• 现代信息社会到来或少潜移默化改变一进程

    But the arrival of the modern information society, then at or many or change and influence imperceptibly lithely of change this progress.


  • 自己融入生活好像潜移默化养成他相同的好恶。

    She allowed her life to be absorbed by his, taking on as if by osmosis his likes and dislikes.


  • 这些好处包括现成顾客专门供应商大量技工一家公司几乎可以潜移默化邻近的公司那里学到经营之道。

    These benefits include the ready availability of customers, specialised suppliers, a pool of skilled Labour, or the tricks of the trade that a firm can learn almost by osmosis from its neighbours.


  • 父母潜移默化使产生自己负面情绪想法病人无法解脱

    My patient could not escape all the negative feelings and thoughts about himself that he had internalized from his parents.


  • 不禁认为也许只是猜测,在这些巡回演出过程中尤其是早期几次,南内尔潜移默化弟弟施加了巨大影响

    "This might be conjecture, but I have to think that Nannerl had an enormous influence on Wolfgang during the Tours, especially the early Tours," says Zahler.


  • 即使是我们决心保持节食状态之时,我们依然潜移默化受到来自其他所有人选择习惯影响。

    Even when we are determined to maintain our diet, we are still subtly undermined by the choices and habits of everyone else.


  • 尽管我们可以自夸自己鉴赏力如何敏锐,但我们已经无法独立自主选购自己所需东西了。这是因为广告我们身上施加一种潜移默化的影响

    Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us.


  • 理查德森还能够潜移默化影响比赛,而且不是得分方式

    And, says Richardson, Kidd can impact the game in ways that don't show up in the box score.


  • 预测十次都会失败因为观点形成的判断潜移默化影响了你的描述

    I predict that nine times out of ten you will fail, because your judgment of his views creeps into your description of them.


  • 但是儒家思想佛教影响数千年来中国文化,而且它们潜移默化影响几乎每个中国人行为思想

    However, Confucianism and Buddhism have influenced Chinese culture for thousands of years and they affect almost every Chinese's thoughts and behaviors in a subtle but significant way.


  • 凭着日规阴影也能知道时间偷偷走向亘古。

    With bottom dives moves on the sundial shadow, you can know the time in secretly to everlasting.


  • 不同文化潜移默化影响人们思维方式情感语言行为从而产生跨文化交际隔阂翻译的障碍。

    And different cultures have an imperceptible impact on people's thinking mode, feeling, language and behavior. Thus the barriers of intercultural communication and translation emerge.


  • 朋友影响力非常可以潜移默化影响一个一生

    Friends are very big, can the influence of imperceptible impact on a person's life.


  • 很明显潜移默化增强他们的社交能力

    Obviously, the ability of socialize will be promoted by osmosis.


  • 事物(消极)影响潜移默化的,它使得自然人力资源无法最大化优化利用

    Sth has chronic effects, disabling the optimization of resource use, human capital and natural resources.


  • 这样学习不会枯燥因为潜移默化集成工作日

    This way, learning will not be boring because it will be imperceptibly integrated in your working day.


  • 起,生活潜移默化发生着改变呢。

    Which from the time of my life occurred imperceptibly change it.


  • 确保下属同样具备判断紧急事件意识工作潜移默化灌输给他们。

    Make sure your subordinates understand your sense of urgency and work toward instilling this in all of your subordinates.


  • 第三网络世界参与者生活现实世界,现实世界道德规范在潜移默化约束他们行为

    Third, the participant of the network lives on the real world and their behaviour is restrained imperceptibly by the ethic code of the real world.


  • 传统美学我国现代艺术重大的影响它们潜移默化影响着我们现代的设计思想

    Traditional aesthetics has a great effect on the modern art in our country. It has been unconsciously influencing or thoughts on modern design.


  • 对这个问题想到第一点就是建筑真的无处不在。建筑用无数的方式在潜移默化影响我们生活几个停下来仔细思考建筑我们的印象。

    The point I will start with is that architecture is literally everywhere and is constantly affecting every bit of our lives, yet not many people consciously try to think about its effects on us.


  • 纪律帮到始终有限。你只有好习惯的气力潜移默化融入意识,才会有所进步。

    Discipline will only get you so far. In order to make progress you need to tap into the power of your subconscious mind, the source of your habits.


  • 父母对榜样真心实意的敬重潜移默化影响孩子,孩子们就会慢慢接受并真正以榜样行动指南

    Parental role model is a sincere respect for them, and imperceptibly affect children, the children will gradually accept and truly an example for the guide to action.


  • 随着世界各国交往广泛深入其文化因素也潜移默化相互渗透着。

    With the broadening and deepening of international exchanges, different, cultures are exerting subtle influences on one another.


  • 但是毫无疑问,广告不但影响我们消费观,潜移默化影响着我们的思想、文化观念审美等方面。

    But there is no doubt that advertising not only affects our view of consumption, but also influence our thinking, culture, ideas, aesthetics and so on.


  • 通过允许错误情绪到达大脑我们撒旦思想潜移默化,不知不觉他所想,认识这点令人毛骨悚然!

    It is frightening to realize that we can be unconsciously influenced to think Satan's thoughts by allowing wrong sentiments to reach the brain.


  • 认识举止潜移默化影响着宝宝,我是榜样努力结果的。

    I could realize My behavior is influences him gradually, I am his model. Make great effort and you will have a good effect.


  • 商标不仅传达其所代表商品或服务自身的基本信息同时潜移默化体现了其所在社会的文化特征

    A brand name not only conveys basic information of product but also unconsciously reflects the cultural characteristics in which the product is made.


  • 个充满了鼓动你消费世界中,一个屋顶,每一块广告牌,每一台电视都被用来宣传。简约主义却在潜移默化改变我们意图

    In a world that shouts consumerism and consumption from every rooftop, billboard, and television, minimalism quietly invites us to intentionality.


  • 个充满了鼓动你消费世界中,一个屋顶,每一块广告牌,每一台电视都被用来宣传。简约主义却在潜移默化改变我们意图

    In a world that shouts consumerism and consumption from every rooftop, billboard, and television, minimalism quietly invites us to intentionality.


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