• 目的应用地理信息系统遥感技术(GIS ,RS)快速确定鄱阳湖区钉螺孳生地带及血吸虫病高危区域

    Objective To identify Oncomelania hupensis snail habitats and areas with high transmission potential by GIS/RS.


  • 应用遥感地理信息系统技术向海自然保护区不同年代景观格局特征,及其重要湿地景观梯度分布特征进行深入的分析

    With the application of RS and GIS techniques, the variation of landscapes pattern and the gradient distribution of wetland in Xianghai Nature Reserve in different ages were analyzed.


  • 运用遥感地理信息系统等技术,按照景观生态学原理海南生态环境现状进行评价对近十年来的变化进行了对比分析。

    Evaluation and comparison of the eco environmental quality of Hainan Island was carried out with the aid of remote sensing and GIS and in line with the principle of landscape ecology.


  • 这种背景下将最新地理信息系统技术遥感技术应用生态环境研究就显得非常迫切。

    So, it is an urgency that the application of GIS and RS is used to the study of ecological enviroment.


  • 对这场历史性洪灾不断监测评估中,遥感技术地理信息系统发挥重大作用

    In the continuous monitoring and assessment of the historical flood disasters the remote sensing techniques and Geographic Information System have played an important role.


  • 遥感地理信息系统技术海岸动力研究领域工程规划设计方面应用前景十分广阔

    The technology of remote sensing and geographical information system has a vast vistas in the fields of the investigation of coastal dynamics and the engineering planning and design.


  • 介绍了利用遥感地理信息系统栅格技术进行三峡库区水土流失动态监测过程方法

    The process and method on dynamic monitoring of water and soil loss for the Threee Gorges reservoir area using RS and GIS are introduced.


  • 兖州煤矿区的一部分利用遥感地理信息系统技术研究其中的土地利用农业灌溉系统的变化。

    With Yanzhong coal mine area as an example, this paper studies the situations of land-using types and agriculture irrigation system in the coal mine area with the RS and GIS technology.


  • 通过使用遥感地理信息系统宏观研究手段审视干旱区土壤盐渍化改良措施得到一些认识

    By using remote sensing and GIS together with macroscopic research method, we have gained new knowledge on soil salination of the arid region and strategies for soil improvements.


  • 数字地球地球系统科学计算机科学、地理信息系统遥感全球定位系统科学技术交叉前沿学科

    The Digital Earth(DE) is a leading edge discipline crossing with the earth system science, computer science, GIS, remote sensing and GPS, etc.


  • 针对以往空间环境分析模型不足,遥感地理信息系统支持下,创建基于人工神经网络遗传算法的城市热环境非线性定量分析模型。

    With the support of GIS and RS, efforts were made to develop a quantitative analysis model of urban spatial thermal environment based on genetic algorithms back propagation and genetic algorithms.


  • 地理信息系统(GIS),全球定位系统(GPS)遥感(RS)技术出现研究野生动物全球变化宏观行为响应提供了条件。

    Geographic Information System (GIS), globe Position System (GPS) and Remote Sensing (RS) provide new means for studying macro-behavioral responses of wildlife to globe changes.


  • 本文介绍遥感地理信息系统、全球定位系统建设农业灾害监测信息系统中的特点优势出发,阐述3s技术在农业灾害监测信息系统中的作用

    This paper introduces the strong points and features of the "3s" technology in the agriculture disaster monitor information system, and expatiates their functions used in the system.


  • 方法运用遥感数据地理信息系统软件平台集成了水库营养盐负荷浓度响应关系模型农业点源污染模拟模型线性规划模型。

    The method integrates GIS, RS with pollutant loading receptor response model for reservoir water, agricultural non point source pollution simulation model and linear programming model.


  • 文章阐述了分布式物理水文模型地理信息系统GIS遥感RS技术流域模拟中的应用等方面进展。

    The remarkable trends of watershed hydrological models are the research of physically distributed based models and the use of Geography Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) technology.


  • 遥感地理信息系统支持下,洞庭湖19892001年两个时段TM (etm)卫星影像进行了遥感解译。

    With the support of RS and GIS, the TM (ETM) images of East Dongting Lake in 1989 and 2001 have been interpreted.


  • 遥感地理信息系统技术全球定位技术地球科学提供全新研究手段

    A new research method was provided by Remote sensing, Geographic Information System technology and Global Positioning System technology.


  • 地图作为地图数据库地理信息系统遥感基础最重要数据源其精度问题成为学科共同关注的问题。

    Maps as being the most fundamental and essential data sources of database as well as GIS and RS, data precision of map digitization has become a matter of common interest to all related disciplines.


  • 同时由于干旱区面积广大,又存在大片沙漠高山人迹罕至的地方,因此采用遥感地理信息系统技术提取相关信息的应用潜力更大

    It is potential to take RS and GIS technology to acquire arid areas information, because arid areas is so vast and it has so many deserts and high-mountain which people rarely come.


  • 一个系统遥感地理信息系统相结合提供了更高效率客观性较低成本传统监测土地利用动态变化方法

    A system combining remote sensing and GIS provides much higher efficiency and objectivity at lower cost than traditional methods for monitoring dynamic land use changes.


  • 研究范围水生陆生生态学远程遥感地理信息系统

    KBS research ranges from aquatic and terrestrial ecology, to remote sensing and GIS.


  • 基于遥感数据重建技术是当前数字摄影测量、遥感地理信息系统领域的重要研究方向。

    The research on 3d reconstruction based on remote sensing data has become one of the focuses in the field of Digital Photogrammetry, remote sensing and Geographic Information System.


  • 地理信息系统软件支持下,遥感水土保持动态监测模拟、水土保持地理信息系统建立土壤侵蚀模型探索等方面发挥重要作用

    With the support of GIS software, remote sensing plays an important part in the simulation of soil and water conservation dynamic monitoring, in the building of soil and water co…


  • TM 影象为信息源,数字方式运用遥感技术地理信息系统技术结合建立了甘肃省沙地TM图象数据库、图形数据库属性数据库。

    Using digital processing method of remote sensing and GIS, TM images in 1996 are interpreted and the database of the sandy land in Gansu province is established.


  • TM 影象为信息源,数字方式运用遥感技术地理信息系统技术结合建立了甘肃省沙地TM图象数据库、图形数据库属性数据库。

    Using digital processing method of remote sensing and GIS, TM images in 1996 are interpreted and the database of the sandy land in Gansu province is established.


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