• 相同平面应变弛豫引起的电荷分布不均匀性变化小于变形

    The variation is smaller in plastic relaxation than the elastic one under the same in-plane strain.


  • 波浪传播过程中,产生的附加应力使海床土体强度沿深度产生非均匀变化

    When waves propagate over a porous sea bed, the strength of soils in seabed will vary non-uniformly with depth.


  • 平底超声清洗相比这种新型清洗槽深度方向声场均匀得到了改善,水平方向声场均匀性变化不大。

    The acoustic field uniformity in the depth direction of the newly designed clean basin is improved compared with the flat type basin, but little change in the horizontal direction.


  • 侧板后掠角大小整流罩位置变化,对进气道质量捕获恢复系数隔离段出口均匀都有一定的影响

    Changes of sidewall sweep Angle and cowl position can influence inlet performance such as mass capture, total pressure recovery coefficient and uniformity of isolator exit flow field.


  • 自然面的均匀性导致径流集中由此引起径流流速变化流量所具有能量增加

    The uneven natural slope surface has resulted in concentrated runoff, causing the variations of velocity and increased energy of unit width discharge.


  • 格田面积限于地面高度变化现有水量均匀覆盖渗透土壤面积大小耕作因素

    The area of a basin may be limited by elevation changes, by the size that can be covered uniformly by the available water supply on permeable soils, or by cropping factors.


  • 研究砂岩白云石石灰石粒度分布变化玻璃配合料混合均匀影响

    The effect of the grain size distribution of quartz sand, dolomite and limestone on mixing homogeneity of glass batch was investigated.


  • 针对墙体特点分析了墙体因温度变化引起裂缝地基均匀沉降引起的裂缝、悬挑构件锚固长度不足引起的裂缝。

    According to the characteristics of wall materials the cracks caused by the change of temperature, differential settlement of foundation and lack of anchored length are analyzed.


  • 具有足够脱模强度较高密度均匀性合适的孔隙率以及尺寸变化等特点。

    The composite green body is characterized by sufficient strength for demoulding, high density homogeneity, appropriate porosity and little dimensional change rate.


  • 讨论了金属隔断高度宽度变化结构放电均匀性影响

    Influence of the height and the width of the metal rib on the uniformity of the full screen was also evaluated so as to optimize the PDP cell structure.


  • 本文论述安徽省降水量不均匀性主要表现特征——区域分布不均季节变化明显年际变化

    The paper discusses the main features of amount of irregular precipitation in Auhui province -regional distribution unequelity, evident seasonal variation and great variation between years.


  • 评价管材中的均匀变形提出管材拉拔前后截面形状变化指数Q描述截面变形的不均匀性

    It is put forward in this article that the cross section deformation index Q can be used to evaluate the inhomogeneity of deformation in tube drawing.


  • 地表反射率大气光学特地面同步测量结果显示:敦煌场地地面均匀,各个通道反射率的变化系数(即相对变化百分比)均小于3%。

    The results show that the test site has a very good homogeneity with a variation coefficient of the reflectance in any channel lower than 3%.


  • 由于岩体具有均匀性不连续时间变化目前在层状岩体边坡工程的岩体力学参数选取方面仍然存在一些问题

    Because rock mass possesses heterogeneity, discontinuity and rheology property, there exists some problems on the choice of rock mass mechanical parameter of layer rock mass slope engineering.


  • 聚酯生产,生产负荷原料变化有可能引起成品甘醇含量的波动,影响纤维的染色均匀性

    In the polyester production process, the various production load and raw material may arise the DEG content fluctuation in the product and may effect dyeing evenness.


  • 试验结果表明不同阶段生长阶段玉米冠层叶片叶绿素空间分布不均匀,空间分布的不均匀性生长期变化改善。

    The results indicated that the spatial variability of the canopy chlorophyll content of corn was variable on different growth stages. The variance was not changed over the growth stages.


  • 以砂岩试件研究对象,研究批试件高温前后均匀、高温超声波传播规律孔隙变化规律。

    Sandstone specimen is adopted to conduct test, and all of the homogeneity of specimen and the law of ultrasonic wave and porosity are studied before and after high temperature.


  • 深过程中压边力通过控制系统可以随拉深规律合理变化,有效地改善法兰区变形均匀,提高盒形件的成形质量

    The BHF can be reasonably changed with the wrinkling law by control system, so the flange formability and the part quality can be imp


  • 对于特殊效果漆:裂纹漆,纹理均匀变化多端、错落有致、保色

    For individual solid color with paint and special effect paint: paint cracks, uniform texture, be the most changeful, well-proportioned, good color preservation.


  • 线变化,焦线宽度光强分布均匀位置仍然不变

    After the line length varied, the width, intensity distribution along the line length, and the target position are still unchanged.


  • 考虑横向烧结均匀性情况下,将烧结过程状态描述厚度的分布迁移速度变化

    Take no account of transversal heterogeneity, thermal state of sintering process is described as the change of the thickness of each zone in bed layer and migration rate.


  • 风帽焦炭下降影响是区域的,当料高度足够时,各种下降条件下风帽的选择不会使焦炭的下降均匀性顺畅产生本质的变化

    The blastcups have local effects on the coke descent and have little effects on whether the cokes flow smoothly or not in case that coke bed has enough height.


  • 一致-聚合物合金技术消除各级湿度变化造成不足均匀装载填料反stat涂层不同

    CONSISTENCY - Polymer alloy technology eliminates variability caused by insufficient filler loading or uneven anti-stat coating or different humidity levels.


  • 针对遥感图像分布的均匀性该文提出的算法没有采用固定马尔随机场模型参数,而是归分类算法中分级地调整模型参数以适应区域的变化

    As the MRF model with fixed parameters does not fit the real remotely sensed image very well, this paper adjusts the MRF model "s parameters during the classification procedure."


  • 针对遥感图像分布的均匀性该文提出的算法没有采用固定马尔随机场模型参数,而是归分类算法中分级地调整模型参数以适应区域的变化

    As the MRF model with fixed parameters does not fit the real remotely sensed image very well, this paper adjusts the MRF model "s parameters during the classification procedure."


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