• 提出一种新的基于坡度分析DEM数字水印算法

    In this paper, a new DEM digital watermarking algorithm based on the analysis of slope is proposed.


  • 随后,作者结合适合大熊猫生活森林标准包括海拔高度边坡坡度以及竹子的分布情况,分析根据这些卫星数据得出的结果

    The authors then combined results based on these satellite data with criteria that make forests suitable for pandas, including elevation, slope incline and presence of bamboo.


  • 地形坡度引起影象配准误差目标区最佳尺寸分析

    The analysis of registration error from terrain slope and the best target size.


  • 本文通过分析采暖系统中的空气来源提出空气系统中的危害针对单户计量系统中水平坡度较小,提出水平支管中水流速保持较大

    This paper analyzes air source in heating system, states that gas is harmful in the system, points out level pipe gradient being small in single measure system, and velocity of flow must keep great.


  • 另外提出了极限坡度利用率概念作为对驻车制动性能分析指标补充

    In addition, a concept named utilization rate of grade limit is proposed as a supplement to the analysis indicators of parking braking performance.


  • 通过对门式刚整体稳定分析研究了刚架的高跨、斜梁坡度结构稳定计算长度系数影响

    Through over-all stability analysis, the influence of height-span ratio, rafter slope to the stability and the effective factors of gable portal frames are also presented in this paper.


  • 应用ANSYS程序,在竖向均布荷载作用,对不同跨度坡度柱脚铰接山形门式刚架进行整体稳定分析

    The ANSYS Program is used to analysis the global stability of the hinged gable frames with different column heights, spans and slopes under the vertical uniform loading.


  • 最后结合小区径流场试验资料分析坡度土壤侵蚀影响

    Based on the data of pilot plats, the effects of slope on soil erosion are analyzed in this paper.


  • dem不同算法提取坡度对比分析

    A contrast analysis of slopes extracted by different algorithms based on DEM.


  • 根据下坡路段事故统计资料,分析、坡曲线下坡衔接平曲线与道路安全关系提高长大下坡路段安全,优化设计提供参考

    So the relationship between longitudinal gradient, grade length limit, vertical curve and safety is analyzed, which can be referred to improve the safety and optimize the profile design.


  • 通过试验数据回归分析得到细沟湿流量坡度经验关系

    According to the results, an empirical relationship of the rill wetted perimeter with the flow discharge and the slope gradient is obtained by the regression analysis.


  • 分析了现行《线规》(GB50090- 99)曲线地段最大坡度折减方法存在缺陷,并提出改进意见

    This paper analyses the defects existing in the method of maximum grade compensation in curve location provided in (GB50090-99) in force, and puts forward some Suggestions for improvement.


  • 理论分析得出在降雨作用下,存在临界坡度

    Secondly, the paper consider stability of slope surface is relationship with the shape of the slope by research and theoretical analysis.


  • 分析传统耕地坡度分级方法缺陷提出利用GIS技术耕地坡度分级方法。

    This paper analyzed the shortcomings of traditional classification for farmland slope, proposed the new method for farmland slop classification by use of GIS technology.


  • 分析水力坡度堤防渗漏破坏的有机联系,可以帮助研究人员对堤防渗漏破坏进行定量确定。

    The soil seepage stabilization researches are applied to analyse the internal relationships between hydraulic slope and the dikes.


  • 分析坡度ET资料后,推测LOM人员中,对离感觉敏感性不如正视那么高。

    From analyzing the data of the slope and et, he speculated that the sensory system in LOM subjects might be less sensitive to defocus than that of emmetropic subjects.


  • 从斑块信息角度分析四川冶勒红豆杉种群分布格局坡度的关系。

    The distribution pattern of Taxus chinensis distributed in Yele, Sichuan Province is closely related to the slope patches of their habitation.


  • 本文分析流域面积、流域流域坡度、流域长和河道坡度量算方法因子设计洪峰流量的影响

    This paper analyzes all main factors to influence flood peak, such as, the area of drainage basin, slope and streams, etc, and respectively calculating approach are introduced.


  • 最后不同坡度不同跨度架空斜坡结构进行动力时程分析明确结构移动荷载作用薄弱环节途径

    Finally, it makes the dynamic time-history analysis of different gradient overhead sloping ramp, makes clear the weak link and the force transmission route of this structure under moving load action.


  • 通过分析不同车辆调车场走行特性提出点式控制调车场内的坡度设计方法

    The article puts forward the design method of grade in marshalling yard, pass to analyse the running characteristic of different wagons in marshalling yard.


  • 目的通过定量分析关节主要肌肉激活度变化说明步行速度路面坡度下肢运动影响

    Objective To illustrate the influences of walking speed and road slope on lower limb motions by quantitative analysis on the changes of joint angles and muscle activation.


  • 本文对车场坡度作了分析提出车场坡度合理数值

    This article analyses the bowl gradients and suggests rational value of them.


  • 汽车推导出汽车驻车极限坡度计算公式并对影响因素进行分析

    Taking three-axle vehicle as an example, the calculation formula of parking grade limit of multi-axle vehicle is derived with its influencing factors analyzed.


  • 调查分析重庆市奥林匹克花园山地公园规划区内高程坡度土壤特点植被组成现状

    The altitude, gradient, soil characteristics and current situation of vegetation composition of planning mountainous zone in Chongqing Olympic Garden were investigated and analyzed.


  • 分析山区实照时数时间分布特征不同海拔高度坡度坡向上年实照时数的空间分布特征。

    The temporal distribution characteristics of sunshine duration and its spatial variation with different altitude, slope and aspect were analyzed.


  • 一款平坦岩石坡度稳定性分析实际的互动软件

    RocPlane is an interactive software tool for performing planar rock slope stability analysis and design.


  • 本文依据刚不同横梁跨度立柱高度、横梁坡度、设计了一系列的算,在大量的算例分析结果的基础,得到了横梁拉杆设置设置位置对刚梁柱构件内力、应力稳定性影响的变化规律。

    Based upon dozens of analysis cases on gabled frames with different beam span, column height and roof grade, the behavior or influence of tension rod to frame stress and frame stability is determined.


  • 最后,本文就长大隧道坡度折减系数分析标准本身研究提出了建议。

    It also gives some Suggestions on the studies of gradient reduced coefficient of traction in long tunnels and the design standard.


  • 客车行驶发动机制动的下坡能力进行试验理论分析结果表明客车下坡行驶时通过发动机制动可以部分坡度的坡道上满足汽车正常行驶的要求

    The experiment and theory analysis on the ability were carried out, the results show that it can meet the demands for bus to travel on some sloping hillside by engine braking.


  • 客车行驶发动机制动的下坡能力进行试验理论分析结果表明客车下坡行驶时通过发动机制动可以部分坡度的坡道上满足汽车正常行驶的要求

    The experiment and theory analysis on the ability were carried out, the results show that it can meet the demands for bus to travel on some sloping hillside by engine braking.


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