• 1000名支持体育他们加油。

    A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to cheer them on.


  • 三个领先竞争陷入了一激战

    The three leading contenders were locked in a dogfight.


  • 是个军事独裁军事政变后统治了这个国家

    He was a military strongman who ruled the country after a coup.


  • 声称自己使用卑鄙手段竞选受害

    He claimed he was the victim of a dirty tricks campaign.


  • 批评发动了全力攻击

    He launched an all-out attack on his critics.


  • 自己说诋毁声誉行为无辜受害

    He cast himself as the innocent victim of a hate campaign.


  • 我们来假设一下这样个情景,卡罗尔,一个正在康复中的嗜酒情去参加一聚会。

    Let's look at a hypothetical situation in which Carol, a recovering alcoholic, gets invited to a party.


  • 1400名支持尽全力守着规矩结束时排成平静地

    The 1,400 fans were on their best behaviour and filed out peacefully at the end.


  • 可能进行搏斗,试图击退袭击

    She may have put up a fight to try to ward off her assailant.


  • 支持想要民间腐败的大整顿

    His supporters want a clean-up of civilian corruption.


  • 反叛曾经试图兵营发动突然袭击。

    The rebels attempted a surprise raid on a military camp.


  • 组织接洽,希望他能支持慈善音乐会。

    He was approached by the organizers to lend support to a benefit concert.


  • 甚至许多熟读段时期历史不知道也是编写代码破译代码之间战争

    It was also, and this is unknown even to many people well read about the period, a battle between those who made codes and those who broke them.


  • 不是德国人苦难受害的苦难等同只是承认可怕的悲剧

    Not to equate German suffering with that of its victims, but simply to acknowledge a terrible tragedy.


  • 他们中的许多人反而成为妨害诉讼归档使得侵权制度成为了一代价高昂噩梦

    Many of them instead become the kind of nuisance lawsuit filer that makes the tort system a costly nightmare.


  • 举办的一音乐会募集到帮助日本地震海啸受害

    The money was raised in a concert he organized to help the victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami.


  • 成立于1992年的“青年和平缔造俱乐部”建立了网站教师提供资源提供发起慈善运动信息

    The Young Peacemakers Club, started in 1992, provides a Website with resources for teachers and information on starting a Kindness Campaign.


  • 自全国各地的汉服爱好聚集在这里拍照,并将照片上传至网上,参加一汉服摄影比赛,比赛一直持续到5月18日。

    Hanfu fans from all over China gathered there to take photos and put them online for a Hanfu photo competition, which lasted until May 18.


  • 知道对于其他吸烟寻常的谈话

    I know from conversations with other smokers that this is not unusual.


  • 然而不是属于执法胜利

    Yet this was no triumph for the law enforcers.


  • 她们夫妇经营饲养们都必须签署协议,承诺如果他们合不来的话,他们必须把狗狗送回

    Owners of dogs from the kennel she and her husband run must sign contracts requiring them to return the dogs to the Sterns if they do not work out, she said.


  • 对于需要多少资本度过危机监管现在更好想法

    Regulators now have a better idea of how much capital is needed to survive a meltdown.


  • 一些来访公开赛,望着沥青苦笑。

    Some visitors smirked at the long grass on the pitch in one opening match.


  • 捕鱼赛跑

    And there is a fisher race.


  • 管理垃圾拾荒其中一老板

    One of the bosses who organise the tip's scavengers.


  • 围绕索赔是否需要事先证明无辜的激烈辩论正在进行。

    Debate has raged over whether a claimant must actually be proved innocent in order to collect.


  • 所以投资持久战

    So, it could be a hard slog for investors.


  • 未来12天里你们将会全球同龄的佼佼们同竞技。

    Over the next 12 days, you will compete with the world's best athletes of your generation.


  • 未来12天里你们将会全球同龄的佼佼们同竞技。

    Over the next 12 days, you will compete with the world's best athletes of your generation.


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