• 开始每位玩家轮流手中一个神器生物结界放置进场,知道有人愿意在继续。

    Starting with you, players take turns putting an artifact, creature, enchantment, or land card from their hands into play until no one wants to put another card into play.


  • 时候可以排序、偷然后结合洗还原,发手法得到自己

    Pick up card: in the pick up card when they can sort, write down card, card, and then shuffle, reduction, reclaiming brand licensing methods such as get your way.


  • 玩家要利用目的交通工具计划畅游美国的路线,除了少许运气,就要靠的组织能力战胜对手,比对手更快完成旅程在游戏中胜出。

    Plan your trip from start to finish using destination and transportation tiles. With a little luck and clever planning, you just might outwit your fellow travelers.


  • 哈维扔下了,厌烦嘟哝着。

    Harvey grunted disgustedly as he tossed in his cards.


  • 抗议者等候在外面举着标语不停着口号。

    A group of protesters, chanting and carrying placards, waited outside.


  • 伯顿的。”赞许说。

    "I perceive this to be Old Burton," he remarked approvingly.


  • 好奇看了看那些标价一时间内,她变得想试遍所有的衣物。

    She examined the price tags in wonder. In no time, she wanted to try everything on.


  • 然后莫名奇妙布什去过一座黑人教堂看到公告上写关于未成年怀孕的通告。

    Then, strangely, Bush said he’d been to a black church and read in the bulletin about teen pregnancies.


  • 尽管可以简单卡片放到公告上,使用软件可能更加合适特别是团队成员分散不同理位置时更是这样

    Although you can simply put CARDS on a bulletin board, using software might be more desirable, especially if the team members are distributed across multiple locations.


  • 短发的拉阿巴斯先生每一个经过熟人打着招呼,抽着骆驼香烟、不时街上磕去烟灰沙哑咳嗽

    Unshaven with long sideburns and close-cropped hair, Mr. Abas greeted acquaintances as they passed by, smoked Camels, flicked the butts into the street and coughed raucously.


  • 不是真正在与只是发出中的,从而允许您开始各种

    The dealer didn't actually play against you; it just dealt CARDS from the shoe, to let you practice various hands.


  • 但是不知道怎么回事,基努拼命制服这个疯子时候,洛杉矶交通部门广告工作人员竟然这个斑马线的广告上去

    Somehow, the ad folks working for the Los Angeles Department of Transportation were still able to tack on this zebra ad while Keanu tried to desperately disarm the weapon.


  • 可以可以采取这样态度,尽可能你手中分到

    No. But you can adopt the attitude that you will play the CARDS you are dealt the very best you can.


  • 现在,排队系统帮助,车站停放出租车得以整齐排队等候,没有信息告诉干什么到哪里去。

    The lines of taxis waiting there are in good order these days and the queuing system quite efficient.However there seems to be no information post to give you any idea of what to do or where to go.


  • 唐桑日本- - - - - - - -镜头拉近,我们眼前出现幅当画面:孩子们成圈坐着紧挨着彼此专注打出手里

    KARAKUWA, Japan - Zoom in for a snapshot of apparent normalcy: children sitting in a circle, clasping playing CARDS tightly in their hands.


  • 如果 切塔祭探险 (放7/1的落结界)的话,当然很不错的。

    This card may be good if people use Zektar Shrine Expedition, the two-mana enchantment that makes a 7/1 Ball Lightning.


  • 但是历史具体巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)似乎已经关停了这个掠过哈瓦那美国办事处25扇窗户告示

    But history, or more specifically Barack Obama, appears to have pulled the plug on the billboard which flitted across 25 Windows of the US interests section in Havana.


  • 中等大小对环境产生的影响丰田巡洋舰每年行驶6000英里产生的影响相同只猫产生的影响相当于一辆大众-高尔夫汽车。

    A medium-sized dog has the same impact as a Toyota Land Cruiser driven 6, 000 miles a year, while a cat is equivalent to a Volkswagen Golf.


  • 旅游者旅途中开启iPhone,可以通过“公告浏览额外的目的信息

    A "billboard" view with additional destination information when travelers flip their iPhone during trips.


  • 帕斯威风坐在封神吉普车里,承包人,也是前任pradhan以及民意选举中的胜出者,他申请竞选途中载了记者一程。

    Resplendent in an ancient Maruti jeep, Doodhnath Pasi, a local contractor, former pradhan and favourite in the poll, passed your correspondent on his way to register his candidacy.


  • 闷热夏日午后我们坐在那单调乏味办公室倾谈。戴着耳环,身穿牛仔裤,脚踏一双Keds黑色高帮系带胶底球鞋,还一根接一根抽着骆驼(Camels)无过滤嘴香烟。

    As we sit and talk in his drab office on a sweltering summer afternoon, he's chain-smoking unfiltered Camels and wearing jeans, a gold stud earring, and black high-top Keds sneakers with no LACES.


  • 这位八十多岁的保加利亚父亲不无骄傲说起女儿同时也是在说他辆1972年生产的莫斯科人408型汽车

    This proud father, a Bulgarian in his 80s, isn't talking about his daughter, but something equally as dear: his squat 1972 Moskvitch-408 car, with a sky-blue shell and a ruby-red vinyl interior.


  • 警方竖起标示告诫人们不要靠近

    The police have put up signs to warn people off this area.


  • 修正了动态广告取消订阅业主合并造成一些遥远广告错误关掉

    Fixed dynamic Terrain billboards not unsubscribing from zone owner when pooled, causing some distant billboards to turn off incorrectly.


  • 高兴发现这个广告没有了。

    She was glad to discover that the sign was gone.


  • 克里斯拿起塑料的分棒,随机指向大致实在中间的位置上。

    Chris grabs the plastic marker and randomly jabs it in the stack, somewhere near the middle.


  • 那条红色方格布披平整床上枕边整齐摆放着棕色法兰绒衬衫笔挺的“李·维斯”牛仔裤。

    The red plaid shawl had been shaken and spread carefully over the bed, and a new brown flannel shirt and pair of stiff new Levis were arranged neatly beside the pillow.


  • 那条红色方格布披平整床上枕边整齐摆放着棕色法兰绒衬衫笔挺的“李·维斯”牛仔裤。

    The red plaid shawl had been shaken and spread carefully over the bed, and a new brown flannel shirt and pair of stiff new Levis were arranged neatly beside the pillow.


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