• 德国人正在制造能够收集太空垃圾碎片带回地球安全销毁机器人

    The Germans are building robots that can collect pieces of space junk and bring them back to Earth to be safely destroyed.


  • 研究人员同时在尝试另外一个计划措施,他们称之为排斥垃圾碎片训练

    The researchers are also trying a programme they call Micro-Trash Aversion Training.


  • 信天翁爸妈经常误将鲜艳的垃圾碎片当成海洋生物小鸟吃,误食塑料垃圾致命的。

    Albatross parents often mistake colorful debris for sea life and feed it to their chicks, which can prove fatal.


  • 发射激光原理就好像是工厂汽车焊接一样通过地面的望远镜发射激光,将地球附近的垃圾碎片离开轨道

    Lasers similar to those used for welding in car factories would be fired through telescopes to 'nudge' piles of rubbish left in orbit.


  • 报告作者所称,轨道中的碎片越多碰撞产生更多垃圾碎片可能性高,这将进一步增加更多碰撞的机会

    The more debris that is in orbit, the greater the chance of collisions that create more pieces of junk, which further increases the chance of still more collisions.


  • 加州秃鹫似乎采集垃圾碎片强烈嗜好,秃鹫这些碎片置于自己窝巢把它们当做食物喂给雏鸟吃。

    Californian condors appear to have a penchant for collecting pieces of junk, incorporating them into their nests, and feeding them to their nestlings.


  • 人类进行太空探索导致大约五十万废弃物碎片散布在地球轨道上。一些人造卫星被高速运行垃圾碎片撞上。

    An estimated 500,000 pieces of debris litter the Earth's orbits as a result of man's exploration of space.


  • 作者提出最大担忧太空碎片环绕地球垃圾碎片如果它们包括国际空间站在内的运行体相撞,将可能造成严重损害

    The greatest concern the authors raise is space debris—pieces of "junk" that orbit the earth, with the potential to cause serious damage if they collide with operational units, including the ISS.


  • 例如,2009年,颗卫星撞上了俄罗斯火箭成了2000碎片增加太空垃圾数量

    For example, when a satellite hit an old Russian rocket in 2009, it broke into more than 2,000 pieces, increasing the amount of space junk.


  • 政府关注防止新的碎片形成而不是垃圾轨道

    The government is more focused on preventing new debris from forming than taking the trash out of orbit.


  • 两位作者提出最大担忧太空垃圾——环绕地球运行的“垃圾碎片如果它们包括国际空间站在内的运行单位相撞可能造成严重损害

    The greatest concern the authors raise is space debris-pieces of "junk" that orbit the earth, with the potential to cause serious damage if they collide with operational units, including the ISS.


  • 那里,阳光和海浪把塑料垃圾分解成很小的碎片

    There, sunlight and waves break the plastic waste down to very small pieces.


  • 这些垃圾包括废弃航天器卫星、太空舱碰撞产生的金属碎片丢弃工具

    The rubbish consists of derelict spacecrafts, dead satellites, pieces of metal ejected during collisions and dropped tools etc.


  • 本月美国太空轨道碎片项目办公室公布了一份数据,显示了造成太空垃圾事件

    This month, NASA's Orbital Debris Program Office released data naming the top ten incidents contributing to the space junk problem.


  • 其他人认为表示夜间学习解决问题过程,甚至是思想碎片自动筛选过程,清除思想垃圾一样清除无效信息

    To others, dreams denote night-time learning or problem-solving, even automatic sifting of the mind's detritus, the skimming off of useless information to be dumped like so much mental junk.


  • 危险这种垃圾身上,少量碎片还会重新进入大气层。

    There is a small risk that this rubbish will smack into human beings when minor amounts of it re-enter the earth's atmosphere.


  • 可以看见导致结果就是从圣弗朗西斯科向西1000英里到太平洋有大片的垃圾大量碎片分布相当于德州面积两倍

    You can literally see the result 1,000 miles (1,600 km) west of San Francisco in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a swirling mass of plastic debris twice the size of Texas.


  • 可以看见导致结果就是从圣弗朗西斯科向西1000英里到太平洋有一大片垃圾,大量碎片分布相当于德州面积两倍

    You can literally see the result 1, 000 miles (1, 600 km) west of San Francisco in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a swirling mass of plastic debris twice the size of Texas.


  • 创建许多对象容易增加碎片这会导致出现更多垃圾回收周期

    Creating many objects also tends to increase heap fragmentation, which leads to even more garbage collection cycles. For example, do not create objects prematurely.


  • 结果在地球上方850公里(530英里)处造成了大片太空碎片,约占漂浮太空现有垃圾总量的28%(表)。

    The impact about 850km (530 miles) above Earth created a huge field of space debris, contributing about 28% of the junk now floating around in space (see chart).


  • 这里有一些盘子残余一对清扫干净的碎片准备垃圾处理。

    And now there’s the remains of a plate in a sad pile of swept-up pot fragments , ready for the trash.


  • 收集玻璃方面很在行,他能在臭烘烘垃圾灵活手指安全地危险玻璃碎片

    He is an expert glass collector, picking through "stinking globs" of rubbish with nimble fingers, safely pulling out the dangerous shards.


  • 还好,到现在为止,只有名妇女太空垃圾击中克拉何马洛蒂·威廉姆斯肩膀烧焦太空火箭碎片擦着了。

    But only one woman has ever been hit by space junk: Lottie Williams from Oklahoma was smacked in the shoulder by a charred piece of space-rocket.


  • 剩下垃圾——涂层碎片完整废弃卫星火箭残骸

    The rest is debriseverything from fragments of paint to entire dead satellites and bits of old rockets.


  • 我们坐在海边,双脚满是沥青石子,垃圾废料玻璃碎片沙滩上。

    We sat on a low concrete deck, feet scuffling in broken glass and sand, small dice of asphalt, shredded trash.


  • 山羊穆里尔得还好,晚上垃圾堆里报纸碎片大家听。

    Muriel, the goat, could read somewhat better than the dogs, and sometimes used to read to the others in the evenings from scraps of newspaper which she found on the rubbish heap.


  • 一份旨在限制未来这些碎片可能会航空飞船造成的危险报告在去年四月份宇航局发布,用来评估他们关于太空垃圾,名为MMOD(微流星体太空碎片)的项目

    The report, Limiting future collision risk to spacecraft, was commissioned by Nasa last April to evaluate its programmes on 'space junk', officially known as MMOD (Micrometeoroids and Orbital Debris).


  • 废弃卫星、航天器脱落油漆颗粒、星分离脱落的零件碎片这些太空垃圾每小时几千公里的速度环绕地球急速飞行。

    Old satellites, chips of paint and jettisoned rocket stages arehurtling around the world at thousands of kilometres an hour.


  • 废弃卫星、航天器脱落油漆颗粒、星分离脱落的零件碎片这些太空垃圾每小时几千公里的速度环绕地球急速飞行。

    Old satellites, chips of paint and jettisoned rocket stages arehurtling around the world at thousands of kilometres an hour.


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