• 构成我们东面河流一直我们生活中重要作用

    The river which forms the eastern boundary of our farm has always played an important part in our lives.


  • 决定着生命本质生命信息一切信息一样,也可以不同形式载体;它们的基本类型就是实物体系、网络载体的场界

    The basic classifications of the information of life are world, field scope and net scope which take the substance, field, and network as carriers.


  • 新闻小题大做促成了一不必要经济危机

    The press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.


  • 俱乐部正在一个新的体育理论上这个体育将会2014年世杯投入使用。

    The club is building a new stadium, which will in theory be ready for the World Cup in 2014.


  • 我们一个理论M理论理论,认为自然常数”里的,它们时间空间而变化。

    And we have one theory, m theory or string theory, suggests that the constants of nature are pegged to fields that can vary across space in time.


  • 周三无烟日,世卫生组织发起了一名为吸烟不要”的活动,谴责烟草公司在电影、音乐体育赞助广告

    In a campaign entitled "tobacco Kills - Don't Be Duped" for World No tobacco day on Wednesday, the organisation criticised the sponsorship, and advertising of tobacco in films, music and sports.


  • 官员们日本银行有无应对另一风暴的足够缓冲提出质疑

    Officials also have raised questions about whether Japanese banks have adequate cushions to weather another big storm.


  • 如果国际货币基金组织对银行业的损失预测属实,那么银行残存的资金所剩无几,不过大部分的专家认为另一雷曼型金融地震爆发的机会已经大幅降低

    If the IMF's loss predictions turn out to be accurate, there is still too little capital in the system. But most think that the chance of another Lehman-style blow-up has been greatly reduced.


  • 晨雾笼罩开普敦绿体育——2010年足球赛之一。

    Early morning fog enshrouds Cape Town's Green Point 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup Stadium.


  • 曾经应邀吉隆坡出席教育的盛会会上进行演讲期间,我有幸参加关于“精英教育模式”的研讨活动。

    I was recently invited to speak at an education conference in Kuala Lumpur, and while there I attended a panel on 'world class' education systems.


  • 足球城原名国家第一银行体育为了举办2010年,整个体育都进行了升级

    Previously named the FNB Stadium, the facility underwent an upgrade for the 2010 World Cup games.


  • 很快维洛德罗姆体育就迎来1938年第一比赛,由卫冕冠军意大利迎战来自斯堪的纳维亚半岛的新军挪威队

    The first match in the Velodrome in the 1938 FIFA World Cup was the first-round clash between holders Italy and Scandinavian hopefuls Norway.


  • 曼联之前,U20归来,然后就直接曼联了,真是艰苦比赛

    I came back from the [Under-20] World Cup and then played straight away at Manchester United, which was a really hard game.


  • 萨德勒并未想到,无意间卷入了援助激烈争论,争论的焦点就是,提供援助的最好最坏方式是什么,或者说人们究竟是否该提供援助。

    Little did Sadler know that he had stumbled into2 a debate raging in the aid world about the best and worst ways to deliver charity, or whether to give at all.


  • 数月以来科技新闻可能在下周一加州活动正式对外公布下一代苹果IPhone细节喋喋不休。

    For months, the tech press has been drooling over details of a next-generation Apple iPhone, which likely will be unveiled on Monday at an event in California.


  • 1918-1919年爆发第一大战不是起源于西班牙传染病西班牙流感」,大约夺走五千万至一亿的性命。

    In 1918 and 1919, in the wake of the first world war, a pandemic known as “Spanish flu” (though it did not start in Spain) killed between 50m and 100m people.


  • 如今已经跃升强国中国迎接数十领导人出席奥运开幕式。国家体育举行的开幕式现有91000观看全球观众可能达到40亿人。

    Now ascendant as a global power, China welcomed scores of world leaders to an opening ceremony watched by 91, 000 people at the National Stadium and a potential audience of 4 billion worldwide.


  • 期间,这支曾在2002年闯入半决赛的代表队将会进行热身赛,即:530白俄罗斯,6月3欧洲杯冠军西班牙队

    The 2002 World Cup semi-finalists will also play two warm-up matches during their stay in the Alps: on 30 May against Belarus in Kufstein, followed by European champions Spain in Innsbruck on 3 June.


  • 周前庆祝妇女财经发挥作用活动中,美国财长蒂莫西·特纳(Timothy Geithner)试图笑话作为开

    A few weeks back, at an event to celebrate the role of women in finance, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner tried to get things started with a joke.


  • 淘汰赛120分钟互交白卷之后点球方式决出胜负;06年进球为2.36个,为1990年来最低

    Two elimination games have been decided on penalty kicks after zero goals in 120 minutes of play; the tournament has posted a 2.36 goals-per-game average, the lowest since 1990.


  • 这个体育主办2010年开幕式闭幕式而建。

    The stadium is set to host both the opening and final soccer matches of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. (REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko)


  • 2010年6月,《外套》于中国国家大剧院上演在北京戏剧戏剧观众引起极大反响

    This award-winning drama came to China for the first time in June 2010, and the four performances in National Centre for the Performing Arts arouse a lot of applause.


  • 时候改变,而我们整个设计必须要领导变革

    It is time for a change. We, the design community, must lead this change.


  • 1950年小组阶段比赛(共五)。

    FIFA World Cup group matches (Five games).


  • 知道艺术发起新的运动

    And he knew he would start a new movement in the art world.


  • 知道艺术发起新的运动

    And he knew he would start a new movement in the art world.


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