• 2004年,英国哥伦比亚大学根据相似研究结果创制了测试,这个测试能够帮助各个公司检测出不同职位上的企业变态人格”。

    Likewise, in 2004, researchers at the University of British Columbia reacted to similar findings and created a test to help firms detect "corporate psychopaths" within their ranks.


  • 避免这样错误企业需要领导力配置寻求右脑平衡

    To avoid such mistake, enterprise should try to keep the balance in left brain type and right brain type while collocating the leadership.


  • 现代企业工资制度在现代企业产权制度、组织制度、管理制度基础实施效益企业工资制度。

    The modern enterprise wage system is a kind of effective enterprise wage system which enters into force on the bases of modern industrial title system, organization system and management system.


  • 研究结果重庆企业人力资源管理中等水平,人力资源管理整体处于传统的职能人力资源管理角色

    The research proves that human resource management of enterprises in Chongqing is middling and falls into functional human resource management of enterprises.


  • 基础提出了进一步深化节能理念建立节约企业所采取措施

    In this foundation, Proposed further deepening idea of energy conservation and taking measures to build an abstemious corporation.


  • 前面定性分析基础分别建立生产型企业销售企业有需求提前期库存优化,得出成本决策变量的最优解。

    Based on the above qualitative analysis, it constructs an inventory optimizing model for manufacturer and storing company respectively, fingers out an optional result of the cost decision variable.


  • 微观石油企业按照现代企业制度要求,实行粗放经营战略集约经营战略转变

    While in the micro, according to the modern enterprise system' s requisition, the petroleum enterprises are carrying out the shift strategy from extensive operation to intensive operation.


  • 世界上的跨国公司竞争,建立我国技术企业自有的、不可模仿核心竞争力中国技术企业唯一出路

    To compete with major transnational companies , the only way for Chinese technology enterprises is to build up the core competence which belongs to their own and is unimitables.


  • 文章分析信息企业产品特征基础,着重探讨了信息型企业资源储备成本定价标准战争三个方面的成长战略。

    On the basis of an analysis on product feature of information-enterprise, this papers discusses growth-strategies including resources reserve, cost pricing and standard battle.


  • 我国企业国际企业的真正差距不是人们瞩目重大大战略在于细节管理缺位

    Thee real disparity between enterprises of our country and international big enterprise is not on the great strategy that people attract attention, and lie in the omission of detail management!


  • 分析不同时期生物依存企业宿主企业关系经济性基础,得出最佳分离时机

    Finally, the best separation time is got based on the economic analyses of biology-independence enterprises and host enterprises.


  • 分析基础提出营销企业创建的策略方法营销联盟的构建条件

    On the basis of the analysis above, it proposes the strategy of constructing enterprises organized for the marketing type and the construction condition of marketing alliance of enterprises.


  • 我国企业国际企业真正差距不是人们瞩目重大战略在于细节管理缺位

    The real disparity between enterprises of our country and international big enterprise is not on the great strategy that people attract attention, and lie in the omission of detail management!


  • 事实本文发现存在这样产业集聚形成机制:区域初始企业中不断有人力资本员工离职创业,在当地创立新的同类企业逐步形成当地的特色产业

    This paper finds a kind of form of industrial cluster: the human-capital employees from the original firms demise to carve out, the homothetic firms are set up, the characteristic industry is formed.


  • 中国最早进行SI研究也是规模最大的全球领先SI设计机构,SI行业的领导型企业

    Zoesun is the first one who started si research in China. It is the largest global si design institution. It is the leading enterprise in the si industry.


  • 相临Infosys地区的有占地335英亩大学,是世界最大企业大学之一。

    Yet it is tiny compared with Infosys's 335-acre campus nearby, which houses one of the world's largest corporate universities.


  • 本文对科技企业成长特征进行系统分析的基础提出围绕核心能力动态演进三成长模式

    This paper suggests a three-dimensional development growth model after systematically analyzing the feature of small science-technology.


  • 从而在ERP理念项目企业特性基础提出项目企业资源管理(P - erp)概念、研究目标及其评价方法。

    Based on the concept of erp and characteristics of project-oriented enterprises, the concept of project-oriented enterprise Resource Planning (P-ERP) is put forward.


  • 一家私人公司人力资源高管描述了创业型企业这个问题:“谷歌等数家硅谷顶尖公司实际技术人才待遇设立标准。”

    One former human relations executive at a big private company describes the problem for start-ups: "Google and a select group of Valley firms effectively set the bar for engineering talent."


  • 基础本文提出了提升我国科技企业技术创新模式有效性几点对策建议。

    On the basis of above mentioned, the thesis gives some suggestion on validity of technological innovation patterns of domestic Sci-Tech enterprises.


  • 创业资源科技资源进行界定基础,应用资源基础理论讨论了科技型企业创业问题。

    Defining the entrepreneurial resources and technical resources, we discuss the technical entrepreneurship based on resource-based theory.


  • 核心竞争力相关理论进行概括分析总结基础提出了资源企业核心竞争力的定义

    Based on the general analysis and summary of core competence-related theories, the definition for the core competence of resource-type enterprises is proposed;


  • 核心竞争力相关理论进行概括分析总结基础提出了资源企业核心竞争力的定义

    Based on the general analysis and summary of core competence-related theories, the definition for the core competence of resource-type enterprises is proposed;


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