• 可以制作素食辣椒,你所需做的仅仅是把垫底牛肉去掉额外加进一个黑豆豆腐罐头

    You can make vegetarian chili by removing the bottom beef and adding an extra can of black beans or tofu.


  • 智利榜首垫底玻利维亚

    Chile comes out on top, while Bolivia is at the bottom.


  • 我们联盟垫底3支球队而已。

    We just played and WON the bottom 3 teams in the league.


  • 因此经常垫底小报赛马邮报在一边。

    They often shelve it with bottom-feeding tabloids and the Racing Post.


  • 片中罗列阿肯色州在全国垫底23领域

    The program listed twenty-three areas where Arkansas ranked near the bottom of all states.


  • 嘲弄尼克斯同时,篮网自己牢牢霸占着东部垫底头把交椅。

    They taunted the Knicks, and promptly crumbled back to the bottom of the Eastern Conference.


  • 尽管没有明显反弹但是选举票数似乎至少不是垫底了。

    It may not be a proper rebound, but his poll Numbers seem at least to have bottomed out.


  • 英超赛场,即使遇到垫底球队打起十足精神应对。

    But in the Premiership, more than in any other country, you have to sweat even when you face teams that are at the bottom of the table.


  • 中国女子冰壶队23日爆冷以4 - 7负于排名垫底的俄罗斯队

    The Chinese women curlers team lost to bottom-placed Russia 4-7 Tuesday.


  • 有趣的如果按人均奖牌排名那么美国中国都会垫底

    Interesting that if you were to list the Olympic medal table per population, then the US and China would both be near the bottom.


  • 我们关心从哪里来,你努力了多久,你在学校尖子生还是垫底

    We don't care where you went, how long you went there, if you were top or bottom of your class.


  • 所谓拉就是山脚线范围砌筑第一山石,即做出垫底山石层。

    The bottom line is pulled, at the foot of the mountain range of the first layer of stone masonry, stone made bottom layer.


  • 生物化学历史硕士也是垫底硕士学位,但这不意味着他们毫无用处。

    Biology, chemistry and history degrees are also toward the bottom of the list-but that doesn't mean they're useless.


  • 大学生课外阅读走向精神成熟起点因而一点垫底的工作

    After class reading of university students is the beginning of mental maturity, thus doing such kind of homework so as to lay some foundation is necessary.


  • 周二胜利让曼联领头羊切尔西他们今晚挑战垫底的茨茅斯。

    Tuesday's victory moved the Reds level on points with league leaders Chelsea, who visit rock-bottom Portsmouth on Wednesday evening.


  • 知道肯定垫底人之一,但是我也肯定Alexandria被送回家

    I knew I was definitely in the bottom two, but I thought Alexandria was a for sure thing to go home because of that.


  • 想想一家排名垫底的电视台,我到了一个破产这个今晚还是通用赞助的。

    Think about it. I'm on a last place network, I moved to a state that's bankrupt, and 'The Tonight Show "is sponsored by General Motors."


  • 例如可以制作素食辣椒,你所需做的仅仅是垫底牛肉去掉额外加进一个黑豆豆腐罐头

    For example, you can make vegetarian chili by leaving out the ground beef and adding an extra can of black beans or soy crumbles.


  • 屋顶工一样快乐程度名单上垫底职业包括:垃圾服务站工作人员制模铸造机器操作员

    Jobs that plummeted to the bottom of the happiness chart along with the roofers included garage and service station attendants and molding and casting machine operators.


  • 曼联今天晚上未能击败垫底球队桑德兰,这意味切尔西在剩下的比赛最多需要便可以赢得冠军

    Manchester United's shock failure to beat bottom club Sunderland tonight, Friday, means Chelsea need a maximum of just seven points from our final five games to win the title.


  • 部分是因为英国为了结束财政赤字必须要提高消费税英国财政赤字占GDP比重欧元区垫底的国家爱尔兰还高。

    That is in part due to consumption-tax increases required to close Britain's deficit, which is larger as a share of GDP than any euro-zone country's bar Ireland.


  • 可能需要担心的:山猫(27 -26),早些时候可以输给联盟垫底网队,而现在却拥有着对骑士的三胜一负的战绩。

    Here is something to worry about, perhaps: the Bobcats (27-26), who earlier this week lost to the lowly New Jersey Nets, won the season series, 3-1, from the Cavs.


  • 对于英国人幽默感排名几乎垫底状况,普莱斯先生:“如果我们擅长踢足球,也不擅长喜剧,我们真是有点丢脸。”

    Of Britain's place near the bottom of the list, Mr Price said: 'If we're no good at football and no good at comedy either, it's a bit of a pie in the face for us.'


  • 对于英国人幽默感排名几乎垫底状况,普莱斯先生:“如果我们擅长踢足球,也不擅长喜剧,我们真是有点丢脸。”

    Of Britain's place near the bottom of the list, Mr Price said: 'If we're no good at football and no good at comedy either, it's a bit of a pie in the face for us.


  • 苏黎世日内瓦温哥华位居排行榜名;排名垫底三座城市,除巴格达外,还有中非共和国班吉刚果共和国首都布拉·扎维。

    Zurich, Geneva and Vancouver made the top three in the list while Bangui in the Central African Republic and Brazzaville, the capital of Congo Republic, joined Baghdad in the bottom three.


  • 去年,小型每份工作平均薪酬增长了3.1%。收入最高内华达州尤里卡县,为91,585美元,垫底的上文提到的彼得罗利姆县。

    Among small counties, compensation per job grew 3.1% and was highest in Eureka Co., Nevada - $91,585 - and lowest in Petroleum Co., as previously mentioned.


  • 排行列出221个城市中,连续第二垫底伊拉克巴格达城市生活水平最低,还Mercer公司调查中评为安全城市。

    At the bottom of the 221-strong list, for the second year in a row, was Baghdad, in Iraq, which had the lowest standard of living and was ranked the least safe city by the Mercer survey.


  • 排行列出221个城市中,连续第二垫底伊拉克巴格达城市生活水平最低,还Mercer公司调查中评为安全城市。

    At the bottom of the 221-strong list, for the second year in a row, was Baghdad, in Iraq, which had the lowest standard of living and was ranked the least safe city by the Mercer survey.


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