• 考古学家们可能利用地面雷达磁场记录金属探测器技术定位被掩埋遗骸

    Archaeologists also may locate buried remains by using such technologies as ground radar, magnetic-field recording, and metal detectors.


  • 给出了地面雷达备件供应中的应用示例

    Moreover the application example of spares provisioning in the ground radar is given.


  • 三星时差定位星座用于地面雷达辐射源定位星座。

    Three satellites cluster for time-difference localization is applied to find the radar beacon position on the ground.


  • 介绍一种基于CAN总线地面雷达数字伺服系统模块化设计方案。

    This paper presents a project of modularization design for ground radar full digital servo system based on CAN bus.


  • 地面雷达中的脉冲多普勒PD技术主要用于波背景下对目标检测

    The pulse Doppler(PD)radar technique in ground-based radar is mainly applied to detecting motive targets in strong clutter jamming circumstance.


  • 干扰破坏地面雷达制导雷达跟踪系统,使其无法跟踪真实目标,实现干扰。

    The major objective of chaff jamming is to destroy the tracking system of ground radar and guidance radar, and hide real aim.


  • 综合判据法控制数据库对可降水的位置反演地面雷达反演的液态水位置最接近。

    The distribution place of pw retrieved by the databases controlled with compositive criteria is consistent with cloud liquid water computed from Doppler Radar.


  • 地面雷达装置可以透过夜幕云层,“看到遥远敌机群,指示高射兵器向它们开火

    Ground radar sets can "see" enemy planes at great distance through darkness or clouds, and can direct antiaircraft fire at them.


  • 综述地面雷达复合材料国内外研究进展简要总结高性能地面雷达罩材料需要满足的要求

    The progress of composite materials applied to ground radomes was comprehensively reviewed. The requests of materials of high performance radomes needed was summed up briefly.


  • 通过ACS指挥官使用数据不仅是从地面雷达而且根据一些数据,即使是从早期预警雷达飞机

    Through the ACS the commander uses data not only from ground radar, but also, according to some data, even from early radar warning aircraft.


  • 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司已经获得美国空军第一阶段价值3000万美元合同研发全球空间监视地面雷达系统

    Northrop Grumman Corporation has been awarded the first phase of a $30 million firm-fixed price U.S. Air Force contract to develop a global space surveillance ground radar system.


  • 地面雷达波建模方法进行了深入研究,给出了地杂波功率模型,分析了地杂波幅度概念分布特性

    Land clutter's power spectral model is presented, and the characters of the probability distribution of land clutter's amplitude are also analyzed.


  • 本文如何处理地面雷达天线测试常见若干结构问题阐述拙见,祈测试工作和有关人员有所裨益。

    This paper gives a detailed discussion about how to deal with some common structural problems in far-field test of ground radar antenna. The author hopes that it will be helpful for the testing work.


  • 信号情报侦察卫星用于侦收地面雷达通信测控系统所辐射电磁信号并对其定位航天侦察的重要手段。

    SIGINT(Signal Intelligence) satellite is used to detect, intercept a nd locate electromagnetic(EM) signals radiated by systems such as ground radar, communication and TT&C systems.


  • 由此可见,采用地面雷达导航、由地面火控中心发射指令一维弹道修正方式完全可行可以做到低成本小型化

    This proves that the one-dimensional trajectory amendments mode of ground radar surveillance and progroud fire-control center control is entirely feasible and can achieve low-cost and miniaturization.


  • 雷达这样做是为了去除地面杂波有关山丘建筑物信息需要这些。

    Radar does this to remove ground clutter, information about hills or buildings that it doesn't need.


  • 事实上我们推断蝙蝠在分析回声过滤掉了很多因素,就一个复杂的雷达系统可以忽略地面静止物体的回声那样。

    In fact, we kind of assumed that they were filtering a lot out, the way a sophisticated radar system can ignore echoes from stationary objects on the ground.


  • 雷达各种天气条件下作战,可以立即发现监控跟踪敏感区域所有地面移动目标和所有海上目标(移动和固定)。

    The radar, which is operational under all weather conditions, immediately detects, monitors, and tracks all ground moving targets and all sea targets (moving and stationary) in the region of interest.


  • 他们知道他们是“黑夜的主宰”——他们的无人驾驶飞机扫描地面上的一切行动,不论白天黑夜捕捉一些信息,而它还拥有能透视云层雷达装置。

    They know that with drone aircraft scanning the ground, with unblinking eyes able to see by day or night and radars that can see through cloud, they “own the night”.


  • NIITEK雷达探测系统允许士兵通过地面检测金属探测器办法检测威胁

    NIITEK says the radar system allows soldiers to detect threats through the ground that metal detectors wouldn't pick up.


  • 不过航空运输延迟低效的主要原因还是过时的空中交通管制——一套依靠地面控制反应迟缓雷达不断重复语音通讯建立起来的体系。

    But delays and inefficiencies in air travel are due in large part to an outdated traffic-control system that still relies on slow, ground-based radar stations and repetitive voice communication.


  • Wright博士同事们使用卫星雷达成像技术测量地面变形

    Dr Wright and his colleagues will use satellite radar imaging to measure how the ground deforms.


  • Husky主要成分称为VISOR 2500的地面穿透雷达

    The main component of the Husky is ground-penetrating radar called the VISOR 2500.


  • 任何气候条件下发现目标雷达地面杂波中探测出低空飞行飞机

    It can locate targets in all weather conditions and detect low flying aircraft in radar ground clutter.


  • 关于特定军事布署日本计划派遣更多自卫队地面部队开赴西南诸岛这些部队使用移动雷达侦察机监测海面情况

    Regarding specific deployments, Japan plans to send more ground troops to its southwestern islands. The troops will use mobile radar and fly reconnaissance aircraft to monitor the surrounding seas.


  • 基地地面控制员着。没有雷达他们不能帮助空中飞行的。他们只能等。

    The ground controllers at the base wait. There is no radar. They can't help the men in the air. They can only wait.


  • 基地地面控制员着。没有雷达他们不能帮助空中飞行的。他们只能等。

    The ground controllers at the base wait. There is no radar. They can't help the men in the air. They can only wait.


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