• NASA信使进入水星轨道时,距离太阳2800万英里(4600万公里)同时距离地球9600英里(15,500万公里)。

    MESSENGER was 28 million miles (46 million kilometers) from the sun and 96 million miles (155 million kilometers) from Earth when it headed into Mercury's orbit, NASA said.


  • 太空探测器信使个月到达离太阳最近的地方并回望地球时,找到了答案

    The robotic spacecraft MESSENGER found out as it looked toward the Earth during its closest approach to the Sun about three months ago.


  • 信使年前发射穿过太阳内部飞越地球金星水星

    Messenger was launched more than six years ago, travelling through the inner solar system and embarking on flybys of Earth, Venus and Mercury.


  • 2007年9月发射曙光一直成为第一进入地球之外两个太阳系统目的地的轨道的路上。

    Dawn, which launched in September 2007, is on track to become the first spacecraft to orbit two solar system destinations beyond Earth.


  • 照片1972年12月,其时阿波罗17机组脱离地球轨道,飞月球背对太阳宇航员捕捉到一个完美蓝色星球

    The picture was taken on December 7, 1972, as the Apollo 17 crew left Earth's orbit for the moon. With the sun at their backs, the crew had a perfectly lit view of the blue planet.


  • 一张太阳全家福一部分照片旅行者1990年拍摄图片的拍摄位置距离地球40亿英里。

    Part of the first ever "family portrait" of the solar system taken by Voyager 1 in 1990, this image of Earth was captured from a distance of more than 4 billion miles.


  • 这次月球通过太阳地球之间引起的日食一月上午大约八点到九点半的时候,英国可以观测到。

    The eclipse, caused by the Moon passing between the Earth and the Sun, will be visible in the UK between around 8am and 9.30am on January 4.


  • 四月发生的太阳风暴截断了Galaxy15地球通讯能力不过上的装置依然能完整地工作,它就这样在离地26000英里(42000千米)的高空不受控制地飞行着。

    The April solar storm killed Galaxy 15's ability to communicate with Earth but left its payload fully operational, drifting uncontrolled 26, 000 miles (42, 000 kilometers) above Earth.


  • 发射于1977年的航海家如今距离地球已有170亿公里现在应该已经接近太阳顶层,在那里太阳发射出的等离子太阳风已经不能抑制来自星际空间的宇宙射线。

    It's now 17 billion kilometers from Earth. And it should be close to the heliopause, where the plasma flowing outward from the sun no longer holds back the interstellar winds.


  • 墨子质量600千克以上,进入地面高度500公里太阳同步轨道90分钟环绕地球圈。

    The 600-plus-kilogram satellite will circle the Earth once every 90 minutes after it enters a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 500 kilometers.


  • 我们环绕太阳旅行韵律中,大自然所赋予一个特殊时刻,让地球宇宙飞船上的所有乘客都停下来感觉一下他们生活中的微妙平衡

    That's a natural moment, in the rhythm of our journey round the Sun, for all passengers on Spaceship Earth to stop and notice how finely balanced their lives are.


  • 接下来数日内,我们机遇的联络会变得更加困难因为地球火星运行接近太阳的位置。

    During coming days, communication with the rover will be more difficult as Mars moves close to alignment with the Sun as seen from planet Earth's perspective.


  • 起源带回样品仅仅包含太阳质子原子不会地球带来任何危害

    The Genesis sample, consisting of protons and atoms from the Sun, does not pose any risk to the Earth.


  • 其它无人驾驶的星际探险主要有水手太空船经过靠近太阳行星水星揭示出水星月球地球相同点

    In other interplanetary explorations without astronauts, Mariner 10 spacecraft three times passed by Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, revealing its similarity to both the earth and the moon.


  • 2010年101日,中国发射颗人造太阳系小行星——嫦娥2现在,嫦娥2已经距离地球7千万公里远

    Launched on October 1, 2010, China's first man-made asteroid Chang 'e-2 is now about 70 million km from Earth.


  • 2010年101日,中国发射颗人造太阳系小行星——嫦娥2现在,嫦娥2已经距离地球7千万公里远

    Launched on October 1, 2010, China's first man-made asteroid Chang 'e-2 is now about 70 million km from Earth.


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