• 成功罢休坚定决心。

    He has a ruthless determination to succeed.


  • 过去儿子转身坚定他说:“我们。”接下来发生的令人意想到。

    I went over to them, picked up my son, turned to the boy and said, firmly, 'No, we don't push," What happened next was unexpected.


  • 坚定微笑着说道:“每件事情都这样的。”

    I smiled and said, firmly, "No." There would never be anything like that.


  • 对于一些交易员气恼亚马逊坚定最大化近期收益”- - -牺牲短期利润

    To the chagrin of some traders, Amazon is distinctly NOT "maximizing near-term profits" - it is sacrificing near-term profits.


  • 公司管理层坚定地相信这就是最终称为敏捷过程的东西。

    You and your management are firm believers in what will eventually become known as agile processes.


  • 但是博纳先生坚定移说:住房抵押贷款就是饭费一部分这么看就是预算问题上耍滑头

    But Mr.Boehner is adamant: our mortgage is part of the cost of our meal, and to say otherwise is just a budget gimmick.


  • 床边医生推荐各种尝试办法维持生命母亲所熟知坚定语气

    The doctors at her bedside were recommending various tests and procedures to keep her alive, but my mother, with a certain firmness I recognized, said no.


  • 那些没有暗示的,思想坚定的我们知道——见微知著即可排除在外,”说道

    "Someone who is unhinged, someone who is mentally unstable, we don't know - the slightest thing could set them off," she said.


  • 许多西方家庭孩子设置坚定界限怀有清晰期望并且害怕孩子那些他们真正喜欢的事。

    Many "Western" families do not set firm limits, have clear expectations, and are afraid to make their children do things they don't really feel like doing.


  • 尽管一直坚持只是劝导家人他们提供更好选择而非对抗但有些时候会采取坚定的立场说“!”

    And although I endeavored to steer my family, by providing better choices without confrontation, there have been times where I have had to 'put my foot down' and say 'No!


  • 作为一个经验法则仔细挑选效率的的10 %坚定进行的精简消除多余脂肪损坏肌肉组织

    As a rule of thumb, a careful cull of the 10% of lowest performers can make a firm leaner by removing fat without damaging muscle.


  • 但是尽管反对者有了越来越好的组织坚定他们走我们就誓言,他们仍缺少逐放突尼斯和埃及领导砝码

    But despite the protesters' improving organisation and passionate promises that they will stay "until he leaves", they still lack the weight of Numbers that ejected the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt.


  • 伊朗问题维护国际扩散体系符合中国利益,也符合世界其他各国的利益,在这个问题上中方态度坚定

    A: To uphold the international non-proliferation regime on the Iranian nuclear issue serve the interest of China and of other countries in the world. China has a firm position on this issue.


  • 我们他们带大的过程中坚定界限因为如果限制小孩子自主地,得寸进尺地要求你回应他们。

    We brought them both up with firm boundaries because we had seen that, without set limits, children felt compelled to push and push to achieve a reaction.


  • 如果罗米尼先生问题在于坚定信念,保罗先生问题相反。

    If Mr Romney's problem is the fluidity of his beliefs, Mr Paul has the opposite handicap.


  • 充满自信——如果那个人的表现非常粗鲁专业那么可以态度坚定向其说明您接受对方对待方式并且平静地离开那个场景

    Be assertive - If the other person is rude and unprofessional, then firmly explain that you refuse to be treated that way, and calmly leave the situation.


  • 那个方向坚定地迈几步我们怎么知道是所谓的错误道路呢?

    Can we reason about the wrong way without taking concrete steps in that direction?


  • 就招致更为激烈反对乔治·舒尔茨这位坚定共和党支持者的共同努力下,兴起了运动

    This has led to fierce resistance, with the No campaign, co-chaired by a Republican stalwart of credibility, George Shultz.


  • 担心这会使集中只会因此坚定、更有干劲完成你手上的工作

    Don't worry about breaking your concentration. You'll return to your task refreshed and determined.


  • 银行非常脆弱的,使得股东,特别是在信心坚定的时候展示自己的能力非常谨慎。

    And Banks are fragile, which makes shareholders think twice about flexing their muscles when confidence is shaky.


  • 坚定微笑着说道:“每件事情都这样的。因为我们人类注重隐私的”。

    I smiled and said, firmly, "No. There would never be anything like that. Because humans are so private." and then, "Hey, how about some ice-cream?"


  • 尽管我们承认,但我们实际在奉行凯恩斯主义药方一个坚定凯恩斯主义者。

    We don't admit it, we are actually applying Keynesian remedies, and I am a confirmed Keynesian.


  • 曾经我们目标追逐忽视存在,直至一天我们方向微微抬头柔光指引我们迈出坚定脚步

    Once our goal to pursue and ignore it, until the day we not bian direction, look slightly, firmly in the footsteps of a beam of light to guide us.


  • 才能的通过温和的语言坚定态度来表达精神力量,冲动胆怯

    An able man shows his spirit by gentle words and resolute actions; he is neither hot nor timid.


  • “我嘛,嘛。”迈克尔淘气地太太走出房间了一块巧克力,达林先生认为坚定表现

    "Won't; won't!" Michael cried naughtily. Mrs. Darling left the room to get a chocolate for him, and Mr. Darling thought this showed want of firmness.


  • 布朗现在坚定道歉之路确确实实是走通。

    It is that Mr Brown's current, resolutely unapologetic approach isn't working.


  • 个单纯怀疑仍然希望:希望怀疑解决之时,并且希望徘徊决的特定观点之间,总有一个成为坚定真实的结论。

    He who only doubts still clings to the hope that his doubt may be resolved, and that one or other of the definite views, between which he wavers, will turn out solid and true.


  • 个单纯怀疑仍然希望:希望怀疑解决之时,并且希望徘徊决的特定观点之间,总有一个成为坚定真实的结论。

    He who only doubts still clings to the hope that his doubt may be resolved, and that one or other of the definite views, between which he wavers, will turn out solid and true.


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