• 发自乘客手机上地震警报预示下一场地震正在临近

    It was the earthquake warning alarms of the passengers' cellphones indicating that another temblor was imminent.


  • 地震警报系统提供警告只有秒钟足以采取保护措施

    Earthquake alert systems furnish only a few seconds of warning, but that can be enough time for people to take protective measures.


  • TED提供地震警报时间地震确认的信息提前了一半

    About half the time, TED provides earthquake alerts before seismometers can confirm them.


  • 日本拥有世界上先进地震预警系统去年十月一个通过大众传媒包括电视Internet传递地震警报的系统投入使用。

    Japan has the most advanced earthquake early-warning system in the world; last October, it launched a system that delivers earthquake warnings via mass media, including television and the Internet.


  • 响声iPhone的一款应用程序发出的紧急地震警报用户知道地震何时来临震中哪个位置,以及地震强度有多大

    The sound is an emergency earthquake warning from an iPhone app that lets subscribers know when the quake will come, where the epicenterwill be located and how strong the shaking will be.


  • 美国研究人员最近发现了通过分析地震发生之几秒震波大小,便可以断定出地震最终强度方法,从而为未来总有能够早些提供地震警报迈出了一步

    Scientists have found a way to estimate an earthquake's ultimate strength by analyzing the initial seconds of a rupture -- a step that could one day provide early earthquake warning.


  • 猴们地震一来发出了警报呼叫

    The howler monkeys sounded an alarm call just after the earthquake.


  • 纵观海啸预警系统历史警报纯粹建立地震信息的基础之上,譬如震级位置深度估计

    Throughout most of the history of the tsunami warning system, the warnings were based purely on the earthquake information-our best guess for the magnitude, location and depth.


  • 周四日本再次遭遇了强烈的余震拉响海啸警报,这距离上次地震海啸扫平东北海岸将近一个的时间。

    Japan was rattled by a strong aftershock and tsunami warning Thursday night nearly a month after a devastating earthquake and tsunami flattened the northeastern coast.


  • 由于周三余震,比奥比奥与马地区海岸发出了当地海啸警报上周六地震及其引发的海啸当中受损严重的两个地区

    Wednesday's temblors triggered local tsunami alerts along the coasts of the Bio Bio and Maule regions, the two hardest hit by Saturday's quake and an ensuing tsunami.


  • 随着周日海啸发生,已经有人呼吁建立监控印度洋海底地震警示周边国家警报系统

    In the wake of Sunday's waves, there have been calls to set up a system that would monitor the Indian Ocean for undersea quakes and alert the countries around its rim.


  • 日本2007年起就网上地震预警系统,在地震袭击之前分钟内发出警报段时间人们逃生具有至关重要的意义。

    Japan has had an online earthquake warning system since 2007. It provides anything up to two minutes warning before an earthquake strikes and that time can be vital for getting people to safety.


  • 传感器10秒钟探测足够信号估算地震的强度发出警报

    It would have taken about ten seconds for sensors to detect enough signals to conclude the quake was serious and issue the alerts.


  • 本周一日本东北部再次发生了7.1地震造成3死亡同时触发海啸警报迫使工作人员岛第一核电站撤离。

    On Monday, a 7.1-magnitude quake hit north-east Japan, leaving three people dead. It also triggered a brief tsunami warning, and forced workers to evacuate the Fukushima Daiichi plant.


  • 海啸属于小概率偶发事件,”海啸警报中心地震学家PaulHuang,“大型事件又很难

    Tsunamis are rare events,” said Paul Huang, a seismologist with the tsunami warning center. “And calibrating the big events is hard.


  • 新宿车站最近一次地震演习已经拉响警报——多达20万名乘车上下班的人希望地震能够回家

    A recent earthquake drill in Shinjuku railway station, where up to 200, 000 commuters might head after an earthquake in the hope of getting home, sounded a warning.


  • 红斑们在地震之前15分钟发出预警呼叫地震来临时一次发出警报

    The red ruffed lemurs sounded an alarm call about 15 minutes before the quake and then again just after it occurred.


  • 此次地震发生印尼苏门答腊岛海岸125英里处,还引发了海啸警报

    An earthquake 125 miles off the coast of the Indonesian island Sumatra triggered tsunami warnings.


  • 虽然智利地震带来破坏非常小,但地震导致的海啸使在大洋彼岸的日本进行了应急撤离警报随后解除

    The resulting tsunami prompted evacuations as far away as Japan, although the waves inflicted little damage outside Chile and the warnings were later cancelled.


  • 地震发生时,日本警报的确响起了,毕竟日本世界具公民意识国家之一,然而,仍有成千上万的人遇难

    Sirens did ring in Japan—this is, after all, one of the most civic-minded countries on earthyet hundreds, if not thousands, died.


  • 很多地区包括澳大利亚新西兰随之取消警报但是专家警告说,未来几天内的后续地震可能更大

    Warnings were later lifted for many locations including Australia and New Zealand but experts warned that successive waves could grow larger through the day.


  • 这次8.9地震星期五发生在日本东海岸125公里外,引发了环太平洋地区海啸警报,涉及范围南美地区整个美国西海岸

    The 8.9 magnitude quake struck Friday off Japan's eastern coast, and prompted tsunami warnings across the Pacific as far away as South America and the U.S. West coast.


  • 今年夏天之前,系统全世界警报系统相连接,并将会在检测地震7分钟确定海啸发生概率。

    By the summer the system should be hooked up to alarms around the world, and will be able to determine tsunami risk within seven minutes of a shock being detected.


  • 充其量系统地震影响地区提供高达分钟警报当然离震中效果

    At best, this system provides up to about 10 seconds of warning in affected regions, and of course works best farther from the epicenter.


  • 地震发生印尼当地时间下午2点55分。印尼地震局(BureauofMeteorology)随后很快通过当地电视台发布海啸警报不过40分钟又解除了警报

    Indonesia's Bureau of Meteorology broadcast a tsunami warning on local television stations shortly after the quake struck at 2:55 p.m. local time, but lifted it 40 minutes later.


  • 地震(称为地震震颤警报)结果一个突然释放能量地壳创造了震波

    An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the earth's crust that creates seismic waves.


  • 防空警报声响起,汽车火车舰船笛声哀鸣人们肃立着上周地震中的遇难者默哀3分钟

    Air raid sirens, and car, train and ship horns wailed and people stood for three minutes in silence yesterday to mourn the tens of thousands who died in last week's earthquake.


  • 警报响起时,手机屏幕上会弹出一个窗口,上面文字显示大约在10秒后发生一定级别强度地震

    When the alarm is triggered, a window comes up on the phone screen saying that in approximately 10 seconds, there will be a quake of a certain strength.


  • 警报响起时,手机屏幕上会弹出一个窗口,上面文字显示大约在10秒后发生一定级别强度地震

    When the alarm is triggered, a window comes up on the phone screen saying that in approximately 10 seconds, there will be a quake of a certain strength.


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