• 如果条件为了输入使用引用存在那么创建(这参考资料部分文章addingdynamicdatatoyourWebservicetests解释)。

    If the reference that the conditional block will use for input does not exist, create it (as explained in the article on adding dynamic data to your Web service tests in the Resources section).


  • 有关Internet控制TCP控制结构详细信息请参见参考资料部分

    For more detailed information on Internet control block and TCP control block structures, see the Resources section.


  • 这个项目提供许多用于创建应用程序基本构造以及用于Maemo特殊版本(参见参考资料中的链接)。

    The project also provides a number of basic building blocks for creating compelling applications, with a special version for Maemo (see Resources for a link).


  • 它们有许多掌握着30,000基因资料抑或更高

    Many of their pieces hold genetic materials of 30,000 strands or higher.


  • 资料综合许旺细胞培养方法包括组织消化培养法。

    DATA SYNTHESIS: The Schwann cells could be cultured by tissue block method and enzymes digesting method.


  • 根据这些资料临床使用锁定钢板远端尺侧关节骨折推荐使用1以上锁定螺钉进行固定。

    Based on these data, when applying locked plates in the clinical setting, more than 1 locked screw applied into the distal ulnar column of the articular segment is recommended.


  • 油藏测井解释模型建立资料处理储层评价始终考虑地质因素影响

    The influence of geological factors should always be taken into account in establishing well log interpretation model, log data processing and reservoir evaluation.


  • 介绍了一种放射性同位素示踪剂动态监测资料研究断层渗透率方法,并两个开展了现场试验,均取得了成功

    A new method of the study of fault permeability is introduced using dynamic monitoring data of the radioisotope tracer. Field experiments are done in two faults achieving success.


  • 通过使用获得资料我们讨论基因分组基础并且探索用于诊断性目的基因特色

    Using the processed data we will discuss the basis for clustering genes into sets and discovering gene set features that can be used for diagnostic purposes.


  • 放学后,匆匆吃过了晚饭,便头扎进了书堆中。时间笔尖沙沙声中过得飞快抬头天空已经上了一黑布突然想想布置的一项搜集资料作业

    Time in the pen of the rustling sound of flies fast, fierce a rise, the sky has been covered with a piece of black cloth, I suddenly think of a collection of information is arranged operation.


  • 由于地质条件资料品质限制,复杂区的三维地震资料反演储集层预测较大的难度

    The seismic inversion and reservoir prediction in complex fault-block areas are hard to make due to complicated geologic conditions and poor quality of seismic data.


  • 综合测井地质地震资料利用相干体技术切片技术,三维立体显示技术进行地震资料构造精细刻画

    Comprehend the information of logging, geology, seismic, use the technology of Coherence, lump slice, stereoscopic display to make the fine structure characterization of seismic data.


  • 新的资料支持华北克拉通中部山带太古宙地质体与其东部存在亲缘关系认识。

    The new data support that idea the Archean geologic body in the Central orogenic belt of the North China craton has affinity with its eastern block.


  • 利用这些图件岩心分析资料综合分析了安1基岩裂缝分布及发育规律。

    Combined with core and fractal data, these maps are used to identify fractures in the top of base rock of an - 1 faulted - block and to predict fracture distribution.


  • 本文利用414人工落叶松林样地实测资料探讨角规测树误差问题

    Errors in forest measuration with Angle gauge are analyzed in this paper based on the data from 414 plots of larch plantation.


  • 如果编程新手中的资料作为编写代码基本构造入门介绍。

    If you are new to programming, the material in this section serves as an introduction to the basic building blocks for writing code.


  • 利用118野外标准地资料,对晋东南石灰岩山地油松人工林进行了立地类型划分生长评价

    The division of site types and appraisal of growth were studied with data from 118 sample plots on Chinese pine in the calcareous mountain areas, Shanxi Province.


  • 提供有关混凝土路面实设备碎石路面压实设备专家级技术资料,用户服务手册和录像资料等等

    Specialist technical documentation on concrete and soil compaction, laying of paving stones and interlocking block paving, service manuals and videos, etc.


  • 背景资料概述:应用颈椎动力钢板可使植骨承担部分负荷从而促进融合

    Summary and Background Data. Dynamic cervical plates allow graft loading which may enhance fusion.


  • 最后还给出了复杂地区野外地震资料偏移的例子

    Finally, some field examples in complex fault block region are presented.


  • 书中洪恩贞年龄似乎没有和大赛资料中的年龄出现差异,但是引出了另一个参赛运动员的年龄问题。 (举重运动员)严润哲周日里约热内卢获得银牌,2012年在伦敦获得过一金牌。

    There does not seem to be a discrepancy about Hong's age in the book, but it raises one about another competitor profiled, Om Yun-chol, who won a silver medal Sunday in Rio and gold in London in 2012.


  • 东34馆上段油藏位于胜利油气区极浅海海域,矿场无稳定资料

    Guantao gas cap reservoir of KD34 block is located in neritic area of Shengli petroliferous province, and its gas formations can't perform systematic well testing on production platform.


  • 材料方法回顾性分析92CT35MRI 经手术病理或穿刺活检证实的女性盆腔附件影像及临床资料

    Method: CT findings in 92 patients and MRI imaging in 35 cases with pathologically-proved adnexal masses were retrospectively analyzed.


  • 新近调查资料表明表壳 -TTG系组成的一太古宙高级变质地体 ,并有别于南侧之龙岗

    The recent geologic data show that it is the Archeozoic high-grade metamorphic terrain formed by the supracrustal rock-TTG rock series, that is different with the southern Longgang landmass.


  • 新近调查资料表明表壳 -TTG系组成的一太古宙高级变质地体 ,并有别于南侧之龙岗

    The recent geologic data show that it is the Archeozoic high-grade metamorphic terrain formed by the supracrustal rock-TTG rock series, that is different with the southern Longgang landmass.


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