• 研究人员采用合理设计,使用均匀光束照射微小物体从而它们像747客机一样离开地面飞了起来。

    With the right design, a uniform stream of light has pushed tiny objects in much the same way that an airplane wing hoists a 747 off the ground.


  • 彩色目标检测过程由于环境光照变化以及分布均匀会造成物体反射光改变,使得检测效率降低

    The variations of object's reflection light induced from illumination variations and uneven illumination distribution greatly reduce the detecting efficiency in the process of color object detection.


  • 缺省情况下,物体所有方向上均匀缩放

    By default, the selected objects are uniformly scaled in all directions.


  • 涂料配色不规则物体均匀涂布性差等。

    Paint color is poor, irregular and poor coating uniformity of the object.


  • 方法优点对于物体灰度灰度均匀范围大而且重叠图像具有很好的分割效果。

    The advantage of this method is that the objects with wide intensity ranges and different intensity homogeneity can be segmented properly.


  • 连体瓶内体等量到处并用物体搅拌均匀

    To speak for two Siamese contour bottle paste Stir around and use objects.


  • 高温物体流向低温物体一个能量传递过程,它使温度趋于均匀

    Heat flow from a hotter to a cooler body is a process of energy transfer tending to equalize temperature.


  • 这种聚集分布意味着蚤的个体分布均匀而是宿主物体表形成大小不等的聚集

    The aggregated distribution pattern means that the flea individuals do not evenly distribute on rat host but gather as different size groups on rat individuals.


  • 玫瑰扫描亚成像系统中,由于采集图像均匀欠采样性,用传统的方法很难恢复扫描物体的图像。

    The image got by rosette scanning system is not uniform and lack of sampling. It is difficult to restore the image of scanned object.


  • 空间滤波法的滤波刀口滤波显示物体均匀位相分布进行较为普遍且详尽分析讨论,并给出一些实验结果。

    Universally analyzed and discussed in this paper is the visualization of inhomogeneous phase distribution of phase objects with spatial zero frequency filtering and knife edge filtering method.


  • 使用柔软的物体-例如一个非常干净棉花棒,确保整个传感器磁带均匀覆盖

    Use a soft object - e. g. a very clean cotton bud to make sure the whole sensor is covered by the tape evenly.


  • 针对超声速入射流均匀性对物体气体动力特性特性影响研究

    Analysis is made of the effect of nonuniformity of a supersonic incident flow on the gas dynamic and thermal characteristics of bodies.


  • 方法优点对于物体灰度灰度均匀范围而且重叠图像具有很好的分割效果。

    The advantage of this method is that the objects with wide intensity ranges and different intensity homogeneity c…


  • 因此测量同一个圆柱形状物体本实用新型重量体积远远小于应用球形均匀区的磁 体

    Therefore, when objects in a same cylinder body shape are measured, the weight and the volume of the utility model are much smaller than that of a magnet using a spherical uniform area.


  • 简单解释想象一下这样的情形场景所有物体都是单一白色并且一个白色灯光来产生均匀的直接照明,那么基本上,结果就是得到一个苍白的图像。

    To simplify the explanation, just think of a situation when all your objects have a simple white color and your scene is lit equally from all directions by a white light.


  • 本文有限单元计算形状任意密度分块均匀二维物体重力异常

    The finite element method is applied in this paper to the calculation of the gravity anomaly for the two-dimensional body, which has arbitrarily shape and homogeneous density in each element.


  • 一个物体都保持自身静止或者一直向前均匀运动的状态除非外加的力迫使改变它自身状态为止。

    Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.


  • 所述相位图案所述物体光学均匀性(502)相关

    The phase patterns are correlated with optical nonuniformities 502 of the object.


  • 另一种非相干情况下由于传播介质均匀性,例如空气中存在的颗粒状尘埃物质,还有由于某些原因造成的在物体本身表面就存在的散例如一片叶子表面上的斑点等等

    Another condition is incoherent, because of the asymmetry in the medium. For example the particle in the air, the defect on the surface of the object, such as the speckle on the leafage etc.


  • 瓶盖涉及一种物体调节数量而且均匀撒开瓶盖。

    The utility model relates to a bottle cap, in particular to a bottle cap which can accommodate the quantity of articles poured out from a bottle and spread the articles uniformly.


  • 瓶盖涉及一种物体调节数量而且均匀撒开瓶盖。

    The utility model relates to a bottle cap, in particular to a bottle cap which can accommodate the quantity of articles poured out from a bottle and spread the articles uniformly.


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