• 测量结果惊人准确他测出万有引力恒量参数此基础上卡文迪许计算地球密度质量

    The result was a remarkably accurate estimate of a parameter called the gravitational constant, and from that Cavendish was able to calculate the density and mass of the earth.


  • 长期以来,这种密度上的相似性促使人们猜测月球是从快速旋转地球分裂出来的,这种想法创始次观测

    This similarity in density has long prompted speculation that the Moon split away from a rapidly rotating Earth, but this idea founders on two observations.


  • 我们太阳附近星际物质平均密度最好地球实验室真空还要低100010000

    The average density of interstellar material in the vicinity of our Sun is 1,000 to 10,000 times less than the best terrestrial laboratory vacuum.


  • 月球平均密度地球得多,地球的地幔密度大致相同

    The Moon's mean density is much lower than that of Earth but is about the same as that of Earth's mantle.


  • 自此以后,这些元素密度变得更为稀薄,现在星系外侧已经过于贫瘠,很难形成地球这样的行星。

    Since then the elements have become more widely distributed, and now only the galaxy’s outer rim is too undernourished to form Earths easily.


  • 水星与地球卫星月球看上去有些相似,只是它大,密度更高表面引力几乎是月球的两倍

    Larger, denser, and with almost twice the surface gravity of Earth's moon, Mercury still looks moon-like at first glance.


  • 临界密度非常相当于立方米6个氢原子,从地球标准来看这简直是真空

    The value of the critical density is very small: it corresponds to roughly 6 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter, an astonishingly good vacuum by terrestrial standards!


  • 证据一部分来源于灶神星的密度,另一部分来源于数以百计陨石形状存在的大块岩石地球科学家们对这些岩石进行过研究。

    Part of that evidence comes from its density and part from hundreds of chunks of rock, in the form of meteorites, that have been examined by Earth-bound scientists.


  • 这些地图显示红树林位置相对分布密度它们大约占据地球表面的137,760平方千米(53,190平方英里)。

    These maps show the location and relative density of mangroves, which cover roughly 137,760 square kilometers (53,190 square miles) of Earth’s surface.


  • 糟的金星大气层裹密度地球大气高93并且主要二氧化碳二氧化硫组成。

    Making problems much worse for Venus, its atmosphere is a thermal quilt, 93 times denser than Earth's and made up mostly of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.


  • 根据此前报道,假想中的世界卫生组织研究预测地球最后一个金发女郎出现芬兰那是当今世上天然金发女郎密度最高的地方。

    According to the published reports, the supposed WHO study had predicted that the last blond on earth would be in Finland, which today has the world's highest concentration of true blondes.


  • 例如水星密度地球金星火星大吗?

    Why, for example, is Mercury so much denser than Earth, Venus and Mars?


  • 这些地图显示红树林位置相对分布密度它们大约占据地球表面的137,760平方千米(53,190平方英里)。

    These maps show the location and relative density of mangroves, which cover roughly 137,760 square kilometers (53,190 square miles) of Earth's surface.


  • 如果听起来让觉得熟悉可能是因为很多通讯卫星都是以这种而脆的大密度金属元素命名的,也可能是因为恐龙在白垩纪末从地球灭绝,铱有关的缘故。

    Iridium (Ir): If iridium sounds familiar, that might be because there’s a group of communications satellites named after this element, a hard, brittle and dense metal.


  • Ni:指i区的平均人口密度为了简化分析地球表面按照网格分成多个i区,每个区的分布假定统一的。

    Ni : Average population density in area i. To simplify the analysis, Earth’s surface is divided into a grid of squares i, and the distribution is assumed to be uniform in each.


  • 地球更多质量密度使部分由于引力压缩

    The earth has more mass and so part of this density is attributable to gravitational compression.


  • 太阳中心密度相当于地球水体密度的一百五十

    The core of the Sun has a density almost 150 times the density of water on Earth.


  • 大气密度温度变化加上尘埃负荷但是意识地球自转和轨道处于不断的修正中。

    Change in atmospheric density and temperature plus dust loading. But be aware that the planet's spin and orbit are being modified.


  • 随着能量2012年相继完成转换,地球时间在2013年发起进入第四密度航行

    With the energy sequencing complete in 2012, Timeship Earth will launch her voyage into fourth dimensional time in 2013.


  • 为了知道自己多大控制力,那么你必须把自己当作第三密度大师看待作为第三密度中造物主创造者因为就是你们地球参与了进来并去创造天堂

    To know how much control you have you must see yourselves as masters of the third dimension, as creator's creators in the third dimension for that is what you are in creating heaven on earth.


  • 水星第二地球密度最大行星

    Mercury is the second most dense planet after earth.


  • 所有黑暗地球进入到第四密度时候消失,时间在你们历法2012年,但是并不是地球母亲所有黄金时代荣耀那个门槛马上到来。

    All darkness will be gone when Earth enters fourth density around the end of your calendar year 2012, but not all the glories of her Golden Age will be on that threshold.


  • 地球许多不想了解来自更高密度其他星球生物

    There are many on Earth who do not want to know about beings from higher densities and other planets.


  • 既然我们密度你们如此接近象你们一样作为地球人类承受了如此之多你们走过的路,因此我们所处之处正好协助你们。

    Since we are closest to you in terms of densities, and we are also Earth humans that have endured much of the same steps as you, we are in the best position to assist.


  • 核战争地球中枢太阳中的其它密度盛行时,时间被分离并导致过去现在未来区分

    As nuclear warfare became prevalent upon Earth and upon other dimensions within the Great Central Sun, time became separated causing the separation of past, present and future.


  • 然而第三密度课程无法延迟因为地球正在完成第三密度觉知大部分意识到的要得多。

    However, there is no later for the lessons of the third dimension to be delayed into, as earth is completing with third dimensional awareness, and far more rapidly than most realize.


  • 然而第三密度课程无法延迟因为地球正在完成第三密度觉知大部分意识到的要得多。

    However, there is no later for the lessons of the third dimension to be delayed into, as earth is completing with third dimensional awareness, and far more rapidly than most realize.


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