岩储备满怀希望,康菲石油公司已经开始进行探矿了。

    True, companies such as ConocoPhillips or Exxon Mobil have been sanguine about Polish gas, and the former has already begun prospecting.


  • 斯莫利石油管道运营商诸如埃克森美孚石油公司、英国石油公司康德·摩根石油公司——没有科赫公司——都接受基金会免费服务

    Large pipeline operators such as ExxonMobil Corp., BP Plc and Kinder Morgan Inc. — and not Kochaccept free services from the foundation, Smalley says.


  • Rosneft公司可以使用埃克森美孚石油公司专业知识资金埃克森美孚石油公司可以扩大俄罗斯地位。 俄罗斯视为未来石油和天然气生产关键位置

    Rosneft gets access to Exxon Mobil's expertise and capital; the US company extends its position in Russia, which is widely seen as a key location for future oil and gas production.


  • 多年埃克森美孚就是这么做的,解释为什么世界赚钱最多石油公司

    That's what Exxon Mobil has been doing for years, which is perhaps why it is the world's most profitable oil company.


  • 俄罗斯国有石油公司Rosneft美国能源巨头埃克森美孚宣布了一项战略协议共同勘探开发北极石油天然气

    Russia's state-owned oil company Rosneft and the United States energy giant Exxon Mobil have announced a strategic deal to jointly explore and develop oil and gas reserves under the sea in the Arctic.


  • 英国石油公司BP)标榜自己“BP——Beyond Petroleum超越石油”,而且各家石油企业崇尚环保的浓浓绿意之时,埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)却远离拥抱替代能源时尚潮流。

    WHEN BP branded itself asBeyond Petroleum”, and the fashionable colour among oil companies was green, Exxon Mobil stood aloof from the rush to embrace alternative sources of energy.


  • 委内瑞拉有关官员指责埃克森美孚石油公司进行经济骚扰。 此前,埃克森美孚欧洲获得一项法庭令,冻结委内瑞拉在海外价值120亿美元的资产。

    Venezuelan officials accuse the firm of economic harassment after Exxon won a court order in Europe freezing $12 billion in Venezuelan assets abroad.


  • 包括雪佛龙(Chevron)英国石油公司在内大多数公司同意这些条款,康菲石油公司ConocoPhillips埃克森美孚国际公司(Exxonmobil)则拒绝以上条款并且公司撤走

    Most of the oil companies, including Chevron and B.P., agreed to the terms; ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil did not, and pulled out.


  • 今年秋明石油公司阻止了英国石油公司俄罗斯国有石油公司Rosneft进行的交易埃克森美孚公司(Exxon)最终赢得了这笔交易】。

    This year, a deal between BP and Russia's state-owned oil company Rosneft was blocked by TNK (Exxon (XOM) ultimately won the deal).


  • 公司规模基本相当尽管壳牌雇员多一些,去年底达到10.4万名,相比之下英国石油公司埃克森美孚分别劳工9.8万名和8.1万名。

    The three companies are roughly comparable in size, although Shell has a bigger workforce, with 104,000 employees at the end of last year, compared with 98,000 for BP and 81,000 for Exxon.


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