• 根巨大圆柱大理地面拔地而起。

    Seven massive columns rise up from a marble floor.


  • 后跟大理地面发出咔嗒咔嗒的响声。

    Her heels clacked on the marble floor.


  • 他们穿过一个大理地面大厅

    They had to cross the large marble-floored hall.


  • 变大女孩们举离地面很远四周愤怒爪子划出痕迹

    The god caused the rock to grow and to lift the girls far above the ground, while its sides were scored by the claws of the angry bears.


  • 21岁时体重达到了10,我终于能够从容自己了。

    I hit 10 stone at the age of 21 and finally felt at ease with myself.


  • 弹珠无穷尽地倾泻大理地面

    Marbles pouring endlessly onto a marble floor.


  • 去年12月,宝莉塔托尼·弗洛雷斯一家殡仪馆举办了婚礼雅致圆形大厅里铺大理地面枝形吊灯上泛着微光喷泉汩汩作响。

    Paulita and Tony Flores took their wedding vows in December in an elegant rotunda with marble floors amid glimmering chandeliers and a bubbling fountain.


  • 纽约大学解剖学苏珊-拉尔森,大约200万年前即使早期人类离开树木,下到地面肩膀的结构问题都还没有得到完全的解决。

    Anatomist Susan Larson of Stony Brook University in New York says even after early humans left the trees altogether — a little over 2 million years ago — the shoulder wasn't settled.


  • 只是麦收时节,门前了麦子奶奶总是要说:这块,多碍地面哟,几时把搬走吧

    Every time we harvested wheat and spread them in front of the door, my grandma would kvetch: “This ugly stone really takes place. Move it away someday.”


  • 有些攀岩一生致力于这种艺术一些最难线路紧贴地面的。

    There are climbers out there who have devoted their life to this art and some of the hardest moves are closest to the ground.


  • 他们到达了命伸出地面大帐。 命珍珠般的光芒缓缓律动着,一个月前还没有的暗色涡旋出现苍白的条纹上。

    They reached the pavillion where the lifestone jutted up from the earth, its pearlescent glow shifting in


  • 博物馆地面粗糙大理铺设当地考古遗址任何现存脚印原地动的保留下来,出于保护遗址的一致性对考古历史尊重

    The floor stone is in rough marble, and any existing foot print of local archeological remains will be kept at original location to preserve site harmony and archeological historical respect.


  • 白色墙面似乎漫反射自然光线反过来大理地面反射

    The white walls seem to diffuse natural light, the marble floor reflecting it in turn.


  • 走进酒店大堂泼墨般的大理地面国际元素中国传统元素结合装饰墙壁,无不引人遐思。

    Into the hotel lobby, splash-ink painting marble floor, by the international element and the wall of the decoration and combination of Chinese traditional elements, soliciting idea.


  • 走廊宽阔,灯光昏暗装饰得很奢华,地面上铺华丽地毯

    The hallway was large, dimly lit, and sumptuously decorated, with a magnificent carpet covering most of the stone floor.


  • 连续曲线屋顶混凝土建造同时地面木板绿色植物来界定

    The continuous curved roof plane is constructed from exposed concrete, while the ground plane is defined by wood planks and greenery.


  • 人造“水”悬浮空中多根极细的鱼悬挂),半透明树脂极薄片呈现水波上方的人工光照使地面呈现粼粼波光

    The artificial "stone", a thin layer of translucent resin shaped to a wavy form, will float (hung by transparent wires) in the air, with spotlight on top to strengthen the variation of the thickness.


  • 澳大利亚西北部露出地面的一块光秃秃玄武部分地球古老的暴露在酷阳之下

    On an arid outcropping of basalt in northwestern Australia, some of the oldest rocks on Earth lie exposed to the fierce sun.


  • 进口大理铺设地面一气呵成,配上木质桌椅高雅现代玻璃装饰使室内空间时尚之余不失沉稳大气

    Import marble laid the same ground, deserve to go up the wooden tables and chairs and glass decoration, elegant and modern to make indoor space of fashion and do not break composed atmosphere.


  • 地面直接做起山底边线垫脚使整个假山放在地上似的

    That exposed foot on the ground directly to the bottom line of the mountain to start stepping stone circle, the rockery is like putting on the ground like.


  • 在室内连续木质地面包围着形式多样地面

    Internally the timber floor continuous as a border around various patterned natural stone floors.


  • 指出餐厅大理地面赋予空间城镇广场的特质,巨大的中央壁炉相当于教堂。

    She also suggests that the marble flooring in the dining area allows the space to take on the role of a town square, while the oversized central hearth becomes like a chapel.


  • 工程采用C30混凝土上加撒式非金属地面硬化剂机械平压光。

    This project adopts C30 fine stone concrete with dry non-metal stiffening agent spreading over the ground and to plaster and even the floor mechanically.


  • 工程采用C30混凝土上加撒式非金属地面硬化剂机械平压光。

    This project adopts C30 fine stone concrete with dry non-metal stiffening agent spreading over the ground and to plaster and even the floor mechanically.


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