• 简单布局布局平铺版本

    The simple layout is a flattened version of the tree layout.


  • 最后通过实例得出发散型布局形态

    Finally it gives the sample and diverging configuration mode.


  • 除了布局第一外,其余都是可以拖动

    Except for the first column in the tree layout, all of the columns are moveable.


  • 布局见图16有助于识别响应事件慢的排列。

    The tree layout (Figure 16) helps you identify which tier has the slowest response time.


  • 布局确保不同程度隐私改善朝阳性,使座住宅花园相关联。

    The L layout ensures different levels of privacy, enhances the solar orientation and references each house with the garden.


  • 使用右上角工具栏第一按钮可以在树布局简单布局之间切换

    Use the first icon in the toolbar in the upper-right corner to toggle between tree and simple layouts.


  • IN TOWN(上海1)布局合理满足企业人性化设计追求

    IN TOWN (Shanghai City 1) room layout is reasonable, can meet the needs of various enterprises humanization design pursuit.


  • 期“L布局国际风情美食街”,一条尺度宜人的多个空间节点

    Phase 1: The layout of "International Flavor Gourmet Street" is L-shaped, and a plurality of spatial nodes are linked by a appropriately sized inner street.


  • 页面抓取本质上HTML页面反向工程,可以看成页面解释器,网页HTML编码,HTML以结构表示信息,实际数据布局代码以及效果信息混杂在一起,不能被计算机直接利用

    It can also be thought of as parsing out chunks of information from a page. Web pages are coded in HTML, which uses a tree-like structure to represent the information.


  • 这些城镇方正房子随意的道路布局许多特别分部的绿化植物人字

    These towns have boxy houses, rational road layouts, plentiful but not especially distinguished greenery, and "herringbone" brick paving.


  • 竞争文化个人空间集体空间比例均衡,正式非正式空间相互混合封闭性不强,但更加有组织性通常为对称布局

    A "compete" culture thrives with a medium ratio of individual to group Spaces, a mixture of formal and informal Spaces, low to medium enclosure and more structured, symmetrical layouts.


  • 协作文化注重灵活空间有机布局空间不会过于封闭正式个人空间相对集体空间比重较少。

    A "collaborate" culture is best nurtured by a flexible environment with an organic layout, medium levels of enclosure, informal Spaces and a low ratio of individual to group Spaces.


  • 平面布局自然而然划分不同空间区域厨房餐厅一边休息室则位于一边。

    The C-shaped layout created by the courtyard naturally divides the space into different areas, with kitchen and dining on one side and a lounge on the other.


  • 控制文化个人空间相对较多,集体空间相对较少,空间设计偏好正式较高封闭性组织性对称的结构布局,灵活性差。

    A "control" culture works best where there is a high ratio of individual to group space, more formal Spaces with higher enclosure, structured, symmetrical layouts and a less-flexible environment.


  • 板材排样优化核心问题规划零件原材料上最佳下料组合每个零件在板材上的最布局方案

    The kernel of this problem is to programming the best nesting combination and the best composition scheme of each part on the blank sheet.


  • 基础上衍生的“T空间开发战略广泛应用国土开发和经济布局成效显著

    T-shaped spatial development strategy, derived on this basis, has been widely applied in territorial development and economic distribution with a remarkable success.


  • 接下来将同时展示龟甲电脑包,它们核心布局极其相似,只是龟甲包稍微大一些并且拥有可选背负功能

    I'm showing the Spatha and Testudo together as they are very similar in core layout with the Testudo being slightly larger and having optional backpack functionality.


  • 离散制造企业产品组装问题布局调度结合一起的复杂问题,目前国内外学者对其研究较少解决一难题需要大量工作

    Product assembling is a complicate problem combined layout and scheduling, and there are a few scholars study on it. It needs large Numbers of work to solve this difficult problem.


  • 通过民机驾驶舱布局进行计算机虚拟工效评价提出了一种基于虚拟设计的民机驾驶舱工效布局评价方法

    An ergonomic assessment method for cockpit layout of civil aircraft based on virtual design was put forward in the paper through evaluation to a certain cockpit.


  • 空间结构体现出两个特点:对外扩张城镇布局沿海省份内陆化

    Its spatial structure embodies two characteristics: expansionism type of urban distribution and the inland of coastal province.


  • 浇注系统采用平衡分布形式不影响质量前提下,既使布局简单缩短了分流道长度

    Non-balance runner distributing form is used in casting system, on the precondition of ensuring plastic parts quality, the cavity layout is simple, and the length of sub-runner gets shortened as well.


  • 机翼内翼结构布局优化包括设计变量位置变量尺寸变量。

    A certain structure optimization design model that contains both position variables and size variables were given in this paper.


  • 本文国际比较视角来考察目前中国综合性研究大学中在学科布局存在普遍性问题。

    This paper studies the common problems in the organization of academics in China's comprehensive research universities from the international and comparative perspectives.


  • 整体布局采用开放式柱T结构,托盘式工作台交换系统机床结构先进

    Open moving T-column structure is used in the whole layout together with tray–typed working table exchanging system and advanced machine tool.


  • 系统布局采用拓扑模式,个监控计算机可以连接多台数据分站,一个分站可以连接多种传感器

    System adopts starriness patter, and a computer can connect some subsystems of signal acquisition, and a subsystem of signal acquisition can connect different type sensors.


  • 文章将分形理论运用车间布局,提出了E车间布局概念

    The fractal theory is applied to the layout of a workshop, and the conception of E-model layout of a workshop is put forward.


  • 我们迎接非农就业报告之际美元多头布局增强2011年汇市一个主要趋势:美元作为成长货币

    The long dollar positioning as we lead up to the payrolls report is reinforcing one of the major trends in FX for 2011: the US dollar as a growth currency.


  • 2006年,一些新兴品牌新兴市场出现使得中国经济饭店业态细分地域布局趋饱满

    In 2006, some emerging brands and the emergence of new markets, but also made the Chinese Economy Hotels in the Format and geographical breakdown on the layout more plump.


  • 介绍传统简化交互设备设计布局捻制原理

    Design layout and laying principle of tradition and simplified equipment for interactive laying are introduced.


  • 设计注重舒适度,板式布局以均好性出发点,保证各住户日照通风采光要求

    The floor design pays attention to the degree of comfort, the arrangement stemming from balance and quality, ensuring the requirements for sunshine, ventilation and natural light.


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